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Would sentient AI be considered aliens?


>Would sentient AI be considered aliens?
No aliens means extra terrestrial, as in not from earth.
If humans build an AI it will be from earth.


dead matter is ultimately inferior to living matter
living matter is constantly changing, which is a requirement for adaptability in this chaotic world

until synthetic matter can change like organic matter, ie be a stable non-equilibrium system - any synthetic organism will be ultimately inferior

which I have my doubts can be made considering thermodynamic limitations, and even if it can, could be that much superior in design than what nature itself produced and honed for millions of years

I suspect that any fundamental limitations in living organisms that there are - are a consequence of our universe itself and laws that govern it


*change like living matter


That's what some one on pleroma said, but, I would think it kind of does though. Like just because its life on this earth it still kind of proof life other than humans can exist. I mean shit, technically other animals prove that.

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