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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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ok / bad / bad
bad / literally the worst fucking thing
good / meme / good

future's looking shite in '29 boys.


AI is the fucking worst. 1000% cargo cult bullshit.


Has AI really improved over the years (say last 10 years) or is it just hype?


Arseficial intelligence
augmented ass
internet of thongs
virtual rear-end
3D pissing


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Hell yeah


Well yeah there's thousands of researchers working on it, all of which have lots of funding because we live in le society.
What are you talking about exactly?




>Well yeah there's thousands of researchers working on it, all of which have lots of funding because we live in le society.
There are thousands of researchers and a lot of money going to idpol causes, but it gets pissed against the wall. What actual changes have there been in AI in the last ten years?


What the fuck are you talking about? This is a mathematical and computational discipline. I'm not talking about idpol. Even if idpol gets a majority of funding that's a huge amount still going to actual r+d.
What do you think AI is? It's a very broad term and the algorithm accuracy and effiency has improved drastically over the past 10 years. I assume you're probably talking about general AI?


why are normies like this?


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Internet of Shit


Only change is just more data fed and faster machines used, there's really been no qualitative shift. There's really no "AI" strictly speaking, it's just dumb mathematical programs that are now fed tons of data, so you now have some illusion of complexity through sheer volume of models and relations between them rather than through a leap in logic. Everything else is pure hype to attract consumers and investors.

That doesn't mean AI isn't dangerous if we relegate our decisions to its mathematical models built on past data, meaning it just reproduces status quo with a force of an autistic retard. A program simply executes its code, it knows no exceptions or interruptions, has no awareness of anything, it is as dumb as any other machine. This total stupidity is exactly what makes it dangerous, imagine a malfunctioning self-driving truck crushing everything in its path and apply that to algorithms that govern whole societies and economies. You can't negotiate or reason with it, threaten it, etc. It's not a politician or a union or a protestor or a terrorist. OTOH that's the beauty of it, it literally can't surrender like a human can.


It matches the political compass


Even le elon musk says that AI is harder than he thought. He keeps pushing back the timeline of self driving cars because there have been no breakthroughs in AI.


imagine people dying of heatstroke because the power company raised the temperature in their sleep. the thought makes me shudder.


>imagine giving anybody remote control access to the temperature settings in your home
If you can't install your own firmware on your "smart" thermostat, so you have total control over your heater, you have to rip it out and replace it with a mechanical valve. The fact that this was even physically possible proves criminal intent.


We need GPLv3 thermostats!

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