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/tech/ - Technology

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Hello lads. I was recently released from prison, come home to find I do not know where to lurk anymoar. I used to hang out on lainchan and 8chan. Reincarnations of both are still around but they have changed quite a bit.

I don't want consoymerism threads. I just want to know where the similar faggots are gathering these days. I know that there are people like me too stubborn to give up on this so I'm sure they are all congregating somewhere in a virtual valhalla. I've tried here for a few days but this is too fringe for my liking although I may share your politics.

Any advice appreciated


maybe stick around, and if you find others online that qualify as
>people like me too stubborn to give up on this
maybe send them here


What were you in prison for OP?


Please don't ask people for information about their personal life, it might compromise them. There might be complicated legal stuff attached to OP's situation.

OP if you're reading this DON'T ANSWER




Can't post there, it just gives an error about browser cookies.


Honestly the death of 8ch has been really depressing for a long time. I mostly spend time on a number of disconnected niche diaspora sites that mostly focus on a single topic, instead of having a broad selection of topical boards.


I bet yall miss 8chan's pedophile boards lmaoo


I don't use leftypol.org because their mod team is suspicious as hell, it makes me not want to contribute.


What error?

Does your browser not have cookies enabled?


>Does your browser not have cookies enabled?
nope Borwser-cookies are enabled


Which browser? (and, do you have any unusual settings which might affect it)


i'm a bit too paranoid to give exact info, it's a very common browser and the config is pretty standard.

You seem to think the problem is on my end, I'll try using another browser.


>it's a very common browser and the config is pretty standard
That's good enough. I've tested Chromium and Firefox.
>You seem to think the problem is on my end
It works for me and I just haven't heard anyone else mention a cookie problem yet. I might affect other people and just no-one said anything, it's hard to know.
Maybe there's a cookie-blocking extension?


Did you get a chance to try it? I'm concerned that a pretty normal setup is unable to post so I'd like to get to the bottom of it.


>I know that there are people like me too stubborn to give up on this so I'm sure they are all congregating somewhere in a virtual valhalla.
Sorry buddy, it's kinda over for that niche of people. We had a chance when 8chan rebooted but the mods dropped the ball and unfortunately we just fragmented too much to organize that community again. I have been looking since 8chan died for where that spirit of /tech/ went and sad to say it's dead, they all moved on or just got assimilated into shittier boards. It was fun while it lasted but the internet as we used to know it, is falling out of our reach by the year. There's really no going back.

Yep I've been a man without a country ever since they went down. There's no replacing that level of dedicated autism, hostility and vicious dedication to the the truth they had.


>We had a chance when 8chan rebooted
You mean a "reboot" operated by a literal US government informant? 8ch died when Hotwheels let himself cucked by a pig farmer and then Cloudflare fucked it.

The infuriating part is all the little niche boards on 8ch that have been lost forever in spite of people forming a webring of loosely connected disapora boards now. It's a shame endchan didn't really turn out right, it could have been a good bunker. Also I'm sick of edgy Nazis polluting threads with their excrement when I just wanna talk about fucking video games or anime.


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Dumb e-drama (and also broken software) split 8chan.moe off from the webring sites soon after so it's just fragmented further. At this point, the webring boards only have about 20 with more than one new post in the last 24 hours.


Is this site on the webring?


No. The full list right now is:

leftypol.org threw around the idea of joining in late 2021, but there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence. Obviously it's not the same situation as leftychan (disproportionate userbase at the time, for one, isn't a major factor)


>there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence
I don't remember much backlash from our side of the fence. The cries of "pls no politics ;_;7" in that cafe thread are pretty funny though, considering pretty much all of the webring boards are polluted with obnoxious /pol/ fuckers who can't keep their politics out of apolitical boards.


Yeah it's pretty funny that the site hosting /fascist/ (most active board on the site at the time) had someone seriously trying to say 'no politics in the webring pls'. Not to mention the popular board /dup/.
I wonder if it was dissonance or just plain old insincerity.


tech was the only board i cared about, the managers of that board fucked it so hard it was in limbo for months after the reboot which was valuable time to make a bunker or send everyone somewhere else officially. This never happened and here we are. I couldn't give less of a fuck about politics, everyonbe is always trying to shoehorn their off-topic beliefs into pretty much everywhere they go, tech was hostile enough to tell you to shut the fuck up reguardless of which garbage someone thought was so much more imprtant than the board subject and that's what made them special.


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Once I found lainchan, I never looked back. /tech/ was filled with 8chins crying about trans and coc all day. I checked it daily but can't say I miss it.

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