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Are javascript/typscript based single page applications better, or server side template based rendering? Do we really need something like react/angular?

I know /g/entoofags hate javascript because stallman told them to like 10 years ago but normalfags will complain if their front end experience isn't silky smooth with js animations and shit

Obviously some applications like darknet markets try to minimize or eliminate the use of javascript for security reasons.

server side html rendering also makes app deployment simpler since you don't have to worry about the front end and back end separately.

OTOH separating the front from the backend helps make a richer UI and also separation of concerns. Also makes it easier to swap out UIs

What does everyone think?


-loads faster client-side
-works better with tabs, back/forward button, scroll placement etc (at least without a lot of extra accommodation from SPAs)
-works better with search engines
- some other stuff I'm forgetting rn?

-smaller data requests for new data without refreshing page
-can do some complex shit client-side
- also other stuff


which one would be better for an imageboard?


Applies to basically any type of site. IMO client-server is better than only server side.

-Swappable UIs (if the UI sucks for whatever reason, you can re-do it completely)
-Same back end for different services (web app, mobile app, etc)
-Less server load and smaller payloads.
-Separation of concerns make the code easier to reason about.

Some bad things include:
-Worse initial load
-Worse SEO
-Requires javascript
-JS libraries are absurdly bloated.


isn't the downside also that angular/react get updated like every 5 months so you'd have to keep it maintained? well that and the paranoid /g/entoo-fags who disable all brower javascript wont be able to use it.

If theres a headless imageboard it would be nice


Javascript land is insanely insecure and a fucking mess. As long as you keep your dependency graph relatively small and shallow, you should be fine not updating your libraries in a while.

There are also other solutions, like using a language that compiles to JS. If on top of that you use a language that is strongly typed, you probably won't have many security problems and will probably be fine staying with whatever version you have. And if you ever update, the compiler can help you out.

There are downsides to that as well, it's not a silver bullet.

I'm actually very slowly writing an API for an imageboard. I'm using it to learn, mostly. If I do it right, I guess I'll publish it. To get feature parity is pretty hard. For example, post.php of lainchan is 1530 lines of code. It's a fucking mess and can probably be written in half of those lines, but that is just one of many many files.

To give an idea, this is lainchan:
17 403.php
34 404.php
15 banned.php
15 banners.php
20 bg.php
20 c.php
1006 install.php
24 log.php
216 mod.php
28 player.php
1530 post.php
19 report.php
174 search.php
86 smart_build.php
54 staffapplication.php
298 inc/anti-bot.php
209 inc/api.php
320 inc/bans.php
173 inc/cache.php
1897 inc/config.php
108 inc/controller.php
165 inc/database.php
451 inc/display.php
91 inc/error.php
45 inc/events.php
253 inc/filters.php
2889 inc/functions.php
502 inc/image.php
366 inc/instance-config.php
39 inc/lock.php
187 inc/polyfill.php
49 inc/queue.php
64 inc/remote.php
65 inc/route.php
78 inc/template.php
53 templates/themes/basic/info.php
40 templates/themes/basic/theme.php
57 templates/themes/calendar/calendarpost.php
36 templates/themes/calendar/info.php
40 templates/themes/calendar/theme.php
110 templates/themes/catalog/info.php
506 templates/themes/catalog/theme.php
42 templates/themes/categories-uboachan/info.php
223 templates/themes/categories-uboachan/theme.php
67 templates/themes/categories/info.php
88 templates/themes/categories/theme.php
81 templates/themes/donate/info.php
28 templates/themes/donate/theme.php
36 templates/themes/faq/info.php
33 templates/themes/faq/theme.php
55 templates/themes/frameset/info.php
61 templates/themes/frameset/theme.php
38 templates/themes/irc/info.php
27 templates/themes/irc/theme.php
33 templates/themes/public_banlist/info.php
57 templates/themes/public_banlist/theme.php
58 templates/themes/radio/info.php
27 templates/themes/radio/theme.php
54 templates/themes/rand/info.php
105 templates/themes/rand/theme.php
88 templates/themes/recent/info.php
167 templates/themes/recent/theme.php
75 templates/themes/rss/info.php
198 templates/themes/rss/theme.php
22 templates/themes/rules/info.php
27 templates/themes/rules/theme.php
70 templates/themes/semirand/info.php
257 templates/themes/semirand/theme.php
62 templates/themes/sitemap/info.php
48 templates/themes/sitemap/theme.php
36 templates/themes/staffapplication/info.php
54 templates/themes/staffapplication/staffapplicationpost.php
40 templates/themes/staffapplication/theme.php
99 templates/themes/stream/info.php
34 templates/themes/stream/theme.php
23 templates/themes/zine/info.php
28 templates/themes/zine/theme.php
14790 total
That's 14k lines of code. A lot of these are not used at all or are config shit. The codebase has a huge issue of dead code.
Perhaps a more "fair" assessment might be this:
17 403.php
34 404.php
15 banned.php
15 banners.php
20 bg.php
20 c.php
1006 install.php
24 log.php
216 mod.php
28 player.php
1530 post.php
19 report.php
174 search.php
86 smart_build.php
54 staffapplication.php
298 inc/anti-bot.php
209 inc/api.php
320 inc/bans.php
173 inc/cache.php
108 inc/controller.php
165 inc/database.php
91 inc/error.php
45 inc/events.php
253 inc/filters.php
2889 inc/functions.php
502 inc/image.php
366 inc/instance-config.php
39 inc/lock.php
187 inc/polyfill.php
49 inc/queue.php
64 inc/remote.php
65 inc/route.php
78 inc/template.php
9159 total
Say you can write this if you have experience and acumen in 4.5k lines of code. I've heard that people write 20 lines of code a day on shitty desk jobs (https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/17224/do-professional-software-developers-write-an-average-of-10-lines-of-code-per-day). If that's true, this would take a full year of work. Something more reasonable, since you already know what your building and this is more personal work is to write maybe 40 lines of code on average during the whole endeavor. That's around half a year of dev hours. These things are really hard to estimate, and they're only back of envelope estimations based on a billion assumptions. There's also so much dead code and now-unnecessary workarounds.

