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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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>tfw you will have degoogle your car in a few years

Is there a way out of this nightmare?


>finally degoogle and coreboot my ThinkCar
>license plate is still getting easily scanned by cameras everywhere I go


>Is there a way out of this nightmare?
take the poor cardioCHAD pill



Take the bus.


>buying a new car
>buying a car at all


CRINGE. You mean train?


Don't buy a new car? Simple as that.

A car is a necessity for 99% of Americans.


>Is there a way out of this nightmare?
Buying an old car.


Are you American? I'm American and I can attest that buses are not a suitable form of transit. I live in a city with over 50,000 people and legit only 3 bus stops on a line that closes at 4 in the evening. They're still talking about cutting the service even more for lack of use (because obviously a highly inconvenient system that operates 4 hours a day is such a useable ass system) I don't blame you man. Anyone who doesn't like live in Manhatten in America NEEDS a car to do most basic shit, even worse off if you're in the south or west.


Yep, public transportation in America is a fucking joke. Both buses and trains.


It's a mixed bag. Where I live, the public transportation is fairly reliable, you just have to live in the city. In the surrounding towns and country, the bus comes once every hour at best.


>Is there a way out of this nightmare?
A lot of people would die


>surveilance capitalism or barbarism, no inbetween
Take out that flag.


the path to revolution and revolution are both paved with the blood of innocents

are you a cringe reformist?


What bus?
What train?

t. American

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