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File: 1608526303623.jpg ( 50.24 KB , 400x579 , SICP_cover.jpg )


I'll start with a pretty obvious one.

It's pretty good, don't let the hundreds of unfunny and unoriginal edits of anime girls holding it make you think it's just a "meme".


practice is very important.

more philosophical books, "Gödel, Escher, Bach" is an excellent book.

I haven't really read any programming books tbh.


Yeah I guess I fucked up by not making the thread explicitly about STEM in general instead.

Thanks for the rec, I'll check it out.


I've read plenty of programming books but I can't think of any that everyone should read, other than SICP of course.


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btw anime edits are cool


You are not funny.


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this only made sense in context (the patchy ones) and people only keep doing it completely stripped of meaning because its a le oldfag meme


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also to keep the thread back on topic


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You should read https://twobithistory.org/2018/10/14/lisp.html before reading SICP.

Other recs:
UNIX: A History and a Memoir
The Tao of Programming
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools aka the Dragon Book


Also all of Tanenbaum's book are pretty good especially Structured Computer Organization


I looked up the books mentioned and HOLY FUCK are they expensive. Why?!


There are some general programming classics, I haven't read:

Working Effectively with Legacy Code
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
The Linux Programming Interface
The Unix Programming Environment
The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey To Mastery
Programming Pearls
Code Complete (second edition)
The Mythical Man Month

Then there are frequently recommended books for certain areas, like functional programming, or specific languages, or programming challenges/interview problems, which are only recommended if you're going into those areas.


Software developers aren't big fans of books so these don't sell a lot and are almost always bought by universities, so they make these books expensive to make sure they get a profit.



Thankfully authors of the books that DO MATTER tend to give their works out freely on their pages or never DMCA pirated contents.


Yeah, god bless them.

Anyway I've got ADHD so I try to go physical whenever possible and it blew my mind the prices of these books. Like a used SICP is more expensive than some of the phil hardcovers I've got.

Guess I should consider investing on an e-reader one of these days.




> Working Effectively with Legacy Code
The real title of this should be "writing tests for object-oriented code". I was pretty disappointed with it, definitely not something everyone should read.

> The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie

This is pretty dated and will only interest people who like history. If you want to learn C look for something not stuck in the eighties.

> The Linux Programming Interface

> The Unix Programming Environment
These are domain specific. Definitely not something every programmer should read.

> The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey To Mastery

This might have been a good book twenty years ago but today it's a boring collection of shitty advice. It's so boring I couldn't even finish it.

> The Mythical Man Month

This is an interesting read but is pretty dated, software development is done in a very different way from what it discusses.

> Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

> Code Complete (second edition)
I've not read these but they seem to be cargo cult bullshit.

> Programming Pearls

> Peopleware
I don't know anything about these.




Wretched of the Earth



>>The Linux Programming Interface
>>The Unix Programming Environment
>These are domain specific. Definitely not something every programmer should read.
UNIX is best and also used by most systems (Linux, Android, OSX), so what's the issue?


browser is the new os for zoomers


There are better things to do in life than read reference books about systems that you don't develop for.


tbf knowledge of inner workings of any operating system translates very well to virtually any programming endeavor and it will serve as great investment. Learning NT kernel is an option if you code for windows but why would you when lots of systems run or provide some form of UNIX or UNIX compatible interface? in open source nonetheless

You don't have to read them cover to cover and practice every problems but there's big difference between dev who have at least surface understanding of UNIX and dev who treat everything under their current environment as blackbox.


If that's what you are after you are better off with Tanenbaum's Operating Systems: Design and Implementation


Tanenbaum is based.


Have the book can hardly recommend, it's basically a reference book as in here's a pathetic implementation and if you want to see how its really done read these three whitepapers. If you want to get good at operating systems read other operating systems (not Minix) XNU, BSD and Linux are modern operating systems with source code. Write a driver, fuzz a device, learn how kernel events and virtualized memory are implemented etc.


I'm going to go against the grain and not recommend Linux (because it's a god damn mess) XNU and BSD are so much more cleanly implemented. I say this as a massive FSF fanboy who runs Linux on every computer I own.


Nobody needs to read SICP.


Mac is better than Linux, period.


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The vast majority of C programmers cite K&R C as the bible of C though.


Thanks. I hadn't read them, good to know I'm not missing much.


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Carmack became lame but DooM is still GOAT.


I wish there was a NON-MEME book about Terry Davis and TempleOS.
Guy was legitimately badass past the glow-in-the-dark niggers funno.


don't let glowies defile the legacy of Terry. Read his code & doc yourself. It's literate programming at its near full potential sans 64bit assembly arcanery that I still do not understand .

One could make great operating systems course out of it


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