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File: 1703968605746.jpg ( 35.02 KB , 998x569 , galactic menagerie.jpg )


What very few people seem to understand is that AIs are going to become the commodity.
All the content that could previously be sold as the commodity is at best an intermediary input now.

The copy-monopoly-lobby is currently buying special-interest-laws to bully AI companies to make their training material public, and intent to litigate for copy-monopoly-rent.

Ai companies probably should uphold attribution and licenses, to prevent simple stripping of licenses and attributions while pretending to do Ai generation. The AI companies should not have any obligation to pay copy-monopoly-rent, because if their tech works correctly it should generate new and original material. We can't have copy-monopoly get expanded to pay royalties for stuff that looks vaguely similar We also can't have copy-monopolies applied to something like a style.

While the file-sharing-tech-bros from the 90s ad 00s ultimately failed to slay the beast, the AI-tech-bros might actually have what it takes to crack the quasi feudal-power of the copy-monopoly-mafia. 2 Reasons:
-AI companies can make little AI-lawyer-helpers that will cut down their legal costs and allow them to win the attrition battle in lawfare.
-AI-choosies will beat tv/movies

<wtf are choosies

The Disney corporation wants to fire all their animation serfs, and put a big server-rack in the animation dungeon that generates new Star wars movie episodes and tv series/seasons and Force you to rent access.

EntertAInment will make competing science fantasy visual story generators on the basis of cinematic video game engines. The content generator will make as many episodes as you want. It'll be a big download, probably over 100gigs, more like a big video game than a video-file. But it will allow you to choose or modify details like the plot and character attributes, and it'll have graphics settings and filters that will allow you to change the look from photo-realistic to animated stick-figures. You might want to join a "multiplayer" group that has a shared time-line and shared characters, and lots of people that help curate the story so that it's less generic slog.
You'll probably have to rent AI-compute if you want real-time generation, even allowing for lots of optimization, consumer gpus probably can't do better than 1/10 real-time speed.

tf you making another ey-ay thread for ?
the US is now trying to pass regulation that makes Ai companies publish a list of their training sources, just like the EU has done
that means the battle lines are being drawn in the sand


jesus you have no idea what AI even is. you dont know shit about AI companies. dont think for one second that they are on your side. AIs under capitalism are bad news for the common people. remember that a lot of these companies are backed by theil for a very specific reason.


I think you're right in the very long term but soooooo many private interests rely on intellectual property enforcement that it won't happen anytime soon.
We're starting to see cracks, like Disney not extending the copyright on "Steamboat Willie" but we are no where near the dismantling of copyright AI needs to thrive.


>dont think for one second that they are on your side
Of course not, but they are becoming a powerful interest group that will push back against the copy monopoly terror, that's an upside.

>remember that a lot of these companies are backed by theil for a very specific reason.

You are referencing Peter Theil the infamous billionaire ? I only know 2 things about him. He hates rewritable-CD burners that not only can burn data onto CDs but also use the laser to etch a label onto CD-covers, because he thinks that was too much utility for the users. The other thing i know about him, is that he was one of the morons doing the medically unnecessary blood-infusions, because he fell for a fountain of youth con. So based on that, my impression is that he's a vampire that doesn't want consumer items to have nice features. But given that he fell for a fountain of youth con, he can't be very smart. So i don't know whether Theil is master-minding taking over society with Ai, or whether the Ai-guys are just milking him for funding.

If you know more about the AI-Theil connection please share.


>>12857 meant for >>12855


>I think you're right in the very long term but soooooo many private interests rely on intellectual property enforcement that it won't happen anytime soon.
The copy monopoly crap is a net negative for most businesses, because it is primarily a legalistic weapon designed for law-fare to be waged by large monopolists. The groups that benefit are powerfull but they are not "soooooo many". Also it definitely is not a form of property, not even in bourgeois ideology. If you read the bourgeois legal definitions, those call it a "state granted monopoly"

>We're starting to see cracks, like Disney not extending the copyright on "Steamboat Willie" but we are no where near the dismantling of copyright AI needs to thrive.

It's hard to tell how quick/slow the transformation will be. AI progression might go slow and incrementally, but it could also be rapid. I guess it kinda depends on how quickly the constraining factors can be optimized. Consider that you as a human didn't have to read hundreds of millions of books and webpages, to be able to formulate a coherent reply to a text query. People who can draw nice pictures didn't have to look at millions of pictures to learn how. So it stands to reason that the AI training algorithms still have a huge optimization potential.

I'm kinda uncertain about Disney's agency in all of this. Did they have the power to extend the copy-monopoly on Steamboat Willie, but decided not to do so. Or was it that they no longer had the power to do it. After-all they did try and fail to copy-censor some of the public-domain uses of it.