The front end has:
Front page
Index view
Catalog view
Overboard catalog
And around 6 shoddily done mod pages
It's rather simple for a front page.

I've searched for a lot of headless imageboards and I haven't found anything decent.


>I've searched for a lot of headless imageboards and I haven't found anything decent.
yeah i mean writing one
>Say you can write this if you have experience and acumen in 4.5k lines of code.
supreme reality had < 1k lines of code, OFC it was written in a functional language. probably like 400 lines of code if you don't count database queries.

>I'm actually very slowly writing an API for an imageboard



Where's the code?



knock yourself out, doesn't look maintained though


just to clarify thats not headless, its server side rendered HTML


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Awesome. Looks really cool.
Do you have any idea on what your projects is going to use?

This is the lainchan databse btw, for reference. As you can see, it's relatively simple.


I'm still in the architecting phase. I'm leaning towards java though (likely spring / spring boot), being that its a popular enough language so that most people can understand it, but at the same time its typed. I know a lot of anons here really want to use a typed language


I like stronger typed languages, but I also like python. Django is a joy to use for small projects.


>I'm leaning towards java though (likely spring / spring boot), being that its a popular enough language so that most people can understand it, but at the same time its typed. I know a lot of anons here really want to use a typed language
if static typing is all you want, it would take much less time to just fork lynxchan and rewrite it in typescript. rename your fork tynxchan or something. if you don't like the disorganized mess of mongodb, swap it for postgresql.

don't make the same mistake every overambitious programmer makes, ie., a phenomenon that has several terms to describe it: law of triviality, bike-shedding effect, reinventing the wheel, not invented here syndrome, etc.

>If on top of that you use a language that is strongly typed, you probably won't have many security problems
famous last words


>don't make the same mistake every overambitious programmer makes, ie., a phenomenon that has several terms to describe it: law of triviality, bike-shedding effect, reinventing the wheel, not invented here syndrome, etc.

That doesn't really apply because rewriting lynxchan in typescript to use postgres would be rewriting like 80% of the software, you might as well just make new software. I've worked on imageboards before (not specifically lynxchan) and at least half the code is typically the database queries. To a certain extent an imageboard is just a glorified CRUD app

Anyway IMO Java is a better language than typescript, which IMO was just invented as a cope for corporate programmers to be able to have types on JS.

