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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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File: 1618900425151.jpg ( 190.81 KB , 828x1481 , EzLsluoVoAAVwON.jpg )


This is exactly the kind of "solutions" I expect from Silicon Valley's greatest minds.


Every passing day Foucault becomes more and more relevant.


I've worked at a warehouse before. I am almost certain the real goal here is to tank people's productivity scores so that they can threaten them later.


"work yourself to death for me more efficiently"


File: 1618924839916.jpg ( 42.79 KB , 543x504 , bezosofborg.jpg )

>micro-level algorithmic management of worker's bodies.
Taylorism but cringier


the guillotine is too good for bezos.


I feel bad for Amazon employees and Americans in general.


Marx's chapter on machines never considered the full body workouts of amazon im extremely skeptical this is even possible, the work in a warehouse isn't exactly circuit training


99 % of this banal idea is already implemented in Germany due to initiative from the workers. The idea is older than Amazon and depending on the resolution of your model, you might be able to do this with pencil and paper. Within the warehouse, there are tasks where you run around a lot and tasks where you don't walk much and use your arms instead. Your working hours get split between these task types. Within the type, you can differentiate more: Some tasks require heavy lifting (unloading the boxes from the trucks), some tasks require more nimble moves (pulling things out of the boxes); and there's also symmetry to consider: At some receive stations you pull the boxes from the conveyor belt to your left and put the contents on something to your right, on some stations it's the other way around; you should do both. Likewise the symmetry thing exists with pulling things from carts and putting them into boxes to send to customers. And the tasks that have you run around a lot differ in how much of that is climbing stairs.

I'm certain people had that idea (and acted on it) already a century ago. No need to suck Bezos' cock for that "innovation" or to become a hysterical luddite over that.

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