>>12193Bash is the name of the most commonly used text interface for Linux (You can have Bash for windows or mac as well), it's a way of using a computer by giving it text-commands rather than clicking on menus and buttons.
On a very basic level bash-scripts are a way of storing a series of text-commands so that you can re-use them later without having to re-type the commands. Bash-scripts can also turn into simple programs.
This offers a very powerfull way of automatically modifying text-based files like for example html files that are used for websites. It makes it possible to download web-pages while specifying exactly what you want it to download. Depending on what you want to do, this method can become very laborious tho.
When i want to save a thread i usually just highlight the parts of the thread i want to save and then use the browsers print-to-pdf functionality. And then i manually download the files that interest me.