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How the fuck do you deal with a pesky schizo shitposter with way too many VPNs at his disposal?


You puppy train them into being a good contributor


Depends. Can you show us their posts? Whether they have half a brain or not makes a big difference of how they can be treated (see ANORECTAL VIOLENCE poster who understood how to evade generic ban filters)

1) ThingNoticing: if they're an agenda schizoposter like anorectal anon or a spammer, they have telltale signs that can usually be detected with a basic regex pattern or two. Some others are harder to pick out. Make sure to avoid false positives.
2) Diversion: Imagine you are the schizo. You make your post on a fresh VPN node and it says 'go away schizo'. What do you do?
Now imagine you are the schizo. You make your post on a fresh VPN node and it says 'Your IP address is listed in rbl.efnetrbl.org.' What do you do?
Now imagine you are the schizo. You make your post on a fresh VPN node and it says 'Due to spam raids from wojak.party, you must have the correct password to make a new post. Email [email protected] for more information.' What do you do?
3) Social manipulation, like >>7076 said. You can sometimes constructively manipulate them. Insulting builds resistance.
Of course, some are too thick and socially autistic. I know one who has a telltale habit of posting ten train-of-though posts then responding four times in a row to anyone who insults them, attempting multiple personalities without realizing how obvious their samefagging is (they don't even switch grammar styles and are ESL).


Seems unlikely in my case.

I guess schizo was a disservice to actual schizophrenics, the guy is more like a sociopath with a hateboner for the place who's been at it for literal years. Constantly making intentionally low effort and passive-aggressive one liners, resorts to sealioning and gaslighting and tries to sabotage any attempt at a community project.

I almost have to hand it to him, the guy knows how to pull it off. He wouldn't stand out as much if the place had more people but he's putting this much effort in a place with a handful of users.


Kindly return to whatever radlib shithole you came from.


I actually got introduced to this term quite recently and it was the most apt way to describe this behavior, I had no idea it was associated to SJWs.

If the term bothers you that much then "constantly acting in bad faith" could also work.


We can't really help you without you pointing out their posts.



Now I'm curious. Post the site at least.


Shadow the banhammer

Is the site perchance bunkerchan.net?

Unique IPs: 6

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