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File: 1675636127757-0.png ( 6.37 KB , 225x225 , nitter.png )

File: 1675636127757-1.jpg ( 66.73 KB , 950x655 , twitterapi.jpg )


Twitter is apparently pay-walling it's api in a few days

Does anybody know if this will affect front-end-sites like nitter.net ?

I found this discussion on gihub
<It's very unlikely Nitter will be affected since the APIs aren't used in the official way with developer credentials. I'm slowly moving stuff to use their newer GraphQL APIs anyway, so if it breaks it'll be fixed soon-ish.

So will nitter continue working ?


Yeah I am pretty sure it's gonna break nitter.


How bad is it going to break nitter?
is it going to be fixable or permanent ?


>Twitter is apparently pay-walling it's api in a few days
it was bound to happen sooner or later with custom front-ends for various social media platforms circumventing advertising popping up

don't care about twatter and other social media, but youtube closing its api would suck balls
they already tried to throttle youtube-dl downloads and hit github repos with dmca and booted newpipe from their store, seems like it's not enough


also to add, google is very dangerous with youtube in the social aspect because of all the shill """influencers""" ie propagandoids on its payroll who pretty much have a common interest and can be quickly mobilized to defend their income streams

In this sense it's even worse than traditional media, because of more personal connection between a propagandist and his platform, on the one hand, and a propagandist and his audience, on the other

no surprise there, capitalism always was good (relative to other modes of production) at incorporating various local elites into its framework
when it fails at this it gets Lenin, Stalin and other talented individuals as its enemies that can cause much damage


>it was bound to happen sooner or later with custom front-ends
Can't those evolve an get the information they previously got via api from parsing the webpage directly ?


not a webdev, but I don't see why not
tho I imagine it would require more maintenance effort than using standard api


You are right , a simple filter algorithm that decides which bits of data it keeps and which it discards would have to be adapted almost every time they make changes to the website.

But if you make the thing as a ranking algorithm based on Markov-chains that applies probabilities to bits of data, it can be made adaptive, and even use User signals to help it adjust. User signals can be as simple as giving the users a try-agin-button if it doesn't render correctly.

User signal inputs have to be grouped into User bias-groups, so that if bots are used to insert noise into the ranking signals, they just group together in noise-groups and all the regular users group together in a human group.

This is 2 technical generations before machine learning stuff, so a 20 year old trick.
Maybe that's doable.


As long as twitter doesn't require an account to view content there will always be a way to access it via proxy frontends.

Here's a list of nitter instances and whether they currently work or not:

It's like when youtube changes its design/api and you have to update yt-dlp or switch invidious instances.
The long-term solution is to abandon centralized deep state platforms. And government in general.


I'm going to make a BlueSky/@protocol account once they open up registrations. Twitter is done for if they are going to require biometric and government ID. Fuck that shit.


Never heard of this before, thanks for bringing this to my attention. Can you explain why you favor this.


You mean BlueSky? It's from the original founder of Twitter, Jack. Jack sucks dick, but BlueSky is built on the @protocol, which is another decentralized social media protocol, much like Fediverse.

The key difference IMO is that @protocol will allow you to bring all of your content/timeline with you to other servers as well as your followers, so it's much more censorship-resistant and decentralized than either Twitter or Fediverse. And I think it'll probably have wider adoption than Mastodon due to financial backing.


>The key difference IMO is that @protocol will allow you to bring all of your content/timeline with you to other servers as well as your followers, so it's much more censorship-resistant and decentralized than either Twitter or Fediverse.
Are we talking about the same Fediverse here? That's lots of Fediverse technologies that allow you to do that.


File: 1706459868955.jpg ( 12.63 KB , 332x300 , nitter-dead.jpg )

twitter is killing nitter again
The context might be cracking down on Ai scraping

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish
<Unfortunately, the API servers have set sail into the digital sunset.
<Looks like this is the end of TwiX.
<Other (still left working) Instances: https://status.d420.de.

<If nothing changes, all remaining instances will go down eventually: Instances rely on guest accounts, which are valid for a certain time and of which you need a ton to run a public instance. The API for this got taken down and it doesn't look like a fluke this time.

<Thanks for the ride.

discussion on the nitter github repo:

The silofication of the Internet marches on.
another world was possible, social media could have been pipe instead of platforms
<A Web Mashup is a Web application that combines data from more than one Web data source into a single integrated Web application. Just as Unix pipes are often used to quickly combine several different data sources but are generally not sufficient to create a useful application, Yahoo! Pipes is a data mashup tool rather than a complete mashup editor.[3]

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