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Are commercially available fingerprint sensors a fake?

I mean how can they read the intricacies and curvatures of a phone while being so flat and tiny? I litearlly don't understand or think they're real

And wasn't a old wives tale that all fingerprints are unique?


Probably. They get so much shit on them sitting in peoples pockets and each time you use it. Why doesn't the skin from the previous time you used it not affect it? I think they do something, bu they're not "secure" by any reasonable definition.


>Are commercially available fingerprint sensors a fake?
Lets say it's a very low security hurdle.

The biggest flaw is that you can't change your finger-print, so if somebody has managed to lift your finger print from a surface you touched, the security is broken and you can't reset it. There are already black markets for finger print databases. Some smartphones scan your face instead of your finger, you can't change your face either.

You can get a special usb-stick that plugs into the charging port of your smartphone to unlock it. That's very safe if you can hold on to the usb-stick.


>a special usb-stick
Wouldn't any stick with USB-C or micro USB work?


>Wouldn't any stick with USB-C or micro USB work?
You need the special stick so it will not release the phone unlock codes unless it's actually plugged into the phone. That prevents duplication.

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