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File: 1623606020119.gif ( 2.59 MB , 200x314 , 1620967680679.gif )


Can't copy paste anything out of tmux. Any tips? For some reason copying works in alacritty but doesn't work in st and konsole, xterm.


st can copy paste by default.


What is that supposed to mean? I just said that in tmux I'm trying to copy text and it doesn't copy. It only copies in Alacritty but not in any other term I tried including st.


Try highlighting the text then middle clicking where you want to paste it?


In tmux, they way it seems to work is that the highlighted text gets copied and then the highlight disappears. At least that's how it works in Alacritty. Another thing that works there is going into the Tmux Copy mode, selecting text and pressing enter and then it is copied. And yet this doesn't work on any other term I tried. It doesn't make any sense, I can't even google it because there's no relevant results for any of the searches I tried.

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