>famous last words

I agree static typing doesn't solve most security problems. However static typing does increase runspeed because you don't have to check types at runtime. Also I just like it better than JS/TS because im used to using it at work


>you might as well just make new software
if you're going to start from scratch, use rust w/ actix-web and sqlx

>However static typing does increase runspeed because you don't have to check types at runtime.

rust is even more performant

>actix-core (rust): 651,144 req/s
>vertx-postgres (java): 347,356 req/s
>spring (java): 27,339 req/s

>Rust: 0.46 s, 499,024 b
>Java: 1.54 s, 702,332 b

>Rust: 0.78 s, 146,236 b
>Java: 5.70 s, 656,328 b


>if you're going to start from scratch, use rust w/ actix-web and sqlx
Rust is based from what I hear but I also don't know it. Maybe you can make a Rust thread and post a pdf or something.

I'm aware that Rust can be faster than Java, I just don't know it well enough to write a massive project in it


server side,
There is no real reason to care about performance nowadays in almost all scenarios. Almost all server software runs sufficiently fast and language/frameworks will not be the bottleneck.

Use whatever you like. Prioritize comfort over performance.
t. I do this for a living.


>server side
I agree the only problem is my CSS is weak, id probably want someone else to help with styling/theming the board


lel. I wrote that you don't need to worry about speed, then I wanted to be specific that I meant specifically on the back end.

That's true regardless of whether you use server-client or server-side rendering.

server side vs SPA is that some people don't use javascript. There are solutions where you can do server side rendering and if the user has javascript, the SPA kicks in. Havne't used it myself, can't vouch for such tech.


I'm very tired sorry for writing like a WSWS on their 10th article of the day.


ok. My ideal solution would be both. A server side rendered version of the app, but also a restful interface on a different route that anyone could write a client against.

So if they go to / then they get the server version but all the api endpoints are on /api/ or /apistd/ or something


the only reason I would want that is because i want existing imageboards to adopt the standard which shouldn't conflict with existing routes they use for other shit


>>6662 : related, developing some standard imageboard API which allows people to just write their own servers/clients/etc. which is more valuable than even just writing yet another imageboard


There already exists a standard api of sorts. The 4chan api is standard I believe. This site has a "standard" api of sorts. Makes sense to at least offer that API so that existing apps can be ported easily.
definitely possible. it sounds easy in my head, but I haven't done it myself.
if you make a normal server-side-rendered site that also loads a JS that's a SPA that hijacks the entire dom when loaded, then that should work relatively easy. The SPA would then use the /api/ routes if you'd like.
There are stuff that allows you to render the SPA as if it were a static page. I've read mixed reviews. It helps with SEO and with "time to paint" so that the user doesn't have to wait for the JS to load then for the SPA to download the data for the site, then to process, then finally to render.


>The 4chan api is standard I believe
yeah but the 4chan api is read only AFAIK. This would also allow people to post and create threads

>normal server-side-rendered site that also loads a JS that's a SPA that hijacks the entire dom when loaded, then that should work relatively easy. The SPA would then use the /api/ routes if you'd like

I'd probably make the server side rendered version use traditional web app methods with GET/POST so the no-js/stallmanite/gentoofags would be happy with their darknet level, absolutely no js thing.

Maybe im just overthinking this shit and i should just make a restful/headless imageboard and let people write their own clients, maybe even a desktop app in the style of discord. I feel like id have to provide at least a crappy initial SPA frontend though, at least for demo purposes, though people could improve upon it.

IMO the most important thing would be to make that API, possibly by extending 4chan's api with some routes for making new posts/threads, reporting, authenticated actions etc.


My plan is to not give a fuck about APIs and just roll out your own for now. In most HTTP frameworks, that is trivial to change.

For now, this the general API I've come up with. Each endpoint basically assumes CRUD (create read update delete). This is based on the functionality of this software, which is the most complete of I know. My idea is to reach feature parity first, then expand functionality. This is merely a learning experience for me, so I don't think I'll end up finishing it. I'm passing on my notes.

