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Does discontinued shit like windows 7/vista still have feds spying on you thru it?
Im planning on having a 32 gb usb stick so I can flash w*ndows 7 on it, and I don't want to give it any network access, just use it to run applications that Linux cannot run and record footage for stuff (I'm planning on becoming a content creator, not the point here)

My question is that, are there still feds spying on you even on old discontinued stuff?


The feds don't really target any one single individual unless they are suspect. They spy by dragnet surveillance and build dossers on people and then if you start acting sus they pull your name and interrogate you. That's how it works.


On this note, what is the true extent of the CIA/NSA being able to spy on you through Windows? Are there actual backdoors that are meant specifically to be backdoors?


The last service packs for W7 that came out around the same time as W10 added the same spying shit. W7 now has unpatched, widely-known vulns. You will also likely be running proprietary software in userspace in W7, which compromises your security.

> I don't want to give it any network access

if it's offline/airgapped that's pretty good.

Overall you should always assume a proprietary OS is spying on you.


Remove telemetry updates for Windows 7 and 8.1

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