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Goodbye vim, you have treated me well. We emacs now. Post emacs/comfy memes


vim gang bids you a sad but friendly farewell.


> frogposting retard
You don't deserve emacs.


>Being mean on a 3 post per hour board
no u


I use nano like a functioning member of society.


Did you try the others, if so what was your experience?


warm welcome

if you miss modal editing, instead of falling back to evil, try modalka


Confusion and anger and the feeling of "I don't have time for this shit".


Very nice, I'm too used to vim. Maybe when I become a wizard I'll switch to emacs.


I don't know what you write with nano but doesn't it have at most 8 commands or something? what is stopping you from learning equivalent commands in emacs or vim?

both of them are extremely powerful editors so obviously you will overwhelm yourself with details if you try to learn every features but just using them as basic text editors shouldn't require herculean effort.


Emacs is the frogposter's editor of choice


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Not OP but Doom Emacs really did this for me. It's not as cool because you didn't wager blood sweat and tears to create your config, but holy shit it's good. Fast, everything is vimlike, and all the little shit is done for you so you don't have to learn emacs lisp on day 1 to get something you can crack on with work with.

Highly recommend it for any Vim user


Do not disrespect Stallman like that.


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Just dropping by to leave everyone a recommendation: org-roam. I've found that it's one of the best tools for knowledge base management out there. I've been using it to store all sorts of information, like notes on everything I read or think and anything I feel like writing or keeping for later. It feels like a cybernetic brain that allows me store anything I need and easily recall it at will.


this is so BASED

I knew there should exist better version of notion somewhere


What extra it gives you over org-mode?


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In simple terms, org-roam expands upon org's capabilities by adding a system for linking between notes and maintaining a database for storing the link relationships between files.

A big advantage is that it gets rid of the hierarchical nature of your file system. You never have to worry about which directory a certain file or note goes in because the system is tag/link based. Org Roam works via a flat directory structure. You just dump org files in this directory and roam will automatically add it to its database, allowing you to fuzzy search for files nicely, using Ido/Ivy/Helm/whatever you use.

This lack of a clear hierarchical structure is only made more useful by the linking system: following the zettelkasten method, you're supposed to take short notes instead of monolithic ones and link them together instead of dumping all info into one big file. This allows you to navigate your knowledge base via links and backlinks a lot more easily, since each piece of information is self contained but also connected to all its related pieces of info. The real kicker of this zettelkasten system is that it also allows you to derive more knowledge from each note, strange as it may sound; since each note is a small, self-contained but interlinked bit of info, by navigating around the zettelkasten, you end up finding connections you wouldn't have otherwise. You start connecting the dots between different ideas and coming up with new things. It's quite a nice system.

As for real world usage, I use it for everything. For the obvious, more academic purposes, which involve my university studies, but also any personal ones (reading Capital rn and this is pretty handy to have), but also non-obvious usage. If I see an important news article, I put it into the zettelkasten. See an interesting blog post? Yep, into the database it goes. Have to run some obscure esoteric shell command and would like to recall it easily in the future? Again, put it in the zettelkasten. Org roam shines at allowing you to quickly dump information into text files, and later recalling it with ease. The information you need is at your fingertips, and the info you don't need is neatly tucked away for when you do.

Gif related is a quick demo of me aimlessly browsing around my roam db. Notice how I can quickly search through file titles using my preferred minibuffer completion framework (Ivy), and then later search through the contents of all files using Deft. To get the fancy graph from my post above, I use an external package called org-roam-server.


Spacemacs is the superior synthesis.
Especially for beginners like me.


This looks incredible. How do I learn how to use it?
I'm still having trouble learning Org. I find myself constantly searching how to do stuff and coming out empty handed.


I don't mean to be rude anon, but Spacemacs is an unwieldy bloated piece of shit, honestly. It attempts to do too much while not doing anything particularly well. It actively inhibits user configuration via its overdesigned 'layer' system, which discourages manual configuration and installation of packages, thus defeating the purpose of Emacs, which is extensibility. On the other hand it is too large and unwieldy to be comparable to any Vi-like editor, like the Vim it tries so hard to emulate. If you need a premade configuration, at least use Doom, its a lot saner and nicer to configure. Rolling your own config is still the best way to go, and it's not difficult at all. When I started with Emacs I did my config in a weekend and I didn't even have any programming knowledge whatsoever.

There's not much of a learning curve. You just tell roam where your db is and start adding files using org-roam-find-file. Then, if you want to link to a file from within your current one, you use org-roam-insert. That's it for the basics really. What sort of difficulties do you have with org?


I really don't see why is this better than dumping everything into a single file where all of the features you mention already work. You can advise link following to do some narrowing and shit and it's the same?


emacs can be slow when working with really large files tho. also there's lot of value in being able to organically take notes on whim without worrying about where those lines belong in notebook.


I have a 3.5 MB org file and it's not that bad. I assume with gccemacs you won't even be able to tell.

