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While I really don't care about Rust it's weird to see corporations have so much power over Linux.


Linus has been compromised for awhile. He lives in the USA.


>Reactos is the future because none of the chief engineers are american
>neither are most contributors


Any Nordic European who willingly moves to the USA has some sort of major corporate/intelligence backing.


Why would Rust attract new developers? C is much easier than Rust.


Rust has a very politically-inclined community full of wokies who are susceptible to trendy politics and zeitgeist, which as we have seen, corps exploit regularly.

Its development and future is also heavily influenced by Mozilla, and the compiler is free of FSF ideology, unlike GCC.

I actually really like Rust, from a technical standpoint, but there is no doubt that it is far more prone to corporate and political influence compared to C.


Also, Rust already has an OS project called RedoxOS, so maybe Rustfags need to leave Linux alone and go contribute there. It is MIT licensed though, so it's basically just ripe for any corporation to swoop in and lock up behind a closed license if it ever develops significantly beyond the hobbyist stage. I don't think it will ever attract a large number of contributors due to the license.


I couldn't give a fuck about le SJWs. Linux is already full of contributions from GPL-hostile companies and that didn't change anything.
You can compile Linux with clang, but you can't compile rust with GCC and the based motherfuckers at FSF already recognized this trick and are working on their own GPL compiler. Let's hope they succeed.

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