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File: 1673728841127.png ( 22.54 KB , 922x814 , Logo_Haas_F1.png )


Guys are there any keygen or something for HAAS machines' option codes? I can't buy it anymore because i live in country with which HAAS stopped all business relations



Can't you buy options through Kazakhstan or Belarus or somethin?

Anyway, don't think there is a keygen, as codes are unique per machine, and I imagine it would lock up if you try to brutforce it

you would need to hack the OS or something


russians are stuck with chinese equipment now
you better start learning kanji because they're not known for their customer support lmao


> as codes are unique per machine
well yeah but looks like code depends only on serial number and model, so it sounds possible. moreover, as i know there are some people who already did it, but of course they won't share information
> you would need to hack the OS or something
their main board has NXP Coldfire CPU and architecture is really similar to Motorola 68k. i tried to decompile their public firmware, but didn't find anything. also there are some FPGAs on the main board

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