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I’m installing linux for the first time, what distro should I use? I’m fine with it taking hours to set up, as long as it’s free. I ain’t paying for that shit. I was leaning towards gentoo but what do you guys think?


The DPRK created distro, obviously.

If prior experience with Linux is not particularly high, then just install Ubuntu, Debian, or one of the mainstream distros. There are some variants of those that strip out the few proprietary components if that matters a lot, but those are maintained quite decently and are widely used in the real world.

They won't be as "LEET" or "cool", but it's better for general security and functionality than if one tries to use some obscure distro without the requisite knowledge to actually do so safely.


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ubuntu is easy to use and intuitive. I am currently running it now. ubuntu has been caught before attempting to sell user data to Amazon, though, via some shady pre-install shit. It has not be retracted, but, that should be reason enough for concern.

On my desktop I use gentoo and, yes, while complicated and, yes, you are correct it can be dangerous to put powerful distros in peoples hands who do not use them there is no denying that gentoo is with out a shadow of a doubt secure and totally free and open source out of the box.

OP: My suggestion to you is to Either start with Ubuntu, or, Linux Mint (Or if you are using a toast use lubutnu) and use those distros for a solid year, or, two. Do not shy away from the terminal. Live in the terminal. Breath the terminal. Do everything from the terminal. Watch some youtube videos about linux basics; basic commands, how the filesystem works (hint everything in linux is a file) and just live in the enviroment for a year or two. After you get accustomed to linux switch to Gentoo, or, Arch linux, or, Slack and build it from the ground up. That's what I did and now I barely even touch the surface net, lol. When I do reach out to the surface net its through a docker container over lokinet.


Use a *buntu flavor like Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu.


Go with Linux Mint. It has recently become a clearly preferable entry for people since Ubuntu's Canonical Ltd. rapidly became pants-on-head retarded.
Mint also has a more intuitive Desktop Environment (DE) than Ubuntu for people that are familiar with Windows.


Mint, as an Ubuntu derivative, ultimately incorporates changes made upstream by Canonical. It's really baffling to me how people recommend it as a way to escape Canonical's bad decisions. If you want to get away from them while still recommending an Ubuntu-like distro you should recommend Debian.


Nope, see the snap vs flatpak controversy.
Mint is now-a-days doing better decisions and does do good changes from upstream whenever Canonical shits the bed (Mint never implemented Ubuntu's Amazon adware tracker into the status bar either).


>>7278 (me)
>status bar
I meant Start menu*


Most *buntu (if not all?) flavors that use different DEs did the same over the spyware thing. Now I'm curious what changes upstream Mint actually incorporates though, that they can still consider themselves to be an Ubuntu derivative.


Oh they definitely still are an Ubuntu-derivative, they just seem a bit more concerned about not developing into a Canonical-exclusive corner (Mir, Amazon spyware, snap) and from my point of view this also indirectly makes them provide more reasonable security (snap is partially proprietary for example).


personally i use Debian as much as i dont want to reccomend ibm os, but fedora is probably the best newbie but non ubuntu distro, followed by debian.
>easy to install
>free as in freedom
>stable for a semi rolling release
>recent packages
debian testing still has some package issues and will need more tinkering, however, uses a better package manager and if you download from the net its a lot easier to find propreitary .deb packages than .rpm packages
also fedora is a bitch to remove

manjaro is a total ass in stability and mint is ubuntu derived so it implements canonicals bullshit at least to an extent like >>7277 said


*but as much as i dont want to reccomend


Clément, the creator and main maintainer of Linux Mint, is anti-zionist, so it is de facto the /tech/ distro.


I recommend manjaro + plasma. But honestly, distributions aren't that big of a deal, just choose anything that's:
A) Not base ubunto
B) Not difficult: gentoo, pure debian (from what I've heard), or pure arch. Basically avoid anything that requires an actual tutorial since there's nothing of value to be gained from following step by step with a tutorial.
C) Not Dead
D) Isn't a dumb gimmick (devuan, void, etc.)

Also any distro that uses systemd is basically the same so if you're planning on using a distro that uses it, use what's popular.






Debian is a decent starting point

Gentoo is only nice if you have a powerful computer, compiling stuff on a laptop sucks ass


>Debian is a decent starting point
No it's not. It's not simple to go from Windows / Mac straight into Debian. It's also not intended to be, as it's mainly a server distro made for sysadmins. Debian requires a degree of habituation with the GNU/Linux system in order to be used comfortably, unlike distros made for average desktop users like OP, for who Mint and *buntu would be more suitable.
Manjaro isn't a bad rec, but it's based on more unstable ground (Arch, rolling release) instead of Debian (Mint, *buntu) and thus is more prone to crashes / problems. I would place this higher in terms or recommendability rather than pure Debian, Deuvan, pure Arch, Void or Gentoo though, of which some have mentioned ITT.


Noob from windows? Linux Mint is my rec.
Debian is a pain if you need up-to-date stuff as opposed to stable, like games or media software.


I don't agree, instaling debian with a DE is easy as pie, maintaining debian is simple but not too simple, and so OP will be able to learn the inner workings of a gnu/linux distro while still having a working OS.

Mint is decent too tbf



all you need
everything else is useless cringe niche


Why did you suggest Debian twice?




Hannah Montana Linux


If you actually want to learn Linux, go for Gentoo or at least arch, and do as much through terminal as possible. I recommend a tiling window manager. They're honestly the absolute shit once you get used to them.


Linux From Scratch

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