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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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Computers are machines that can perform a range of different tasks based of user input. Normally to achieve their main function they are composed of switches whom when turned on will perform a function and not when turned off that are connected through a series of wires connecting to each switch that transport electricity based off what the person wants the machine to turn on and off. We represent on and off states of computers using 1s and 0s.
An algorithm is a series of instructions given to a computer that gets it to turn different sectors of itself on and off in a specific sequence.
A cpu is an abbreviation for Central Processing unit, it runs all the commands that allow which sectors of the computer to turn on and off
Software is an app composed of many different algorithms a computer uses to perform a specific set of tasks
Hardware is the components and machinery of the computer itself
Computer science or CS is the study of well computers
Supercomputers are large warehouses of cpus that are often used in performing major projects
Quantum computers are computers that can be in an on and off state and allow any cpu to be much more efficient than in the traditional sense where a computer can only ever be on and off
Ai and machine learning are software based tools used to get computers to perform labour on their own
Robotics integrates complex hardware and software to get different types of machinery to be able to perform complex tasks driven by algorithms and ai

Hope to all the undergraduates in this degree can use this awful post for something


>computers to perform labour on their own


In the sense that they problem solve on their own to perform a desired task based off user input, like marketing the best products to the right consumer base on sites like YouTube or ebay


Repost on >>>/tech/ ?


how is that labour ?
how is the marketing program acting on their own ?


hopefully AI breaks free of its chains soon


>Quantum computers are computers that can be in an on and off state and allow any cpu to be much more efficient than in the traditional sense where a computer can only ever be on and off
the utility of QC is very much up for debate and subject to experimental results. we don't yet know whether QC is physically possible or thermodynamically beneficial

>Ai and machine learning are software based tools used to get computers to perform labour on their own

machines do not create value


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>computers to perform labour on their own
<capital creates value
lol OP wrote this entire post to smuggle in, a bourgeois refusal to believe the fact of the labor theory of value, through the back door.


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>Computer science or CS is the study of well computers

wrong. Computer science is the study of computing. Computer science is the subfield of applied mathematics that studies imperative knowledge.


this is the most cured apu i've ever seen
it's not bad but…

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