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File: 1690499780214.png ( 73.95 KB , 600x716 , blue alien.png )


So I've been seeing alot of news head-lines talking about aliens. Like there is a sustained hype about it. People are putting "evidence" and "revelations" into head-lines. I haven't really engaged with it, because unless there's a alien specimen or some piece of unexplainable technology from a space-probe/vessel, it's not aliens.

Did anybody click the alien-news, is there anything with substance ? or is this just distraction with alien characteristics ?


It's a current meme on tiktok that the government is shoving this shit down our throats and no one cares because they can't make rent. tiktok is actually based and the only reason people think its not is because of zuck spreading FUD

It's also pretty amazing that the attention controlling news cycle isn't working anymore. If that's true and the propaganda machine is having trouble that is HUGE.


>It's a current meme on tiktok that the government is shoving this shit down our throats and no one cares because they can't make rent.
So other people are thinking the same thing.
>tiktok is actually based and the only reason people think its not is because of zuck spreading FUD
Fair enough, but i can't deal with the ultra-shortform content. Switching topics every 30 seconds is irritating.
>It's also pretty amazing that the attention controlling news cycle isn't working anymore. If that's true and the propaganda machine is having trouble that is HUGE.
Maybe there is a case for cautious optimism, but ihmo the propaganda machine is still working too well.


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It's just one guy who worked for intelligence.
I think it's too schizo to scream it's some kind of distraction, especially since that's something the NWO spouting schizos are being so smug about right now. The average American doesn't need distractions because the average American barely gives a shit about things that don't personally affect him.
I do however think it's probably just the defense department begging for more funding. Remember that Space Force is now a thing and they probably want something, or some other branch of the military wants more funds. Deep down I really want this shit to be real but remember that the defense department lying for the military industrial complex is what got us into multiple wars.
>tiktok is actually based and the only reason people think its not is because of zuck spreading FUD
I think there's a lot of reasons to hate tiktok, the attention span destroying format that creates addiction, and it's full of rightoids too, but yes the left leaning sentiment expressed there normally is cool


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Because what CIAfags named as "cumspiracy theory UFOs" to quell any serious research into some real sightings are actually a nuclear submarine based drones carrying shittons of drug-based weaponry which ignores all known air filtering systems & burns out all critical human nervous systems turning them into the long US army-memed zombies? & the MIC of USA wants to show off their new old toys to their rising competitors in the whole world?
Remember that the moment the first 2 videos from USAF planes were officially released their old friends in r*SSia immediately released a statement about their continuation of development on Status-6 nuclear torpedoes. Oh my, I just wonder why would they do that right after there was a yet another release of three 144p videos from some UFO schizos!

posadas was wrong, cummies btfo once again
this time for good, it seems


Hello q-agent schizo and welcome to leftychan! I hope you keep us in the loop about more ayy related shenanigans but please don't coopt our small community.

Also I wanted to say how hilarious it is to have this board well in advance of these manufactured happenings.


>our small community
>manufactured happenings

Ow, what a formalin stench. Keep your tred then, feddo.


Kill glowies. Behead glowies. Roundhouse kick a glowy into the concrete. Slam dunk a glowy's baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy feds. Defecate in a glowy's food. Launch glowies into the sun. Stir fry glowies in a wok. Toss glowies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a glowy's gas tank. Judo throw glowies into a wood chipper. Twist glowies heads off. Report glowies to the IRS. Karate chop glowies in half. Curb stomp pregnant CIA ñ i q q er s. Trap glowies in quicksand. Crush glowies in the trash compactor. Liquefy glowies in a vat of acid. Eat glowies. Dissect glowies. Throw glowies down a mineshaft. Infiltrate glowy offices. Shoot glowies while they sleep. Lobotomize glowies. Mandatory LSD mind control for glowies. Rape glowies. Burn glowies in their car. Electrocute glowies. Stack glowies in a pyramid. Cartel face peeling for glowies. Slice glowies with a katana.


>reminder that declassified documents confirm the CIA and military sought to US flying saucer hype as a vessel for psy-ops
>Reminder that early contactee George Adamski was protected from being charged with fraud by the CIA and was in regular contact with military officers during his UFO hunting
>reminder that Area 51 UFO lore and the MJ-12 documents are proven to have originated as military psy-ops
>reminder that Air Force intelligence provably psy-opped a man into a lsych ward and created the mythology in ufology about underground joint military-alien bases by doing so
>reminder that several reported flying saucers closely resemble designs by anti-gravity researcher Townsend Brown who worked very closely with the military throughout his secretive career
>reminder that supposed alien abductees not uncommonly claim to be taken to underground facilities and see military personnel alongside their supposed alien abductors
>reminder that the same people pushing the current UFO hype in the podcast sphere and media are the same CIA connected people behind the aformentioned psy-op hoaxes
I see some anons claim that UFOs are a bigger thing in America because Americans are dumb and schizo but the actual reason is much more disturbing. I've only scratched the surface of this subject.


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The UAP stuff is interesting. Almost like the government is trying to get us ready for something.

Yet the bourgeois press decries actual mummified aliens as "hoaxes" The ruling class wants us to see the crafts, but not their pilots? Hmmm, interesting….


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>mummified aliens
I can't see any detail because your picture is only 275x183 pixels, but that looks like a B-Movie prop.


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>that looks like a B-Movie prop.
probably because it's cake


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>probably because it's a cake

So it was a epic prank.

Maybe that baker rendered a great public service by making people realize they are gullible fools, and perhaps motivate them to be less gullible in the future.


no she made a cake based on the Nazca mummies.

Search for "mexican mummy aliens -hoax -fraud" for more info.




You say aliens are not real? But how do you explain pyramids being built all over the world, some with great distance and even oceans in between them?


>aliens are not real?
Aliens almost certainly exist, statistically speaking, because the universe is huge. Even our galaxy is big enough that statistic says we're not the only critters living in it.

>how do you explain pyramids being built all over the world, some with great distance and even oceans in between them?

People figured out how to stack stones real good. You know, use shallow water to get a level foundation, then go for ropes, pulleys, cranes, ramps, rollers and rafts to move or stack big stones. What do aliens got to do with it ?


Honestly I believe the schizos that say alien encounters are demons.

There's no way real, advanced aliens are in our solar system and we have no definitive proof. The ones that exist are probably too far away for us to ever make contact.


>I think there's a lot of reasons to hate tiktok, the attention span destroying format that creates addiction, and it's full of rightoids too, but yes the left leaning sentiment expressed there normally is cool

Remember Vine?

Aliens are the most overused explanation for paranormal stuff. It's even used to push urban myth.
Like for example the whole idea that human genome was created by aliens.

There are scientists who say that aliens don't seem to come from outer space
Also there's a lot of writings and drawing showing mythical creatures that look and behave similarly to Little Grey Men (tm).

Reports of strange sky ships have been documented for centuries


Why square pyramids and not triangular or octagonal pyramids or cones?


the people who designed pyramids, were used to building square or rectangular houses, maybe they just considered a pyramid to be a very pointy house.

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