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What is keeping this charade going? Why would anyone think it's the next big thing. VR headsets still make most people motion sick.


Sunken-cost fallacy.



They've invested so much into a particular brand and strategy yet are not willing to come to grips with reality, realize it's failing, and backtrack to go a different route.

What does that remind you of….?


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What gets me about this shit is VR chat has done this for far longer and has done this far BETTER than meta ever has or will with this weird uncanny valley type shit going on.


VR is the ultimate philosopher's stone for capitalists.
The promised holy grail of infinite profits, unburdened by the shackles of flesh. The capitalist Elysium waiting just around the corner. Capitalist techno-utopia where proles can work mining nfts and then trade those nfts for other nfts. Forever and ever. Amen.


I dunno, maybe, people say the same thing about the internet itself, however, outside of the failure of "web 3" the internet is basically the realization of marx's perfect commodity which is infinitely reproducible and basically costs no labor.

VR is pretty much the same way. Meta is just a paper thing cooperate shitstain and people know it. I know people pay for shit in vr chat but it's still not really like what "web 3" sought to be and people hate that shit.


>the internet is basically the realization of marx's perfect commodity which is infinitely reproducible and basically costs no labor.
were you living under a rock when web 2.0 happened?

Internet is fucking done for. It's full of bots ddosing anything and everything that is not under cloudflare. Including this fucking site.
wake the fuck up

>VR is pretty much the same way.

only if you can copy assets
I don't see how any VR in capitalism would not result in walled garden


I mean cloudflair isn't the only upstream provider that exists. Just the largest. You are right about web 2.0 (but you didn't have to be a dick that hurt my feelings) but I think you haven't spent a lot of time lurking around the underbelly of the web where a whole community of small self hosted sites exists. There's also gemini and gopher which are making a resurgence. I mean just cause most normies use the path of least resistance doesn't mean the internet isn't exactly what marx was speaking of anyways. It's still that. That's how I am able to have cable tv and any movie, show, anime, etc etc I want free for ever.

I don't disagree with you really but I think you have a far to pessimistic angle on it.


VR will have many niche applications like relaxing environment simulator for hospital patients, Submarine crews, long-haul travel, and maybe even as pacification for refugee camp situations.

VR-entertainment could have already been a small commercial success, if it was offered as an arcade-service.
Imagine arcade-machines that are composed of a powerful computer, vr-goggles and various mechanical force feed-back-simulation-harnesses. People could rent time on a VRcade-machine. Valve's VR with an enthusiast set-up comes closest to this currently.
I had hoped for VR tourism.

For the general public a VR set up has to be self-contained in the goggles, with several hours of battery run time.
The only way to make this happen with appealing optical quality in a compact and energy efficient enough way is to make dedicated asic chips for each entertainment experience. Which basically means going back to physical cartridges.
If one were to build an opensource ASIC-chip ecosystem with a complementary development stack it might be economically viable.
Since more of the logic is expressed in hardware, it is much faster and energy efficient, however the ability to patch bugs after release is also much more limited, and the biggest hurdle for this is probably going to be achieving the necessary quality control.

Facebook is a dying empire, and Metaverse is Zuck's attempt to keep it going. It's mostly just a second life remake, but it's probably worse because all the digital-real estate pay to play shit will kill any escapism potential this might have had. For some reason the metaverse graphics look worse than what second life had over a decade ago. Also are you willing to trust Facebook with all your senses ?

I don't think that VR or 3d entertainment will really die, eventually somebody will find a way to make it work.
Maybe when optical interconnects for data-lines on circuit-boards go into general production, it might become possible to make a consumer grade general purpose computer have low enough latency to drive vr-goggles.


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The reason is is that apparently there was a working business model for the metaverse already working in underground VR Chat rooms.
This guy talks about the underground furry sex scene that existed for a while in VR Chat. It was kicked off by a VR Chat application that allowed people to exchange Wownero (a fork of the crypto currency Monero) with each other via an in game wallet that worked by simply handing cash to each other as you would in real life.
This set off an explosion in virtual prostitutes, night clubs, headlining dj's and other alternative lifestyle/night life services. This guy says that people were making real money, as much as several hundred dollars a night either sucking virtual dicks as a furry or spinning records on a turntable for a party.
This made Wownero explode in value for a short period of time, which you can see for yourself, until the VR Chat Wownero Wallet developers pulled the plug the plug on their application. Which killed the scene and crashed the price of Wownero.
I can validate exactly none of this but it seems really plausible and would explain why so many companies are going to hard into the paint on VR metaverses.


any more stylish anime dick pics?


As mentioned before in other threads, it's likepy that metaverse is really just a money laundering scheme.

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