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File: 1701199780486.png ( 32.26 KB , 860x392 , hub and spoke point to poi….png )


So it appears the IP mafia is going after CDNs now.
Some discussion about this happened here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38444606

I'm not sure what to make of this, CDNs generally seem to be considered part of internet infrastructure , correct me if I'm wrong.

These people appear to be attacking internet infrastructure, regardless of what they say, that's what they're actually doing.
So this is about legacy monopolists in information distribution still attacking the internet for bypassing their monopoly ?
And their end goal is to wreck the internet in order to re-assert their old monopoly and make all information pass through them again ?
Is that behind this crusade, they're no longer the gate keepers they once were, and they're trying to turn back time ?

At the most fundamental level, they're trying to re-impose a hub and spoke information network topology.


>I'm not sure what to make of this, CDNs generally seem to be considered part of internet infrastructure , correct me if I'm wrong.
Really? I've never considered infrastructure. They're more like cloud providers. It's something you could do locally but it's just cheaper to hire them then build you own backbone to the internet.


>It's something you could do locally but it's just cheaper to hire them then build your own backbone to the internet.
I thought the point of CDNs was to make a website load fast for users that are far away from the web-server. So that functionality is not something you could do locally, because the hole point is for it to have an effect far away.

>Really? I've never considered infrastructure.

I will admit i don't have a good grasp on how CDNs work, i considered it infrastructure because it's something that most websites seem to use.

So what's your take, why is the IP mafia attacking this ?


Is that not how 8chan got taken down, they pressured their CDN?


Yes. CDNs are effectively a protection racket today. Play by their rules or get DoS'd when they revoke your service.


Hopefully I2P/tor/one of those nets where hosting is distributed will save us long term.

TBF most this applies to most real world infrastructure. You CAN treat your own water and generate your own electricity if you're rural and are willing to spend a decent chunk of your wages. The infrastructure line seems like one of those excuses which will be tossed aside by the powers that be when convenient though. Hopefully structural change will come.


>one of those nets where hosting is distributed will save us

Maybe open systems where no gate-keeper can impose them self's are temporary. It appears that nice people build a pleasant open system, and then people are free for a while. But eventually the horrible people that try to subjugate everybody figure how to break in and close it down. So in order to have a open system that stays open, the nice people have to keep re-configuring their open systems continuously, to stay ahead of the horrible people trying to clamp everything down.

>long term.

Maybe there is a permanent fix that prevents the emergence of gatekeepers. I think we might have figured it out for roads, the vast majority of roads are free from gatekeepers in our time. Compare that to feudal times where about half the roads were blocked by some kind of feudal thug that was extorting travelers for unmolested passage. I wonder what the materialist causes for the liberation of roads were and whether we can learn from that.

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