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Keywords being "easy to digest". I heard there was a netflix (I know) documentary on datamining and surveilance but I haven't see it yet, anything else?


It's called The Social Dilemma.
It's as dumbed down and dramatized as you can possibly get. If that doesn't make them think about privacy and what the tech companies are really up to, nothing will.


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>Author and digital media researcher Wendy Hui Kyong Chun argued that the film gives an inaccurate portrayal of how social media algorithms work and exaggerates how much control they have over their users.
<"The idea that somehow they control you is overblown," she said. "At the same time, you can say that a lot of what they know about you is accurate. But then the question you have to ask yourself is: So what?"

>Facebook released a statement on its about page that the film “gives a distorted view of how social media platforms work to create a convenient scapegoat for what are difficult and complex societal problems".


>Mozilla employees Ashley Boyd and Audrey Hingle note the film's lack of "insights from women and people of color who have been important voices on these topics."

Thank you Mozilla, very cool.

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