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Why is setting this piece of shit up so fucking difficult? Come to think of it? What the fuck are computers so fucking difficult? It seems everything I do on a god damn computer these days breaks something, or, I didn't do it right, or it wasn't the right architecture, or, what ever the fuck man. Seriously, this shit has gotten out of hand. It shouldn't be this god damn hard to have freedom in my own fucking home.


>Picks the most difficult OS there is for the meme
You set yourself up for this. Now proceed compiling a free OS from scratch.
And harden everything.
The correct way in one go, for the muscle memory.


Stop falling for memes and install Alpine. It's a dozen times faster than any gentoo config.



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Literally the only thing I can get to work on my toaster right now is fucking lubuntu. Just kill me. I want off debian.


Debian itself isn't that bad.


Puppy or Tinycore then.
Yes it is. The package manager is atrocious. Very slow, overcomplicated and has shit default settings and configurations.


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No you don't understand.
Nothing *but* lubuntu will show up on the boot menu for some reason. I tried DSL and shit like that just isn't visible.

It's really nothing against debian.
I am simply bored with it and want to try something new and different.
That's why I want to go with Gentoo.
Also, what's GNU/Hurd kernal I have been hearing about?


>Also, what's GNU/Hurd kernal I have been hearing about?
three-decade-long development hell. the last update was 0.9 in 2016. it's probably not worth looking into, considering it's has so little usage beyond testers and obsessive gnufags. in fact I am pretty sure the vast majority of obsessive gnufags just use libre Linux distros anyway because why give a fuck about this incredibly dead project.


>It shouldn't be this god damn hard to have freedom in my own fucking home.
The fact of the matter is that such freedoms aren't free. You have invest varying amounts of time at the costs of flexibility and freedom.

If you want maximum flexibility and freedom … you have to write your own toolchain and OS. That's my long term plan, personally. I started reading up on the subject on and off after I saw that an unmedicated schizophrenic managed to do so. RIP Terry.


If you want a completely independent distro that [just works] try Solus. It may not have the software libraries of larger distributions but it makes up for it in stability and you can just install flatpaks anyway if what you want isn't in the Solus repositories. Give it a try, OP. If you're new to GNU/Linux, you may find it pleasantly surprising.


Just try void


>Nothing *but* lubuntu will show up on the boot menu for some reason.
Maybe you're booting UEFI but installing for BIOS, or visa versa.


I am loading UEFI but when I flip it to legacy nothing works either. When shit is in legacy I can get it to recognize the boot device but I can/t actually get the installers to run properly. What do you mean by "installing for bios? I am unfamiliar with this terminology.


Legacy mode is BIOS. By installing for bios i meant installing the system in BIOS.
What other distros have you tried installing?


Everything under the sun; antix, gentoo, Damn Small Linux, absolute, hyperbola, parabola, Trisquel, literally none of them would work properly.


When you installed antiX in UEFI, did you create an esp partition?
The problem might be the way you're creating a usb live image, it sometimes causes trouble when i create a live usb.


I couldn't even make it to the partition manager. Also, it wouldn't let me install it in UEFI only in legacy.


>It shouldn't be this god damn hard to have freedom in my own fucking home.
There is literally no reason you had to choose Gentoo to have "freedom" unless you're paranoid enough that you don't trust binary package distros, in which case GuixSD is both easier to use AND more secure because it's immune to compiler poisoning attacks.


GNU HURD is a microkernel that features transparent application virtualization, fine-grained permissions which allows unprivileged users to do many things like mounting filesystems, "translators" which are programs that transparently convert arbitrary data and expose it as virtual filesystems, and a multiserver design that allows any services to crash or be replaced without bringing donw the system.

It has no device drivers, audio, 64-bit, or SMP at the moment, so you're a brave man if you try to use it.


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I was reading that and thinking the design of HURD would lend itself to SSI and
Holy shit it exists


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Why do you hate Debian? I use Arch and while I'm happy with it (building up your system with only what you need is nice), I miss apt. Pacman is a bit convoluted imo.
I installed Lubuntu in my parents' laptop and it works fine.


Goddamn I would love to get that upstreamed. I wonder what the hurd devs think about it. They might not like it because it's written in C++. I should ask on the IRC sometime.


