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Been teaching myself to code recently, I won't make a rambling OP because the replies will probably be more insightful.
I've been using Codecademy and I found it's really good except for when the bash terminal decides not to work (and then works perfectly when I reload the exercise and copy and paste the code from the old one). I don't learn skills particularly well from reading, so actually get walked through the doing is a major plus for me.
Is it the best thing going? Are there better sites? Are there other self-taught people here? I don't want to spend years in a university and would rather get some qualifications rather than fuck around any longer (opinions on things like CompTIA?)

Course I've been doing for people more clueless than me (you don't need to buy the pro stuff, just try to figure everything out before using hints, and always read the hints even when you've finished it):


Books with practice problems are the ideal way to learn since they actually put some pressure on you to commit your full conscious brain to the work.
I tried codecademy for some time off and on but that shit never got me the skills I needed to actually figure out how to write and make a program from scratch. Learn Python the Hard Way did, although it doesn’t exist online for free anymore, I’m sure there are other websites like it.


You really need to eat your own dog food to learn coding. You can go through all those technical books and run examples and exercises to familiarize yourself with runtime environment and syntax BUT you will never be a productive programmer.

Pick a project/topic you are genuinely invested in and try to utilize language of your choice in its problem domain. Language like c++ is too generic and big so you might end up learning to use somebody else's library but that's OK. I truly 'got' c++ while writing opengl demos despite using it 4+ years solving artificial algorithm problems.


This. I've tried learning to program many times before, but it only amounted to anything when I had some kind of project to actually build. You can't learn programming in the abstract sense, only in the concrete sense of actually doing something.

I tip I can give is to check out this repo (or any of the other ones like it) https://github.com/tuvtran/project-based-learning
. It's a list of programming projects and tutorials, structured around the languages they teach. Choose a project that intrests you and do that. I'm currently doing buildyourownlisp.com and it's been going well enough, though it's not a perfect introduction to C, so I'm going to check out other books like C Programming Language and Modern C as supplementary material.


I'm probably more project orientated than most, I want to make some cash coding obviously but most of the compsci students I've heard about have no real vision of a thing they'd like to create, and I've already got a notepad full of things I'd like to do. Not to shit on compsci students but I thought they'd be more technical-creative kinda people rather than plumbers that learn plumbing because plumbers make bank.
I want to learn C++ because it's been sold to me as a very good foundational language to branch off from, and my limited understanding of compsci tells me it will make me more understanding of the other branches as I go into them.
Thanks for the list, I will come back to it.

One thing I think I will struggle with is that lots of projects are complex and involve lots of files all referencing each other, is there a way to understand this other than poring over it for hours?


you get used to it as you familiarize yourself with tooling for your language.

it's worth investing your time and energy because 75% of programming is about structuring/packaging your idea. core algorithm/optimization is too fun to be a burden anway 24.999% of work is finding witty name for it

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