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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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Tech nerds will not comprise the entirety of the revolution. We know this. It's going to include a lot of normies, who can't exactly communicate and coordinate everything through text messaging. As we also know, we live in a world of mass surveillance. We have to give normies options for communicating that can protect themselves from the corporate surveillance state. This thread is for evaluating those options. I am currently looking at phone conferencing options and can't make up my mind on these:
-some Matrix protocol tool
-some XMPP protocol tool

What I really want is something supporting phone call-ins, for stupid old people who cannot into computers. Phone OS support may also be important. Some options are more suited to these things than others. Maybe even better ones than I've listed. Discuss, please.


As someone who've followed the matrix/riot developments for the past couple of years - the main thing to keep your eye on is this:
>Declaring End-to-end Encryption stable and turning it on by default for private rooms. (12/14 tasks completed):

The last statement (March 18) from the devs reads:
>We're roughly a few weeks away from releasing this to the stable channel, but that may change if we uncover new areas of the project that we feel must be fixed before release.
>The team is working hard on this, and we're excited to share it with everyone when it's ready.

When it's done I'd say matrix is the clear winner. Jami still has some bugs but will eventually be very good as well. Jitsi is the more stable one out of the three that's just a bit more messy to set up (that's why it's not recommended that often, similarly to XMPP).


I came from this thread >>>/leftypol/398552. This thread is good and we should work to keep it active and reach a valuable conclusion.


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Just to highlight the need to study secure alternatives, the major teleconferencing tool exploding in popularity right now, Zoom, has been in several privacy scandals the last week and more over the last year. Even some ostensibly communist and socialist parties and organizations have been using Zoom to communicate.


I'm interested in learning how to secure radio and other over-the-air transmissions. What does DIY end to end radio encryption look like?


Anyone with half a brain knows not to trust any technology/protocol popularised by the media and used by corporations/governments, etc.


>Secure audio communication
in the dark
under a bridge
with traffic overhead


>Anyone with half a brain
Unfortunately a lot of people don't have half a brain. It's important to be able to construct a meaty argument.


Former us army signal sergeant here, best I can do for a TLDR:
1: convert the audio into digital
2: stream cipher
3: back to analog
4: broadcast

Going to want to change the keys by hand every week, and any time you suspect a radio is compromised.


>Even some ostensibly communist and socialist parties and organizations have been using Zoom to communicate.
It's because they're made up of boomers with similarly stereotypical ignorance of technology (aka not boomer computer scientists, Dickblast is the lone exception) and are killing their own orgs by proxy of this general incompetence in the second decade of the 21st century.


Third decade.


Has anyone here ever considered using or switching too JMP services to replace your cell phone provider? It is a service that operatives through XMPP and forwards your messages (which are encrypted to the point of transit) out to a cell phone tower. It seems like a superior service than having a cell phone.
It still runs off wifi, but, honestly wifi is so prevalent these days it has had little to no impact on my life.



I've definitely thought about using it to spoof a phone number to register a Google account. This stuff is so complicated I don't know where to start though.


It's really not that complicated once you understand how XMPP works. Just make an XMPP and join the conference and talk to ossoguy he can help you better understand it.


So is Jitsi just a client program for connecting over XMPP? And then Matrix clients are integrating Jitsi? I can't figure out what is a frontend for what here.


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Riot release postponed a week.




Is this cause for alarm?


Not really, it wasn't some giant security breach or anything. It's to do with a reduction in possible bugs around this major release, a lot of people are probably awaiting shilling this release just like I am to people using other software and they want the first impression to be good (previous Skype, Discord, Signal users).


If the Wienerlauncher is so knowledgeable, why is he using YouTube instead of PeerTube or Mediagoblin?


He could upload to both of course, but probably because he wants people to actually hear what he's saying. Social coercion sucks.


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Conversations is the easiest XMPP client to set up on your phone.

It costs money on the app store, but on F-droid it's free.


Never head of this, does it have a client for desktop computers ?


just use a desktop XMPP client like Gajim: https://gajim.org/


thank you


>We have to give normies options for communicating
Normies will hate you as fascist STEMbro chuds anyway lmao.

Tech nerds have worked for a free and open internet, constantly battling to keep protocols and standards open (when orgs like IBM, Microsoft and now Twitter or Facebook would happily close them up if they could), pushing for net neutrality, and writing a fuckton of reliable and professional grade free software that now makes up the infrastructure for the internet. There have also been efforts to start making hardware more open.
But you know as well as me that the average left-wing normie doesn't care about any of that. Just looking at the way RMS was treated will tell you all about what's in store for STEMcucks after the revolution.


>Just looking at the way RMS was treated will tell you all about what's in store for STEMcucks after the revolution.
>t. still can't distringuish between radlibs and communists
Go back


>Just looking at the way RMS was treated will tell you all about what's in store for STEMcucks after the revolution.
tfw you can't even defend a pedophile these days without angering the PC police ;_;


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RMS changed his mind 2 years ago
>14 September 2019 (Sex between an adult and a child is wrong)
>Many years ago I posted that I could not see anything wrong about sex between an adult and a child, if the child accepted it.
>Through personal conversations in recent years, I've learned to understand how sex with a child can harm per psychologically. This changed my mind about the matter: I think adults should not do that. I am grateful for the conversations that enabled me to understand why.
he even used the special pronoun.


