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Is there something like HackerNews but not infested by Silly Valley's libertarian STEMlords and VC-bootlicking hustlers?


Don't know about a site similar to HaackerNews but leftist in that way, but look into the Euro/German hacker community, like Chaos Computer Club / Chaos Communication Congress (AKA "CCC" and "C3"), there's a lot of appearances in that sphere of far-/ultra-left types.
Sites/communities that come to mind are also Mastodon, Matrix and Diaspora.


There used to be Arisuchan


Many of its users have returned to lainchan after its death.


theres a socialist programmers subreddit


I sometimes browse lobste.rs since it's less obvious the blatant liberalness of everything.
I also sometimes browse lainchan but it's a very slow board and not really a news aggregator type site.
I found out about it stalking Elm's cute twink creator. What I really want (I'm not OP) is a place that isn't riddled with shit liberal takes (bootlicking, self-help shit, entrepreneur bullshit, VC dicksucking, etc). The problem with that is that there's not a lot of "true" leftists in the first place, that are also software devs, that are also interested in discussion. Here and lainchan is the best place I have found.


I had hoped we could make one here.


Too bad only autistic screeching about everything that's not written by Microsoft or in C is allowed here.


Do you mean not allowed or that people don't like it?


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I mean that any time you try to discuss anything, some lowlife always starts spreading FUD and spamming those /pol/-tier Wojak memes.


I found out about lemmy, wich is a reddit clone inhabited by mostly left leaning people.

Oh, that guy. Yeah, he's pretty active.


pseudoscience loving loons cluster on there these days, better off avoiding it. Its not very tech either, I haven't been there since I was warned for a research paper and game console hardware doc pdf dump personally.


I sure hope you're not referring to the 5G threads lately. There's clearly good evidence of negative effects from long-term radiofrequency exposure.


Don’t forget the “your experience with raping” thread.


this one? it's impossible to find it in search engines unless you write "lemmy reddit" lol


lainchan's been shit ever since kalyx sold the site to appleman.


I remember you, I defended you on that, was getting annoyed at the hypocrisy of the moderation at the time.

Fascism, rape, and otherkin shit started taking over earlier this year, it's a shame


Here are two things full of radlibs, if you prefer that:


Raddle is terrible. Peak radlib cancer.


I wouldn't be surprised if 5G health conspiracy theories are themselves perpetuated by tech industry to steer opposition and paint it as loonies. All they need to do then is ensure the general public that it's not dangerous to your health. Both sides of the debate (the "stupid conspiracy theorists" and the "enlightened intellectuals") took the bait.
The actual question is what 5G tech entails politically. Do we want to live in smart cities where everything is recorded, interconnected, optimized and managed by algorithms, so that the existing social order is never disturbed?


Anti-G5 is a completely rational response to over a century of corporations knowingly lying out their ass about the health effects of their products (from cigarettes to fossil fuels to BPA to Roundup to fracking run off to Tamiflu and beyond) and G5 infrastructure being pushed out quickly with no consultation of communities.


It's also a rational response to anyone who's actually spent some time reading studies linking chronic radio exposure to enhanced DNA/cell damage.


so the movie johnny mnemonic was right then


anyone know what this is about?


You know, having contact and discussing opinions and world views different than your own is something very healthy.


Fascism was a problem before kalyx sold the site. I would know; I was on the modteam from 2015 to 2017.




HackerNews is the fucking worst community. I know someone who is reactionary-lite, and constantly talks about how terrible reddit is (no shit) so he moved to HackerNews because it's a more "sensible, non-biased" community. a community that consists of libertarian incels that make 200k a year bitching constantly about minorities/shit that does not affect them. cringe.

i think this board is the closest thing to what OP is looking for, but after seeing the massive walls of text over completely unrelated shit further down this thread, i'm not so sure.


How can they not have sex with 200k a year?


Its one fucking nut going on about spooky minorities and drawing in unrelated people trying to argue with him, as usual

Level One Techs forums are pretty good, especially for learning about Cloud Stuff, I also like their news round ups

Go there and read their shit lmao and you'll understand


I agree about hacker news. I'd say they are a mix of steven pinker (neo-)liberals and "rational" libertarians. Interestingly, I saw a comment on hacker news saying that "if I wanted to know that vaccines cause autism, [other fake conspiracies theories], I'd go to reddit, not here", implying reddit is a schizo asylum. Interesting because I assumed reddit was mostly a liberal le I fucking love science circle jerk.

I mentioned it before, https://lobste.rs is the only tech news site I can tolerate, besides the subreddits of specific technology, eg r/haskell, etc. Tech, as it exists now, is tied to politics and to capitalism more generally, you can't really escape that, so you'll occasionally see bad takes.

I saw that lemmy shit but I'm just so burnt from reddit that seeing the interface gave me PTSD.


links to these studies?




lainchan isn’t hugely leftist but it’s pretty nice


>cyberpunk imageboard
>lots of lolbertarians and downright fashies
never stops being funny


Yep. HN sometimes gets decent links posted when they're not praising some randumb-messpelynk.io for advancing the state of the art on disrupting labour laws and user privacy, or fapping to Paul Graham's latest brainfart. But the community makes a really compelling case for nuking San Francisco.


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OP here. Since then, I haven't found anything significant besides this board, but there's a new small sub https://www.reddit.com/r/techtakes/ where people dunk on HN reactionaries and PG's dumb takes.

It is an offshoot from https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/ where folks dunk on the "rationalist" community stars (mostly Eliezer Yudkowsky and Scott "Alexander" Siskind).


Just go on slashdot. It's shit though.


Sl*shdot, how much time has it been?



This is our place and we have to cultivate it


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>dae le STEM fascist virgin techbros vs Chad humanities scholars
>wtf? why aren't there any left-wing tech communities?

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