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>write articles about relationship between Oracle and China and mass surveilance
<Oracle VP: If you have any information about Mara or her reporting, write me securely at kglueck AT protonmail.com


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The Intercept is on a path to total self-destruction. In this episode, BTFO by one of the most hated dinosaur tech companies in the US. What a time to be alive.


>VP seething and looking for dirt on journalist
>cheering for the corporation
Did I miss something?


dengoid brain rot


>the FBI is moving forward with a probe into how classified documents were leaked to The Intercept for its article revealing details about a database of terrorism suspects
>Erik Wemple, writing for The Washington Post, noted the conspicuous refusal of The Intercept to use the term "targeted killings" to refer to the U.S. drone program, instead referring to the drone strikes as "assassinations"
>The Intercept's founder "has relentlessly criticized Israel and its political leadership, and at times has invoked tropes of dual loyalty in attacking the pro-Israel community"
>it was reported that members of the U.S. military had been banned from reading The Intercept
from a quick reading the intercept seems to make the american government pissed, am i supposed to hate them more than fucking oracle of all things?

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