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Is protonmail a honeypot?
>Trying to sign up on .onion links back to .com
>Can't sign up with vpn
>Only accepts crypto after you've signed up

There's absolutely no reason for not allowing sign-ups with vpns/TOR and activating the accounts after the payment has gone through
Do there exist any alternatives that aren't glowies?


WTF is in your emails that is so sensitive you go to all this effort tho? Like are you sending assassination plans to your homies or something?


If you're trusting your opsec into some third party company, you deserve it.
Use cock.li if you want some e-mail service you know you can't trust, but is at least bullshit-free (if you ignore vc).
But if you (really) know what you're doing you can just use any popular provider, Google included.


It's likely to be a honeypot since Protonmail already cooperated with law enforcement. Also, Swiss confederation recently reduced their privacy laws. Its policies should scare every anti-capitalist human. Initially, Protonmail was suppressed in Google search results but now it's the second for "secure private mail provider"
For more info:

Glowie detected. Everything is sensitive except what is meant to be public. Otherwise you become the commodity.https://riseup.net/en/security/resources/radical-servers

This. But cock.li-founder is anti-leftist. Please use and support a radical tech collective in your area.
Don't forget to use PGP.


>cock.li-founder is anti-leftist
vc is merely pretending to be retarded, why would you care anyways?
>radical tech collective
Hackerspaces are cringe and bluepilled.




Riseup has rules that suggest they're reading your emails (the only way they could enforce them).


Enjoy your hobo hangout.


Go away NSA


>Anyone who criticize my lifestyle is a federal agent!
The begginers' guide to anarcho-liberal political discourse.


Not today CIA


It was pretty much advertised in Mr.Robot, so most likely.


They only ratted out actual scammers tho.


It's always connecting me to Utah, and the Swiss keep the Nazis' gold for them.


The OP poisoned the well by baiting schizo-posting.


>i just need the bandwidth and minimum bullshit and i know how to use PGP

>i can pay 1 euro a month


>i know someone that has a riseup account



registering protonmail nowadays is unreliable - most of the time they want a phone number. sometimes it works with a "recovery" email. temporary emails won't work, but you can easily create a throwaway yandex mail account for that purpose.
i'm talking about registering over Tor, i have no experience with clearnet.


>OP: Is [x] a honeypot
>Poster1: What are you hiding
>Poster2: Yeah dude duh of course its a honey
>Poster3: Poster1 glows

You could make a thread asking that question about literally any piece of popular software and you will get the same exact answer OP.

And that answer is yes, you should always assume the software you're using isn't secure, because on some level it isn't.

The only serious way to OpSec is either hundreds of layers of encryption and disinfo added between your backdoored email clients, computer hardware, and router connections

or you can manufacture your own logic gates, operating system, and computer network.


This has changed recently. I've managed to create a couple of protonmail accounts using throwaway email addresses (guerrillamail) for verification, while leaving recovery email address blank.
Doesn't necessarily work with every Tor exit node, but it doesn't take a lot of circuit switching to find one that works.

Not that anybody should simply trust protonmail. It's just useful if you need to create an account on some site that requires "legit" email address. As long as you thoroughly compartmentalize each of your "operations" you might as well use protonmail as your main/personal email provider.


Imagine not proxy chaining into a sock5 from tor so you look normal…

How do you even browse on tor? Literally everything is blocked.


Tor is also so a honeypot so it really doesn't matter.


Regardless of provider you should be encrypting any e-mail with sensitive information anyway.


>Imagine not proxy chaining into a sock5 from tor so you look normal…
How do you do this? What services host sock5 that I can use?


>Is protonmail a honeypot?
>Do there exist any alternatives that aren't glowies?
Tutanota and some other onion only sites.
>bonus question
>should you take your meds?
Yes you paranoid schizo


Protonmail is hosted in Israel.


>>Can't sign up with vpn
I did. Multiple times. Get a good one.
Plus you can sign up on Tor if you don't mind a small delay emailing their anti-spam department.


Literally! I can't even post here!


kek had that same experience OP, see: >>7850


>Can't sign up with vpn


Is Tutanota good? And can I create multiple accounts for free using my VPN?


Turn off onion redirects in the Tor settings and sign up with .com only. Then it does work. Protonmail has gotten increasingly suspicious, Tutanota is cooperating with law enforcement and has to accept the new law in Germany.

Basically any email service that claims to be secure and private is a lie. Email is insecure from the ground up. Maybe someone should create a leftymail. I could set that up


Tor is not a honeypot stoopid, its just the exit notes for domains like .com, but if you visit .onion its safe. All the stories about deanonymisation were human error or exit nodes.


yo got an invite for cock.li? they went invite only some time ago. Posteo seems good, but they still need to accept the new German state trojan (literarly how its called) and snooping laws.


oh fuck, just realized how long this thread is - rip


>Basically any email service that claims to be secure and private is a lie.
Whatever the actual case is, one should always assume any email provider is or can get compromised, so if you really want your messages to stay private encrypt them with PGP. Of course that still doesn't take care of the metadata which one should also take into consideration.

Then there's a further problem that most people use pozzed email providers like gmail and don't know how to use PGP, so whatever you send to those people (and is sent to you by them) will be used to profile you as well.









If you are really serious about it then you can set up your own email service on a machine, buy a domain name and point it to your mail server.
BUT as >>10611 pointed out the main problem is that basically everybody uses the pozzed botnet email providers basically rendering any privacy effort on email useless.
The problem is people's lazyness and stupidity, as always.


no u

he stills gay and most likely a lolifag owo


File: 1628542880694.png ( 556.65 KB , 512x512 , 1628294968462.png )

how do i get a freakling riseup invite


Come to my place and I'll give you an invite code. I'm here:
1000 Colonial Farm Road, McLean, VA 22101, United States


File: 1628704286473.png ( 55.35 KB , 1239x649 , ClipboardImage.png )

Since when is cock.li invite only?

can anyone give me an invite btw?


so based
i stole ur invite, i will post another later


>Can't sign up with vpn


So this happened recently:

Remember to use their onion address.


wow it takes months to get these lol
swiss law, but still proof that they lie and are probably 100% glowing
seems that with email and most tech you can either have privacy or security but not both


>proof that they lie
What was the lie exactly?


>By default, we do not keep any IP logs which can be linked to your anonymous email account.
Legal context aside, this statement evaluates to false


Whelp, I've had about enough of this shit. Time to get a home email server setup already.


the entire internet is an honeypot. once you get there you're fucked.


t. your cia glowie


I don't care much about the server side of things because I heavily compartmentalize and torify my email usage anyway, so it's not very helpful for their big data algos. For the most part I use one email account per identity per website - that includes multiple email accounts for a single website in case of multiple logins. That's a lot of email accounts.

Which is why I'm searching for an email provider that:
- isn't a pain in the ass to register an account with
- provides IMAP support for free so I can automate my email checks

Is there anything like that out there?

What's essential is to use Tor, the onion service is just a cherry on the cake, but Tor by itself already hides your origin IP even if you connect to a clearnet address.

Unfortunately their onion service is not configured for its purpose, so it will often refuse to login you with the message "too many recent login attempts". That's probably because they left their clearnet checks in place. Most of the people who set up onion services don't use Tor themselves so there's really very little testing involved.

Unique IPs: 10

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