Even if they don't take the code itself it looks like a method to finally support SMT w/ SSI added on top for free


all these people recommending their debian clones missed OP's goal
>It's really nothing against debian.
>I am simply bored with it and want to try something new and different.
>That's why I want to go with Gentoo.
OP, as a person who installed Gentoo on multiple systems including a Thinkpad T480s, W520, and a Dell T1650 and had to go to great lengths to make sure the kernel and BIOS settings operate properly I can probably help you.
In all likelihood you have a problem with the boot settings in GRUB that you will need to modify in a text file by hand, depending on your disk setup.
the #1 issue I run into when setting up Gentoo is not using uuids for fstab. are you able to verify whether or not you've done this?


Hey, if the issue's WIFI, you could post the output of lspci -vvv and the laptop's name and I'll fetch all the source files you need to compile the drivers. Hell, I'd compile them myself if you'd be willing to trust a random anon.


>Muke uses Gentoo and recommends it.
From what I know, I think I'll be staying with Arch unless I can not tear my brain apart from assembling it.


what? source?


Is this true? For desktop use? Faster as in everything works faster not just muh boot time?


>Freedums arent free
Despite the cringiness of this phrase, it really doesn't have to be so difficult to get a good, respectful operating system running. This is an example of the major short sightedness of Linux as a whole, the only *real* revolutionary distributions to come out have been Nix/Guix, apart from that everything wishes to repeat the same mistakes over and over. It doesn't help with the dick measuring contest that is "install Gentoo".


lol what does this guy actually do in his free time I’m curious


it isn't hard to set up. the only part of the install process that isn't copy pasting from a wiki is kernel config which you can just use genkernel for instead of doing manually and the wiki tells you that. it isn't hard to install it just takes a long time because 95% of that time is the step where you type one command and it recompiles every package on the entire system.


i've used gentoo for a decade and this is an old and cancerous meme. performance gains are minimal when they're not placebo and won't be noticed unless you want to believe they're there, because that's not how compilation works. an arch or debian package is already built with -O3. if it runs on your machine it runs on your machine. building something on a machine doesn't make it run faster on that machine than on others of the same architecture. the options that exist to artificially make it do that are error prone, usually don't have any effect, and when they do it's marginal.

the actual cool thing about gentoo comes in with packages that actually have different configuration options. my go to but silly example is that sudo has a compile-time config option for the program to yell at you and call you names when you mistype your sudo password, which is turned off in the packages built for most if not all linux distros (altho iirc openbsd has it on???) but on gentoo you can just drop in your use file to turn it on and from now on when you build that package it will always build with that flag on, preserved across updates. the other place it's neat is when a package can be built with support for either X or Y library, you can drop into your use file that you want library X to be used to back it universally, and in the future any package that has that compile time option will choose library X. this is in opposition to binary distros where one package might link X and another might have been built to link Y, so you're required to have both X and Y installed.


Maybe Gentoo will shine with custom architecture Risc V processor ?


Alpine's performance mostly benefits compact programs like busybox.
Gentoo offers many distinct packages, but in fact most users follow the guide, that recommends packages for a bloated standard desktop like NetworkManager and DEs.

Most of alpine's base system and some packages are also statically linked, which is in most cases faster and than dynamic linking http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/dynamic-linking/
It links all programs against musl instead of glibc, so all binaries are generally smaller.
The musl chroot of gentoo is as well integrated as openrc for arch.

Of course the binaries cannot use any fast instructions of the local cpu, but you can still compile alpine packages with aports.


I remember compiling my own ports locally on a m68k machine back in the day optimising the compilation flags for my specific chipset and it made a noticeable difference back in the day

What's changed?


I think I'll install it later and see. I don't care for wide range of packages since I compile all my applications, I just want the system to be as fast as possible. I'm typically just a bit skeptical of all these "super tiny" distros because I feel instinctively if they were faster on decent hardware surely everyone would just use it?


Compilers are much better
You can't gain much by just enabling latest architecture instructions
(Distro maintainers use the same compiler)
Targeting it on skylake instead of Core 2 duo gives you meaningful performance increase only in HPC scientific workloads

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