>>8525 (me)
reply to


I guess it is possible to learn old nerds new tricks. between this and linus learning that other people do in fact exist, perhaps we will see some actual adults in the free software space


I'm bumping this thread, to ask for an updated suggestion of good secure free opensource software communication software


Simply connect to same server via ssh and use something like roughly
function say { echo "$USER> $@" >> anonchat}

Then in your terminal:
>tail -f talkfile &
>say <msg goes here>

Could make it nicer with tmux too I'm sure.




Hello guys can someone send me a email? [email protected] that`s my mail




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>Tech nerds will not comprise the entirety of the revolution. We know this. It's going to include a lot of normies, who can't exactly communicate and coordinate everything through text messaging.
Ooooh fuck OFFFF!

"tech bros" will not comprise shit. Your middle class ass ruined enough movements.

again and again I am reminded just how genius was the soviet symbol - hammer and sickle
but without that gay ass star of a backstabbing elitist vanguard party of a technical intelligentsia

a perfect design - red background symbolizing all the blood of the toiling masses throughout history, hammer and sickle symbolizing where we came from who's the fucking boss here, whose state it is

and most importantly - no fucking sneaked in gay ass paintbrushes, feather pens, compass representing fucking backstabbing "intelligentsia"

>As we also know, we live in a world of mass surveillance. We have to give normies options for communicating that can protect themselves from the corporate surveillance state.

how are you gonna do this retarded thechfaggot? have Arab spergout and Kazachstan teach you nothing? THEY FUCKING SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET YOU STUPID DUMBFUCK
if you ever worker at any ISP level you should know that no protocol and messenger will help you.


server dependent
piss easy to block especially when every techfaggot uses cloud hosting


same shit


it barely works even when nobody tries to bock it lmao

>What I really want is something supporting phone call-ins, for stupid old people who cannot into computers.

then you're stuck with Signal which is hellbent on requiring your phone number lol

stick to your fucking bitcoins techretards and leave the revolution to the actual fucking working class that gets exploited
you will be called in when your services will be needed


Go outside




Holy shit. Imagine being this much of a Luddite.


salty techbitches

bitcoin is genius in a sense that it's as if it was designed to fleece techretards from the get go lol
and they took that bait hook line and sinker

nothing such satisfying as listening to a techretard bourg telling his audience of wannabe steve jobs wageslaves that he lost a million in crypto that he got from exploiting their wagie asses lol


>you will be called in when your services will be needed
oh thank god, i was under the impression i was going to have to do it myself because everyone else is incompetent


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The main matrix server can't and shouldn't be trusted because it is centralized and it's dumb they even made that a thing but there's zero reason to believe that an open source project that allows people to host their own server of the protocol itself is compromised.


The glow is not in the code but in it's architecture. Yes it's open source and you can host your own server but it's so impractical that the vast majority of people just use Martix.org and have their metadata scooped up.


I think that has less to do with impracticability and more to do with the lack of knowledge revolving around how to set up and host a server.


it's more to do with how to secure a server + hosting and domain costs

there is no point in your own server if any scriptkiddie can pwn it


No, it's a complex setup that even system admins struggle with. You can blame it on being so web based but not everyone buys that excuse.


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anybody uses onionshare?


I've never heard of it. What is it?




What the fuck is this. It bumps.


The thing i dont understand why people dont say anything when so many people know end to ends dont mean squat lol. Its a fact PGP can be hacked in 8 days thats 3 years ago , they got the enterprise pgp phones and would shield from remote wipe with lead bag.

Then we went to encrochat ECC that went worse because they made custom phones and the IMEI where pitiful small compared to iphone android ect then they just raided the server lol but at least they tried burning it down lol

Then we go to sky ECC enterprise with highest encryption self deleting messages , longevity and a 1 million dollar bug bvounty but they were under rico for months and after 11 years gave up the servers!!

And dont get me started on ciphr supposably ready for quantum lol.

THese are expensive end to end encrypted enterprise blackberry at first then others like iphone all with it policys no cameras no mics then later not cross server then up too ecc and above encryption end to end yet they ALL fell when criminals started using but thats not the point , the point is when they wanted to they did it and Panama and switzerland wich is pure myth the latter gave up the server codes or had access to it when they ALL claimed not too lol.

Nothing is encrypted folks , it would be too massive a breach to be put up with. Signal is lucky it has too many users to burn over 1 shitbird. Not too mention stingrays.

With a pc you can at least do triple VPN TOR DNS quad 9 ect but youy need 2 routers.




Just audio? Call me old fashioned, but why not use encrypted radio?


Wait, you can't change password on your matrix account?

>Please note that we cannot reset passwords or reactivate matrix.org accounts. If you have an email address attached to your account, you can reset your password here.

WTF is this? secure my ass..


Matrix fags? where you at?
explain yourself

how do I change password on my account without going off the protocol, ie fucking abhorrent email shit?




what is this matrix faggot tries to communicate?


Hi folks. A good friend pointed me in this direction, hoping for some interesting dialogu


eat dick namefag
back to reddit


Welcome, Don't mind the uyghurs like >>11301

We're glad to have new faces around here. Make sure you read the rules sticky on /leftypol/ so you know what we're about. Free speech leftist board.


Can someone explain to me the difference between Matrix and XMPP?
Both are client-server based. Both support chat, voice, video. Both support encryption.
So why the FUCK two of them get shilled at the same time? I already have Whatsapp/Skype/Signal/Viber/Zoom/Telegram/Wechat/Whathefuckelse, why yes give me ANOTHER two! Retard!






One is obscure and next to no one uses it. The other is especially obscure and even fewer people use it.

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