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File: 1616178638094.jpg ( 18.41 KB , 720x717 , uhm.jpg )


If I have a specific way of opening a given application on Linux, namely via Terminal, is there a way to make this specific terminal command into a desktop icon so that I don't accidentally click the normal icon by accident and fuck everything up like I just did?


Bro you are going to have to be a little more graphic with your explanation if you want help, lol.
What is the program you are running? Also, if you want to make it a desktop icon why are you clicking a desktop icon in the first place?


The terminal command makes it so the program in question is proxied. If I click the normal Icon it obv goes over the native, non-proxied connection.
I need to be cryptic for privacy reasons.

So basically how to turn cli command [program] [proxy] [etc.] into a desktop icon?


Seeing as how you didn't mention your distro, your desktop manager (gnome, kde, xfce, whatever) or anything like that, all I can say is to right click the icon you have, see if there's anything like 'settings' or 'properties', and then change what the icon does to your terminal command.


I said Linux. The Application in question doesn't have a native proxy settings UI so for proxying this CLI method is needed.
>right click the icon you have, see if there's anything like 'settings' or 'properties'
not possible/supported.
What I'm thinking of has something to do with just creating a file and then writing some stuff into it and saving it with a specific name. I've seen it done before in clips but I have no idea of the details. Basically a shell script that is able to be clicked like an icon, no?


Reworded question:
How can I make a specific way of opening an application via CLI into an executable .desktop shortcut/icon?


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>I said Linux.


It's fucking irrelevant to the question, fed. Stop replying if you don't have the answer. I'm getting better help from the half-assed videos of Indian script kiddies right now anyways.


Then why the fuck are you asking on leftypol to begin with? Do your own homework schizo, goddamn.


Based retard skitzo


Based retard


Different anon. Here's the spec:

Example Desktop Entry File:

Add your
[Desktop Action …]
and put what you need into


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Start with making a directory and empty, executable shell script
mkdir Application
cd Application
cat > application.sh
chmod u+x application.sh
Now open the executable shell script in a text editor and add:
whatever bash line you wanted to have as an executable script to begin with

Go to a search engine and find the icon you want to have, in line with this general-purpose guide we'll name it application-icon.png

Now finally we make the .desktop icon:
cat > application.desktop
chmod u+x application.desktop
Now open the executable desktop shortcut and paste the following text:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh /home/debu/Application/application.sh

Save and exit. Copy the desktop shortcut and paste it into the local variant of your system's application launchers (not the root one); for my system it's /home/.local/share/applications, which I navigated to via my file manager.

I can hit super-key, type as little as 'ap' and hit enter for my self-created Application, which is a shell script made into a launchable desktop icon!



congrats on figuring it out on your own! in linux, most of the quality of life additions should be able to be implemented in simple shell scripts.

That being said, why are you using per application vpn? does your plan require you to throttle it?


>That being said, why are you using per application vpn? does your plan require you to throttle it?
No, no. It's just the addition of a missing infosec feature. It's a specific type of proxy.

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