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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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Do you think the internet will eventually be so full of computer-generated text that traditional text-based interaction will become intolerable? Will we all be forced to adopt real-time audio-based interaction because eventually it'll be the only way to be sure you're communicating with a real person?


people are already so unthinking and conformist that it won't matter if they are replaced with literal robots.


Also, robot artists are already better than human artists.


You could ensure that you talk to meat-people by making everybody buy a cheap cryptographic signature dongle that generates a key when people link their dongles in meat-space.

That way you get proof of meat based on a chain of meat-space link-ups. If you link your dongle you are vouching for that other person not being a bot. If your dongle vouches for too many bots, your dongle won't be trusted anymore and you'll no longer be able to vouch for the non-bot-status of others.

Bot makers can't really fake a realistic meat-space activity.

Audio and video communication can also be faked, it's a lot harder to make it convincing, but there are really realistic and natural sounding speech synthesizers already. Convincing real-time video is eventually also possible. Bio-metrics won't save you.

If bots get advanced enough to grasp complex concepts, it might be interesting to have a Marx-bot.

Maybe that's because there's too much AstroTurf online already.


>You could ensure that you talk to meat-people by making everybody buy a cheap cryptographic signature dongle that generates a key when people link their dongles in meat-space.
I remember when Freenet had a system like that. It's not a bad idea, and it can also be used to encrypt traffic. Nothing can break analog.

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