Authed endpoints, all of them are prefixed with: auth/


Manage Users:

Mod logs:


Board settings:


IP posts:
IP/{IP} (eg. delete by IP accepts board as query param)


posts/ (no create, also this endpoint is suspect, more below)

Post File:

/board/{board id}/threads (also suspect)
threads/{id} (also suspect)

This assumes that posts, boards, and threads all use global IDs. Specific board >> ids would still exist. I haven't figured out how yet, but I figure that working with global IDs will be more comfortable.

Suspicious endpoints:
I still haven't decided how to supply mod information when a mod sees a thread. I'm thinking of just using the regular non authed endpoints and checking for auth info there. If the user is authed, and has proper mod permissions, then get the info. Or perhaps just mirror the non-authed endpoints and make them authed. I prefer the latter one.

how to see a thread:

boards/{board id}/threads/{thread id}

and if you want the same information but also with extra info for mods, instead call
authed/board/{board id}/threads/{thread id}

Then for non authed endpoints, you pretty much have:

boards/{board id}/threads
threads/{thread id}
threads/{thread id}/posts
posts/{post id}

I'm still undecided on whether to make it like that or to nest the resources like proper REST.
eg. to edit a post

boards/{board id}/threads/{thread id}/post/{post id}
instead of just

But anyway, this should give you a rough idea on the resources that would need to exist for a semblance of back-end feature parity with vichan.


I assume CRUD also relates to the normal POST/GET/PUT/PATCH/DELETE


correct. I usually don't use PUT.
POST - Create
GET - Read
PATCH - Update


How's it going, anon?


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Still working on it. I'm rethinking some imageboard concepts here.

Been busy with alot of real life stuff ATM pretty stressed out but ill be getting back to it shortly


damn that looks based.


My reach is much more modest. I've been going very very slow, not by choice, but because it's been hard getting shit to work.

Right now I just finished the first 3 endpoints.
GET /boards
POST /boards (create)
GET /boards/{id}

Next on the list is some basic error handling. Then probably auth.
Hopefully stuff will move faster after that. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm somewhere between 5-8% of the way in terms of effort to reach parity with vichan. This is only the api/backend. Once auth is done I'll have a better idea.

I've decided that at least for now, it will be a highly opinionated backend, otherwise the matrix of configuration will explode the complexity.


based. what language/framework you using?


scala with http4s and doobie, using postgresql. I'm planning on long term, if I ever get to it, adding redis for caching.




scala is too big brained for me tbh I had a hard time using it in school, but it seems pretty based


With enough pain, most programming languages eventually become usable.


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We have like 20 tech users, so I realize the futility in reporting advances to my hobby project.

I took a break, but I'm back to working on it.
Error handling setup is mostly done. Now I just need to add errors whenever I make endpoints.

Auth was a pain in the ass. It's mostly done. Just need to write the logout routes. Everything is manual compared to ready-made auth endpoints from other frameworks I've used. That said, I am using an auth library that verifies JWT signatures and helps with authentication middleware, so it's not all bad.

Next on the list is adding more and more endpoints, which implies database changes, models, queries, error handling, etc. I decided I'd use a database modeler. That way the design is documented somehow. The program is called pgmodeler. It works really well. The pre-built binaries cost, but the code is open source. It wasn't too hard to build, luckily.

It has a "diff" function, so it checks my local database, and writes SQL to apply changes. This makes it easy to write migrations. Pic related.

I'm around 900 significant lines of code right now, which I calculate is around 1/10 of the way.
Just the handle_post() function of lainchan is 1k lines of code lmao.


thanks for reporting in anon, other devs are interested in your work. are you the scala guy?
looks cool. I come from the oracle world so i had no idea this existed. Thanks
>I'm around 900 significant lines of code right now, which I calculate is around 1/10 of the way. Just the handle_post() function of lainchan is 1k lines of code lmao.
I have a feeling most of that is bloat, tbh its not surprising that with a more expressive and less boilerplatey language you'd have less lines. Plus all the poor architecture/spaghetti

One thing about your database, while splitting the boards, posts, threads, and files into separate tables is logical and common sense to the domain you realize to do metrics like showing the number of unique ips in a board, etc. you will have to be doing alot of joins + group by functions and possibly some window (over/partition by) as well, which will be pretty slow.

Maybe for reads on ip counts for example you could implement a materialized view or something, the problem is that ip counts typically display on the front page so if the query takes a ton of time with the grouping etc. it could make it vulnerable to DOS/refreshing.

