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File: 1627209387587.png ( 4.15 MB , 1749x2286 , miku.png )


Does there exists distributed imageboard software in a sense that each user is a full node? Something like each node running a local server that user can access through browser with local servers synchronizing through DHT or something? All I found is some "overchan" but there is almost no info and as I understand this is not a full-node distributed system.
It has been on my mind for quite a long time - Anons need to seize the means of shitposts production.


RetroShare has forums that work this way, you could write an imageboard plugin in a similar way.


I've read retroshare didn't pass a security audit. And anyway, it is not anonymous, which is a downside for a supposedly anonymous imageboard, plus it tries to do everything - mail, chat, forums, VoIP, god knows what else. The same problem I have with i2p on java with its cluttered as fuck router that is also a mail server/client, torrent client, apache web server and whatever the fuck else.

I want a software that does only one thing, but does it well, ie provide imageboard infrastructure. Anonymity requirement limits to i2p overlay network, in i2pd router implementation as java router sucks. But the problem with i2p router is port forwarding for at least somewhat comfortable speeds, and this difficulty would discourage regular users from using the software. It needs to be a package that you install and it just works, or else nobody would bother.


File: 1627216703042-0.jpg ( 44.54 KB , 648x595 , d61.jpg )

No, because think about it. An imageboard has increasing post numbers, and how would that be incorporated between multiple sites? Who's going to keep track of what post number the whole system is on? And if different sites track them individually, then how would posts be copied between sites? if the post numbers overlapped then which would take precedence? and if you change all the post numbers it would break all the links as well, correcting that on one site is a bitch, imagine correcting it on a dozen.

Maybe if instead of a No.# it used some sort of hashing/consistent hashing, but then it wouldn't look the same. How would cross-site linking work? Maybe it would have to prefix a domain, like >>>>org.leftypol.1234 or something? but then that would totally change the way links look, not to mention involve an ungodly level of cross domain image loading on the hover thumbnails, etc.

plus there's the fact that most imageboards have extremely edgy content and wouldn't want to necessarily trust another site enough to be in a ring with them, seeour situation with getchan and how they turned out to be pedos and we were only in a webring with them, imagine if getchan and .org had been federated or something.

The technical aspects of making a federated or general distributed system would fundamentally alter the nature of what an imageboard actually is and how it even looks.

In my experience people generally underestimate the difficulty involved in making truly distributed systems with no central authority, just thinking about it for a moment will bring up all kinds of challenges/design decisions which no one has even begun to think of.

All these "muh federation" guys should literally be forced to read a book on distributed systems before spouting off about how its superior.

I've attached one here. Tannenbaums books is also good if you can get it


>No, because think about it. An imageboard has increasing post numbers, and how would that be incorporated between multiple sites? Who's going to keep track of what post number the whole system is on?
Each post could just have a random hash. Why does it need to be a number?


Another fucking thread about imageboard software and idiots trying to make another site that's exactly like your average IB except with one "new" gimmick (and zero users).


Cackling imagining post numbers being some 256-char alphanumeric string.


Because then it wouldn’t look the same as the Chans we’re all used to?

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