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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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How is Telegram? I've been seeing RT shilling it as a Twitter alternative. Is there a major Left presence there?


It's worse than Whatsapp. Signal seems to be compromised too.
Use Matrix or XMPP instead.


We have a Nazbol pipeline there.


Its the best As long as you don't have reason to fear Putin or other anti-amercan regimes. If youre in that part of the world use something else. Matrix is only better if you setup your own server and all the other autistic things. For out of the box use its unmatched currently.


Posts that glow in the dark.


Letting perfect security be the enemy of good security is glow


For the last time I'm not using your honeypots like Signal or Telegram when XMPP exists.


no one uses xmpp, and it doesnt have cryptography natively….
not all implementations integrate with omemo and its ass and ugly and annoying, plus again no one uses it
Whats the problem with Signal? also there's p2p fork of Signal… not a great idea but also federated servers take effort so i guess for most people centralized makes sense here, its not optimal but fr what did Signal do to compromise security? they do real e2ee that is supposedly authenticated on each client, and its open source afaik so whats the deal
no matter what your metadata is fucked pretty much
also xmpp is federated too… so its also kinda ass for that


What about Session?

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