File: 1705125264185.jpg ( 10.16 KB , 320x180 , aicarlin.jpg )

Somebody made an AI George Carlin

For comparison Here's an actual recording of George Carlin

I'm spoilering my commentary in case you want to form your own opinion first.

I wanted to like this, because i was hoping that it might keep brilliant minds sort off available after they passed away fucking died. But it didn't really capture the magic, the AI version is severely neutered ideology-wise and lacks the pointed language compared to the actual guy. The AI version doesn't mimic Carlin's distinctive facial expressions, but I won't hold that against them since many people will only listen to the audio anyway. There are a few chuckles in there, so if this stuff really was entirely AI generated, that's still very impressive from a technical perspective.

I get the impression that they intentionally watered down AI-Carlin. At that point why bother with an AI resurrection. This feels like when People tried to "fix" old books in re-released versions.


>they are becoming a powerful interest group that will push back against the copy monopoly terror

They will not, and will in fact be the worst perpetrator yet seen

>If you know more about the AI-Theil connection please share.

The modern right wing fascist movement is a direct result of theil. he is so influencial in the world of silicon valley, VCs and such, y combinator. He is a manipulative psycho who basically wants to establish himself and his class as a permanent ruling aristocracy. If you have come across far right media in the last ten years, it will be tied to theils money. For example the bronze age pervert book was propped up and distributed by theil. he's trying hard to make fascism cool and artsy currently. regardless, he is a fucking demon that wants to control everyone and everything and essentially create hell for anyone who isnt a billionaire. the worst part is that he is legitimately very smart, just evil, so he's extremely dangerous. If you dig around, you'll find him trying to accelerate everything that makes our lives worse.


>They will not, and will in fact be the worst perpetrator yet seen
Do you mean to say Ai companies will do more copy-monopoly impositions ?

I very much doubt that. Copy-monopolies only work for static data. The Ai systems aren't static, the training data sets, the model weights, and so on, all of it is in continuous flux. There's nothing in there that is fixed enough to turn it into a definable "legal object".

These generative AIs have a processing step that uses randomized noise, so even identical instances of an AI system are unlikely to produce identical results. If you try to apply copy-monopoly logic to this, you'd get a mad competition to copy-rape all the things. For example Amazon would be using it's large array of cloud computers to generate every possible book, that is somewhat coherent text. Anybody who tries to author a new book, gets told "F.U. already generated and copy-raped". Not just books, ALL forms of expression would become copy-monopoly infringement. Copy-monopolies would become too absurd to continue existing.

If I were trying to make a AI company that i.d.k draws pictures for example. I wouldn't download all the images from DeviantArt and then computationally brute-force those. It works well enough but it's not the best method. You hire a painter, to paint something from a photo. And you feed the Ai system with the data about their graphic-tablet-inputs and their gaze (which part of the photo they focus their attention on). Then you only need to apply brute force-processing on tiny chunks of an image. Instead of using tens of gigabytes of RAM-memory you use hundreds of megabytes of CACHE-memory. Which is much faster and lower on power consumption. The "chunking method" also needs smaller training data-sets. But it requires you to hire people and strap them into a fancy set-up in order to make them "teach" the AI system the entire step by step process of painting a picture, instead of just showing it the final result. With this optimization you can condense a "AI-thing" into a reasonably priced pcie-card, with a relatively low power consumption and sell it as a commodity. Artists and everybody else who inputs "intelligence chunks" would become wage-workers in a factory, that make pieces of silicon that are "a skill in a can". Over time the many dedicated chips get consolidated into a generalized chip.

Stuffing AI accelerators into a big server farm, that offer AI services, won't scale up. We tried that scheme already. In the 80s the vision was that everybody was going to have a relatively dumb device that handles the interface and then all the serious compute tasks were going to get offloaded to a mainframe supercomputer. But it turned out that the economies of scale that can be achieved from mass-producing low cost end-user devices just can't be matched.

The copy-monopoly thing isn't really relevant for any of this.


>Theil is a manipulative psycho who basically wants to establish himself and his class as a permanent ruling aristocracy.
>he is a fucking demon that wants to control everyone and everything and essentially create hell for anyone who isnt a billionaire.
True but that's always been the goal of any ruling class.
The question is whether a "tech-monarchy" is really viable ?
The world is a big place, that also will contain "classical capitalist" economies. The last time the capitalists out-competed the monarchs. If China or some other country manages to reach a higher socialist mode of production, that'll blow past both of those.

>the worst part is that he is legitimately very smart, just evil

So he's intelligent, except for the youth snake-oil bullshit he fell for ?

>If you dig around, you'll find him trying to accelerate everything that makes our lives worse.

He invested in Palantir the data mining company with links to the CIA. Do you mean that ?

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