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will Desktop PCs ever switch to RISC processing, or is it time to take the bluepill and switch to Apple?


No because desktop has way too much invested in intel-compatible CISC architectures. Even though intel is RISC now technically they have microcode that translates x86_64 instructions.

The only reason apple wants their own chip is for vertical integration purposes.

If you really want a desktop experience on an ARM processor get a raspberry pi which comes with a debian based OS. the Rasp. PIs run on an ARM Cortex processor which is technically RISC


nice quad.

I am envious of their power footprint.

Hopefully this motivates intel to do something radical in green computing before they start losing both desktop and server market share


>Hopefully this motivates intel to do something radical in green computing before they start losing both desktop and server market share
No RISC processors are up to performance level with AMD let alone intel, so intel still has the server market captured for the foreseeable future.

RISC's real future is in embedded/mobile as per usual


not every servers require such high performance throughput. Smaller hosting firms have been offering ARM based solutions (regrettably with varying degree of serviceability) and AWS recently joined the fray with graviton2. Dust is yet to settle but I am willing to bet a lot of money that ARM based solution will make meaningful dents in server market by effectively bullying x86 based architecture to 'high performance' niche sector


As of last year, the fastest supercomputer uses ARM architecture. That said I think that x86 will stay dominant for a long time in desktop and server (5-10 years), but I strongly suspect we will see Intel come out with a RISC/ARM platform to try and hold on to the laptop market.


Intel already IS RISC it just has microcode to translate cisc instructions for backwards compatibility >>6670


Architecture doesn't matter, we should focus on getting open hardware


so why does x86 still have so much power draw?


idk, not an expert on the power side. Ask a semiconductor engineer. Intel's chips are mainly used in desktop/server environments anyway so its possible using less power isn't a design priority for them anyway, or at least as much of one
open hardware implies open architecture


roughly speaking, more transistors generally implies higher power consumption.


>No RISC processors are up to performance level with AMD let alone intel


the process of decoding x86 into a risc-like language is extremely complex

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