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New attack on privacy is taking on a hole new dimension.

TLTW:The US congress has proposed a law that would require rc-drone pilots to broadcast the location of their rc-drone and their own location.

Never mind the drone stuff, this would be a precedent of mandating a tracking beacon that broadcasts your location. Such a mandate so far only exists for convicted criminals that have to wear a tracking ankle-monitor.

I think this is so egregious, that surveillance has to be re-categorized as a form of attack or assault. We ought to grant people a right to self-defense to preserve their privacy, analogous to the right to self defense against physical attacks. People should be granted the right to use very assertive measures to protect their privacy. (Going beyond the current passive defense of privacy)

Obviously privacy means the absence of surveillance


Having a transponder that squawks on a certain code is already standard in aviation, this seems like it's extending it to drones. I'm not that worried tbh.


I'm not opposed to a requirement of transponders for commercial drones. If those delivery drones ever become viable, there will probably arise a need for dedicated drone airspace corridors and possibly even some kind of flight-control system that directs what flight routes drones can take to prevent collisions.

However none of that is really relevant here. This law has a requirement for hobby drone pilots to not only have a drone-transponder, but in addition they also have to broad-cast the location of their person. This is a mandate for a personal tracking device.

Outside of a commercial setting, neither your personal stuff nor your person should be subjected to any kind of surveillance. And any attempt of subverting personal privacy should be frustrated with effective means.

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