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Anyone else here dabble in cryptocurrency?


I've wanted to for a while but I don't get it. I am very tech savvy actually but I don't really understand what Blockchain is and or how to even get crypto.


Easiest way is something like crypto.com or coinbase. Hardly anyone knows what the blockchain is, you just need to know enough about what coins actually DO to make a decent investment.


Me, I mine Monero.


im not convinced its better than stocks other than having a lower bar of entry, when it was new it was volatile now its just blah, only the hype keeps it going


Well I'm very much into tech. What is block chain? Break it down for me if you know. Not being a dick. Just asking, lol.
And sure. But what do they do?


I used it to buy something on deebweb for the lulz, thats bout it.


A blockchain is a ledger written to so many computers online it becomes a permanent fixture.


Oh, ok. So it's literally a decentralized ledger of transactions over Bitcoin, or, whatever coin there is?


Yes, but in Monero's case the ledger is encrypted so you can't track what money is moving to what wallet. In Bitcoin's case the ledger is plain text and there's several companies who's job it is is to fugure out who's holding those wallets so the gov can tax them.


>I don't really understand what Blockchain is
It's pretty much an append-only database. In even simpler terms, it's basically an append-only linked list. When cryptoscams use it they also tag on a consensus system to decide which node in the distributed network of blockchain copies can write the next entry to it.
>and or how to even get crypto
Sign up with one of the websites that are "exchanges" for selling them, they will sell you some.

I work in tech and I don't see any value in whatever they're peddling. Even the Blockchain thing without any currency related stuff isn't that useful over a bog-standard database for almost all use-cases, but I guess gambling appeals to a lot of people.


>im not convinced its better than stocks other than having a lower bar of entry
Stocks can be frozen and seized by governments and they always know how much of it you have.


>Even the Blockchain thing without any currency related stuff isn't that useful
How do you think git works.

>I work in tech

Rebooting Windows workstations no doubt.

>I don't see any value in whatever they're peddling

That's because you don't understand the economics.


Abstractly, Blockchain is a technology that makes trusts.
Concretely, Blockchain is 'Block' + 'Chain'. Chain means the data is well-ordered. 'Well-ordered' means everyone can add a new data but cannot change any previous data. For what? By ordering the data you can get rid of double-spending or counterfeit in general without any authority. Thus you can trust the data. For example, let's say you spend some money. You can't spend that money again because everyone already knows that just by viewing previous datas.
Then what is 'block'? A block is just a chunk of datas. We order blocks instead of each data because even if we want to order every data we really cannot know which data is the former. Let's say two datas came at the same time. How can we decide which data is actually the former? It even can be possible that the datas are generated at the same time but at different places. Because of this reason, we make a chunk of data, 'block', and we just order blocks instead of every data.


>Blockchain is 'Block' + 'Chain'. Chain means the data is well-ordered. 'Well-ordered' means everyone can add a new data but cannot change any previous data.
If you understand hashing then you understand blockchains.
Every block includes the hash of the previous block.
To verify the chain you start at block 1, calculate the hash, check it against block 2, calculate the hash of block 2, check it against block 3…
If somebody tries to change something in block 2, then all the blocks after it will have invalid hashes and you know this version of the blockchain has been altered and you should not use it.

git works the same way. The reason you get an error trying to push after a rebase or commit –amend is because you've now invalidated all the commit hashes in the tree that come after the historic commit(s) you just fucked with. (Then you need to use force push to tell remote to stfu and accept your new version of reality).


Yes it's obviously true for now. But I have recently started to think that the essense of blockchain is well-orderedness of a data. Hashing, consensus algorithm, etc. are just tools to guarantee well-orderedness.


>crypto is safe from government raids
Your meme currency can be siezed just as easily.


BTC Is literally traceable down to the mint origin, lmao. What a retarded uyghur that anon is.


>Abstractly, Blockchain is a technology that makes trusts.
That's the theory, however in practice it simply shifts one form of trust around for another. The fantasy is that trust in institutions and individuals can be replaced by trust in mathematics. However the mathematics are still supported by individuals and institutions at the end of the day, they're just different ones. Bruce Schneier has a good critique of this:


Ya know how in Metro they use bullets as currency? Could that work as a sort of physical decentralized currency?
Like, one of the reasons I don't use crypto is because blockchains effectively broadcast all transactions directly to the feds in an immutable ledger. What would one use if they wanted to make a transaction in private?


Only nazis are interested in crypto. Stay poor comrades.

>Ya know how in Metro they use bullets as currency? Could that work as a sort of physical decentralized currency?
Money needs to have 3 properties:
1. non-perishable (iron rusts but gold is basically indestructible).
2. divisible (gold can be chopped down into arbitrarily small amounts)
3. hard to make more of (most important)

Bullets work in a post-apocalypse setting because nobody can just build a factory and churn out millions of new bullets per day. Cigarettes work in jail because it is hard to smuggle them inside. The fiat system barely works because the government uses police and military to fuck up anyone who tries to print their own money.

So while heavy industry and transportation is still operational, and it is not an illegal item under law, then a consumer good such as bullets won't work well as currency.


>Only nazis are interested in crypto. Stay poor comrades.
how's that "to the moon" going for you buddy lol?

the only use value of this fancy toy is to pay for vpn and vps
I can't even reliably circumvent capitalist banks with this shit because they ban your ass as soon as they see a "suspicious" activity

I have money essentially stuck in the computer, anything more than paying bills and your bank will ban your ass for suspicious transactions from randoms

the only way is to bend the knee and go to backdoored regulated exchanges


If technology is being suppressed by the establishment then it is a threat to the establishment.


>Only Nazis are interested in crypto.

What did he mean by this,.?


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>I have money essentially stuck in the computer, anything more than paying bills and your bank will ban your ass for suspicious transactions from randoms
Argument to the cudgel? You serious?
Enjoy your nanolipids



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fuck u cunt

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