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>A Dutch financial newspaper reports the European Union (EU) wants to establish a new regulation that would “force electronics manufacturers to facilitate easier battery replacements.”

>It’s been years since flagship phones and laptops came with easily removable batteries, especially from companies like Apple. Have tech companies pulled the wool over our eyes? Or do people not care as much about removable batteries as the EU thinks?

>If you buy a phone today, chances are you can’t easily remove the battery yourself. If you really want to try it out, it’ll require dozens of steps, including the removal of delicate pieces like the screen and the logic board. It’s not for the faint of heart.

>I took a poll, asking people if an easily replaceable battery was a major factor when buying a phone. Unsurprisingly, the overwhelming majority wouldn’t buy a phone just for a replaceable battery.

>Maybe we’ve all fallen for Apple’s marketing schemes. Maybe we could’ve had super-thin, sturdy phones with replaceable batteries all along. We believed the explanation that Apple provided because its phones thin and waterproof, and that’s what we wanted at the time.

Hopefully this applies to laptops too.


Laptops of course, but phones wouldn’t be a great idea, those batteries are so think and delicate tons of people would end up burning themselves because they combust so easily.


what’s the point of this?


EU is the only defense against Big Tech short of actually overthrowing capitalism.

This fucking never happens.

Not having to deal with planned obsolescence for once.


what’s stopping companies from just lowering battery life in software updates


some of you guys have an almost pathological drive to be contrarian huh


I’m just saying if you want to attack planned obsolescence playing footsies is nothing but pointless. it’s not even that radical of a goal or policy within the current political coordinates


You don’t want people taking out a modern smartphone battery, if a baby or something bites into that shit then they die, plus the electrocution hazard.


greasy burger hands typed this post


>but phones wouldn’t be a great idea, those batteries are so think and delicate tons of people would end up burning themselves because they combust so easily.
all wrong thin pouch batteries aren't delicate at all, and people don't combust easily, people are like 50-70% water
>what’s stopping companies from just lowering battery life in software updates
laws about battery warranty ?
>You don’t want people taking out a modern smartphone battery,
yes you want to be able to replace a battery
>if a baby or something bites into that shit then they die,
You're one of those people that tried to dry their dog in a microwave, aren't you ?
If they make the foil of the pouch batteries a little thicker they'll be bite-proof
>plus the electrocution hazard.
3.7 Volts are not electrocuting anything


So what?

Dude I take out my phone's battery every single day. What the fuck are you talking about?




Enjoy your unregulated corporate dictatorship and your personal surveillance device exploding in your sleep you swamp island bitch


I think he was making fun of right-wing boomers.


I’m just saying this barely puts a scratch on planned obsolescence. it’s weak shit.


rooting the device and installing a custom OS on it


ITT: zoomers who have never seen a removable smartphone battery talking about how impossibly delicate they are


It was literally one person.


It was literally one person.


yer on the wrong board


>EU is the only defense against Big Tech short of actually overthrowing capitalism.
They only do this sort of stuff because the US has the monopoly on tech and its a way to rival them. Its just inter-porky infighting and is naive to praise one side

Also most of their regulations comes with the increased dependance on EU products that can comply with them


>Unsurprisingly, the overwhelming majority wouldn’t buy a phone just for a replaceable battery.
I would. The last two phones I've owned died because they gradually stopped being able to hold a charge.


File: 1618502719828.png ( 310.86 KB , 631x862 , EU.png )


>The European Union is considering banning the use of artificial intelligence for a number of purposes, including mass surveillance and social credit scores. This is according to a leaked proposal that is circulating online, first reported by Politico, ahead of an official announcement expected next week.

>If the draft proposal is adopted, it would see the EU take a strong stance on certain applications of AI, setting it apart from the US and China. Some use cases would be policed in a manner similar to the EU’s regulation of digital privacy under GDPR legislation.


Holy based.

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