Inserting a new thread - if there are constraints which say every post has to be associated with a thread, that means they will have to be inserted in both tables at the same time, like (pseudocode):

with insert1 as (<insert into threads table> RETURNING id AS threadid) INSERT INTO posts (id_thread <other fields>) VALUES ((select threadid from ins1),<other fields>)"

Pruning the catalog could be done with triggers on inserting to the threads table. Triggers could probably also auto lock threads with certain amount of responses.

your schema looks pretty good and logical, hope you don't mind if other people steal it :) not sure what the diff is between autosage and bumplock is thought?

just some suggestions again maybe youve already solved this


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>are you the scala guy?
Yep. Thanks for the feedback and encouragement, comrade. It is appreciated.
>you will have to be doing alot of joins + group by functions and possibly some window (over/partition by) as well, which will be pretty slow.
That's true. SQL is really fast, but I guess once you start getting some serious numbers, thing could get slow. An easy way to remedy this is to de-normalize and put a board reference on posts. I don't have much experience with very high scale queries, not sure how non-performant this could get. In vichan, each board is it's own table, so you have to do a query for each table to count IPs, which I suspect is less performant than a single query with a group by.
>t could make it vulnerable to DOS/refreshing.
I'm using redis and I plan on using it to cache certain results, metrics being the obvious one, but if possible, I'd love to cache shit like "all posts in a thread". I'm very much making this shit up as I go lol, I don't have experience with scala besides this, so I don't even know if this is possible with the libraries I'm using.

>Inserting a new thread has a mutual dependence

Yes! Good catch. I bit the bullet and made post's references to threads nullable. There might be situations in the future where a reference to a thread might not be necessary (like associating posts with bans?) so I opted to relax that constraint.

>hope you don't mind if other people steal it

That would be very fulfilling. That's why I chose to use the PG Modeler, so that I could make nice pictures and others can use this work as reference/inspiration.

>autosage vs bumplock?

autosage is when the thread reaches bumplimit. Here it's like 750 posts.
bumplocked is when a mod stops it from bumping, aka anchoring.

Users can now create threads and posts (text only)
This means most (important) non-authed endpoints exist.

This shit feels insurmountable at times……..

When posting, lainchan passes the request through at least these filters/functions, some optional and set in the configs, others obligatory:

- Validate captcha
- Validate bot obfuscation (field random data to confuse bots)
- Validate request has no referrer (block posts that contain HTTP_REFERER)
- Validate IP is not blacklisted by third party lists (aka DNSBL)
- Validate IP is not banned
- Validate IP is not robot muted (You get muted for x time if you post an identical message).
- Validate that thread exists
- Validate embed
- Rewrite fields if such a configuration is set (eg. force anonymous names so namefagging is not allowed)
- Perform upload by URL (ie you place a URL in the post and the server downloads the file for you)
- If no name is chosen, set name to one of the "anonymous" names. (in lainchan, you can set an array of names you wish to use instead of "anonymous").
- Validate that if the post is an OP it has an attachment.
- Validate post's body's minimum length.
- Validate that thread is not locked.
- Validate that the thread is not full (maximum number of posts in a thread, autolocks).
- Validate that the thread is not full in number of permitted file attachments.
- Validate the size of each file doesn't exceed max_size
- Validate the total size of each file doesn't exceed max_size
- Validate capcode if mod
- Validate joke capcode (setting to allow users to post as ## moot or ## hacker etc)
- Generate trip code
- Check for noko/nonoko in email field
- Validate filename extensions
- Generate filename using timestamp or a custom generator function
- Validate number of files doesn't exceed max_files
- Strip illegal characters from text fields
- Validate string lengths in each field (name, subject, etc)
- Apply wordfilters to body
- Apply country flags (using IP info)
- Apply user flags
- Apply markup
- Validate number of cites doesn't exceed max_cites (cites are >>{id})
- Track cites (validates each and stores them)
- Apply markup for cites
- Truncate filename to max_filename_length
- Calculate md5 checksum
- Calculate md5 of all checksums together.
- Check post for Flood (per IP) (eg limit posts by IP per minute)
- Check post for Flood (per file) (eg limit hash per minute)
- Check post for Flood (per body) (eg limit hashed body per minute)
- Check post using custom filters
- Apply extension functions (apply image transforms and create thumbnails (imagemagick+exif stuff), pdf, epub, txt, etc)
- If file has a thumbnail, OCR it and add it to the body (using hidden markup) to pass it through spam filters
- Validate image md5 is unique in board
- Validate image md5 is unique in thread
- If OCR was used, check flood and custom filters again lol
- Validate originality of body, mute if unoriginal (and config is set).
- Insert post into database
- Slugify post
- Insert post information to flood table
- If thread is cycled, delete all posts except last X posts and OP
- Update table of tracked cites
- bump thread (if not bumplocked, or full, or saged)
- handle noko
(async from here on)
- build thread's static HTML
- build board's static HTML
- rebuild any other themes that might be subscribed to the "post" or "post-thread" event (such as the homepage, overboards, and catalogs)

