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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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File: 1619216459498.jpg ( 40.85 KB , 200x250 , Looke Smeethe.jpg )


Are there any good "political" tech tubers? I'm tired of "non political" tech youtubers screeching every other video about politics and how essjaydoobs not letting them say n-word is gonna destroy the world and that's just too "political".


Techrights guy often makes video blog posts and he's pretty clearly on the progressive side if not a full blown anti-capitalist.


I'm gonna check his site out. I've heard somewhere that the guy is insane or something? But I think I heard that from Bryan Lunduke so I guess that should be taken with a MASSIVE grain of salt


Techrights does seem pretty schizo. Looks like it's a requirement in this field.


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OP guy talks about TED unabomber and is a massive anti propietary preacher.

Either OP is a retard who hasn't seen his videos or he is mad at his faggot christianism


Unabomber is an ecofascist.


Huh? I put Luke Seethe as the example of what type of people I don't want to see (sadly they appear to make up like 98% of vocal linux userbase)


I think "unhinged" is probably the best way to describe him.


Uncle Ted is an agrarian communalism fetishist with a hateboner for industrialization because it took that way of life away. I don't think he wants state enforced Malthusian policies, which is the defining feature of being an ecofascist. There would be a necessary mass dieoff if Ted got his way, but it would be collateral damage from what he sees as a necessary act rather than a desirable thing in of itself, whereas ecofascists think we need an authoritarian state that intentionally massacres people until sustainability is achieved.


No the dude actually is deff a right-o. Listen to his videos that aren't tech related.




Didn't he praise Goebbels or some shit like that?


If you don't wanna give him views you can check his website. His articles make it obvious the guy is an anti-tech trad clown.


Well, not only I don't wanna give him views, I don't wanna view his shit in general. His content is very obnoxious.




There are no left tech tubers period. The most "left-wing" thing I have ever seen out of them is Wolfgang ranting about how he should be allowed to paint his nails.


Well wolfgang seems to be alright. And his videos are often actually useful stuff. Another channel I like is gotbletu, I'm unsure if he's left or right wing but he just posts unpretentious videos on cool terminal programs and tricks and doesn't go on rants about made up topics like Luke does.


I will become one, but I don't want to use my face. Should I have a furry avatar?


Become a furry tech vtuber.




There's something disconcerting about a bald fuck in his 30s unironically saying based and cringe irl and using soyjaks in thumbnails.


>I don't really browse /g/ anymore
>makes content around the tops that were discussed on /g/ within the last week

Also he keeps making up stories about some people rabidly hating on poor arch users for being elitist.


You clearly didn't read the manifesto.


Luke is based for a rightoid tbh.


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Wow! That Luke guy is such as autist, I don't understand whats the appeal of using wojaks and pepes in thumbnails and saying "soy" and "based" unironically. His whole website is just retarded rightoid shit.

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