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/posad/ - Paranormal

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What's the deal with cryptids? Is it real?


Of course, not. To prove it to you, just go into the woods at night with a lantern, turn it off, then just scream as loudly as possible. I guarantee you nothing is going to look for you.


same phenomena as UFOs and ETs.
probably intra or extra-dimensional rather than actually existing beings on our plane of existence.


Aliens deff exist though 100%. It's problematically impossible for them not to.


File: 1695518142137.mp4 ( 3.73 MB , 576x640 , forests.mp4 )

They're just yet-to-be-known animals


spbp, aliens, fae, bigfoot and many other cryptids are probably all just the same thing in different forms. like they are metaphysical or interdimmensional or some shit.
phenomena like missing time and strange lights in the sky are reported in sightings of bigfoot, fae and UFOs. and while strange lights and missing time has been reported by themselves, they’re otherwise only really attributed to UFOs/fae/bigfoot afaik

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