>there's lot of value in being able to organically take notes on whim without worrying about where those lines belong in notebook.



can you share portion of your init.el? I've been reading both org-roam and org info file but not sure how I would make global *TODO* org file that I can dump my task


Here's a pretty minimal setup, the capture template is from the manual:

Evaluate this, then press "C-c c t" to capture a new task. Write in the details, schedule it with "C-c C-s", and when you are content with its content, press "C-c C-c" to send it to the tasks file. You can cancel it with "C-c C-k". Manual: https://orgmode.org/manual/Capture.html#Capture

Once you have some tasks, you can view them in the agenda. Press "C-c a" and then either "t" to see all tasks, or "a" to see a calendar for the week. You can collect tasks from multiple files if you want, by adding them to org-agenda-files. It is also possible to interact with the tasks through the agenda files, etc. See the manual: https://orgmode.org/manual/Agenda-Views.html

Of course don't put your tasks.org in /tmp


thx for sharing. I always found it difficult to connect dots while reading emacs documents without reading someone else's setup. I think I will attempt to use agenda view to have multiple TODO lists per project (with one misc org file for everything else).


If you prefer seeing things in action, this guy makes very good videos and had one about org-capture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCdScs4YO8k


Do you guys use tabs in your emacs configs? Normally I will have a vertical split then if I want another set I'll open another workspace, however I just opened vscode and found the tab thing interesting. Any more experienced emacs fags got any thoughts on this?


No, I only use spaces. Haha. I'm not familiar with vscode, since I try to avoid proprietary software as much as I can, so I have no idea how it uses tabs. emacs 27 now supports two kinds of tabs:
- tab-line-mode shows the open buffers on the top of the window, kind of like browser tabs. Manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Tab-Line.html
- tab-bar-mode lets you have multiple screen configurations like the "perspectives" in Eclipse. Manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Tab-Bars.html

Personally I don't use either, instead if I need multiple views or something I usually start a server (with "M-x server-start") and make a new frame ("window") (with "emacsclient -c") and move that to a different desktop. Manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Emacs-Server.html


Retard here, can someone explain to me what the advantage is using a text editor over an IDE?


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I don't use tabs, but I don't really have anything against them. Switching between buffers the normal Emacs way is a lot more efficient for most cases. I think the only use for tabs in Emacs is navigating through different window/buffer configurations, really. But it seems to me that packages like eyebrowse and persp-mode or whatever already do that a lot better than tabs possibly could. So tabs are kinda left in a weird middle ground. They look nice though, see pic.


Is emacs not an IDE?


It's an operating system :)


I thought I would revive this board somewhat by asking a pretty simple question. What text editor should I use on my Mac? I'm gonna be doing some basic html, css, JS shit soon and I'd like the leftypol approved option.


I was typing up a big informative post on this but really, just get something simple but widely used and well-regarded, like VSCode (better yet, VSCodium for no spyware) or Brackets. Unless you have an interest in more advanced editors, like Emacs or Vim, of course.


Brackets def looks neat, having a live preview would be very handy when adjusting the position of shit.


spacemacs for the retards like me :)


From my sparsely informed perspective (I use ed for small files, acme for large files and vi on my netbook), it seems like emacs is slowly falling apart.
Does this reflect your experience?

Emacs still primarily acts like it runs on a VT220, but it seems to at least have adequate mouse selection support https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Mouse-Commands.html
Do you use it in your setup?
Remember, typing is actually slower in most cases http://www.asktog.com/readerMail/1999-12ReaderMail.html


Emacs is a hacked together abomination but it's still the best text editor and operating system in existence.
The next Emacs release should be much faster because it will be GTK native and GCCEmacs will be merged.
But you are not totally wrong. Eventually, Emacs will either need a revolutionary overhaul that will force a total rewrite of several essential functions in order to become multithreaded OR it will need to be retired in favor of a new editor that is built for the 21st century. All of the fine tuned optimizations we are seeing at the Elisp level are trying to delay the inevitable.


Depends on what I'm writing. If it's something really short I use nano, if I'm writing something longer in C I'll use emacs.
I do some math stuff so I use python a lot, and I've recently found Spyder which makes my life much easier and is actually fun, though it makes my shitty laptop have a heart attack whenever I open it.


Use google colab notebooks for python. You can do it all online, might help your computer performance


It seems to be a healthy project to me. Emacs is still getting plenty of bugfixes and some new features. By software standards it is ancient, and it does have a lot of baggage because of it, but I did not see any signs of it falling apart, at least as an outsider. I don't follow the development mailing list itself, only the emacs-news, so I might have missed the warning signs.

Emacs can do a lot that would surprise you. With pdf-tools it can display PDF files pretty much as good as a standalone PDF viewer: https://github.com/politza/pdf-tools There's a real-time video game written in it: https://github.com/fitzsim/slime-volleyball


I actually went from using notebooks to using Spyder, though I still use notebooks for some things, usually writing the code in spyder and then moving it to a notebook.

The only reason I'd use colab is because as far as I understand you run the code on google's servers rather than the laptop, but I actually have some access to a cluster anyway.

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