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Is it possible to get access to some form of VPN if you can't afford a monthly subscription? I tried openvpn with some open servers but I'm a techlet and I don't think I've set it up properly, it barely seems to hide anything.


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VPN's are dead.
Use lokinet: https://docs.loki.network/Lokinet/Guides/lokinet-linux-guide/

After you get it installed run lokinet-vpn –exit exit.loki –up

Lokinet is like tor but it exists a layer deeper than tor. Tor runs on layer 3 where HTTP requests are handled and lokinet runs on layer 2 where VPN's usually sit, but, it, again, like TOR uses multiple levels of encryption and anonymize your packets. I use it in conjunction with tor and end up with like 8 hops.


>VPN's are dead.

Techlet here, why are they dead?

Did Loki kill them or?


This dude is pushing some shit nobody's heard about. Be cautious.
Also VPNs aren't "dead".


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Everyone who isn't a skiddy has heard of lokinet. It's an upcoming network. Only retards and shills advocate insecure bullshit like VPNs. Be gone glow cuck.

VPN's are dead because they cannot be trusted. Why would you trust a single point of failure with all of your data? Loki is still young and, yes, new, but, it is worth investigating as, like I said, it works on a layer lower than tor. I highly advocate using them in conjunction. Don't listen to retards like >>6540 who don't even bother to read their man pages.


There is riseup.net. I think you don't even need an invite to use their vpn these days.




It depends on what you use it for. I don't think it glows more than any other commercial vpn.


>VPN's are dead because they cannot be trusted. Why would you trust a single point of failure with all of your data? Loki is still young and, yes, new, but, it is worth investigating as, like I said, it works on a layer lower than tor. I highly advocate using them in conjunction.
Anything commercial does deals with feds, better safe than sorry.


Use Tor or I2P before risking anything with this fucking lokinet high school project that doesn't even have a Wikipedia page (no, if it doesn't have a wiki page then it's not a very 1. popular network or 2. reliable/reputable network).
Hell even use RetroShare over this shit.


allready mentioned that I'm a techlet, I tried setting it up a while back buck all I did was put some files on my harddrive and get them to do anything.
All I want to do is torrent some video games with my isp messing arround with the quallity of my connection like my last provider did.


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Riseup has literally been caught dealing with feds who then forced them to remove their warrant canary. They are compromised.


NSA trash.
CIA Techno-larp shit


It is good enough for OP's torrents.

If you can't make riseup work, which is just literally pressing a button and it works, you don't have much hope of using any vpn…


Trash that the NSA itself has just happened to admit they have difficulty de-anonymizing people from.


No it ins't you retard. Torrents are still illegal. So many glowies, holy fuck.


You have no idea how these things work do you? Windows users get the wall.


>you don't have much hope of using any vpn…
I've still used free trials before so fuck off




>cloudflared website


404 argument not found


mullvad VPN has you generate an account and also lets you pay by mailing in money and a generated token


riseup provides a free VPN service. they say they keep no logs.


they've been hit by the feds before


it’s called The Onion Router, or TOR as I’ve taken to calling it.


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>a fucking leaf


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>thinking blockchain is exclusively about ancapistan and not just an easy way to securely decentralize a server.


How tf does blockchain even work?


Your argument was…what exactly? That a decentralized toy network that uses the exact same protocol standards as tor while also being based on blockchain technology and working at a fundamentally lower level is bad because….reasons? It's always fags who lack an actual substantive argument who say "muh not an argument" bullshit.


you keep public ledger where every new transaction record requires consensus


tor has and can be broken


aren't those examples just poor opsec by users?


I get 10 gigs a month just for giving them my email and their locations are pretty good

You can get more if you make a tweet too but I don't need 15 gigs


look for free socks5 proxies, i know there are some free ones out there

you dont need a full vpn just to hide from your isp
you dont need tor or any good network like these retards say
(if you're just downloading torrents over it)


doesnt that literally just steal your data


Not a rebuttal.
Tor, like literally every usable computer and software, gas weaknesses. Furthermore, Tor users almost always get caught by deanonymizing themselves or downloading and running things they shouldn't. Either that, or being worth spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on.
Do you have any specific example you want to discuss, or are you just parroting FUD shit you don't understand?


I will say that Tor Browser (not Tor), as a long-life Firefox build, is somewhat insecure if you are being personally targeted, but the best option for anonymity.


really? i didn't know
i was using it to pirate music


nothing wrong with stealing data, if you give them useless data or dont care
like what, they're gonna intercept and copy your download of mama mia 2?
(not really a reply to you but about what you said) btw for good practice with tor, of course no javascript, dont go to any websites you use on the clearnet on tor, for the same reasons stay away from anything with cloudflare or recaptcha, and dont open anything from tor on the client you run tor on
lesser known good practice is also use a bridge so your tor traffic is less easy to automatically effect, and explicitly set a few guard nodes that you trust, you can set up your own if you really want to
and qubes is really great for this, you virtualize your tor environment every time, so it doesnt match the environment you use for other browsing, and you can open shit in a sandboxed way
safe cybertravels



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