vichan/lainchan is incredibly configurable. Who gets to do what, filters, etc etc. I'm still thinking how to implement permissions. In lainchan, it's (mostly) done in the config files.

$config['mod']['flood'] = MOD;
// Raw HTML posting
$config['mod']['rawhtml'] = ADMIN;
// View the report queue
$config['mod']['reports'] = JANITOR;
// Allow OP to remove arbitrary posts in his thread
$config['user_moderation'] = false;

I'd rather avoid that and have permissions be editable on some admin interface, plus shit like roles etc.

I was thinking of making everything be behind some permission framework, even if it slows down stuff. The default role would be "anonymous", so you could even make user-only boards. Say for example a secret /i/ board that is only available to those that have been given read permission to /i/.

With the coming of IPv6 and the increasing accessibility of VPNs, tor etc, it's becoming more and more difficult to ban spammers/wreckers. Ideally, sessions would also have "history". For example, if your session has completed a captcha in X minutes/hours, then you can post without captcha.

I don't know how to model this.
I'm thinking something like:

Board /leftypol/ settings:
Role: "EasyCaptchaSolver" Permission: "Post" + "Report"
Role: "MediumCaptchaSolver" Permission: … + "Post with image"
Role: "HardCaptchaSolver" Permission: … + "Create thread"
Role: "Janitor" Permission: … + "Soft delete posts/threads"
Role: "Mod" Permission: … + "Hard delete posts/threads" + "Ban"

Site settings:
Role: "HardCaptchaSolver" Permission: "Create User"

What is still TBD is how to implement this. I'm fine with storing this in the database and caching with redis, but I'm still not sure how to model the permissions. Apparently this is called a Role-based access control, pic related.


>With the coming of IPv6 and the increasing accessibility of VPNs, tor etc, it's becoming more and more difficult to ban spammers/wreckers

I sometimes think this is going to mean the end of accountless imageboards as well. It may simply be the case that people will have to authenticate with accounts in future imageboard software, lest the spam become unmanageable.






dead software ever since comrade rat quit the internet


>SQL is really fast, but I guess once you start getting some serious numbers, thing could get slow.
it's an imageboard, you have a max amount of data at once capped pretty low. I see no reason for nosql unless you do some 8chan shit with infinite boards

>each board is it's own table

oh god thats awful, did nobody learn them how to design a relational database ?

are you doing it in scala or java ?


that anon is using scala AFAIK

>oh god thats awful, did nobody learn them how to design a relational database?

no, and the rest of their code sucks big time too




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Another consideration which may be relevant for you is the issue of hosting. Some hosting platforms, such as Digital Ocean, will allow you to host a "static website" for free. Static, in this case, means no server-side code, but you are otherwise free to use as much javascript as you wish.


sure, but the data has to be stored somewhere. So for any communication there has to be server side/backend code still existing


That's true. There's also stuff like "edge caching", which makes your front end be delivered really quickly to clients.

A huge issue with "modern" front ends is that they are insanely bloated and de-bloating them is frequently an issue that requires tinkering. Of course, it depends what you're using. If you're using GHCJS vs Elm, or vs plain JS.

On the other hand, it's really nice not have to deal with common retardation that comes from JS/CSS/HTML. A huge huge one is responsiveness, and "mobile web app" friendly. It's easy to shit on bloated React shit projects, but it requires less work to make a shitty front end.



Unique IPs: 28

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