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tldr this Spanish island off the African coast has been undergoing over 4000 earthquakes under its soil in the past few days. Alarms were raised, and it finally ticked off

Thousands of people are being evacuated and lava is rolling over houses and roads


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Most importantly this is the island the fabled megatsunami theory is based on.
Basically the west side of the island is very steep/geologically recent and such an event could trigger a massive landslide into the ocean. The sheer displacement of water would be felt across the Atlantic with up to +30m waves
It's an extremely worst case scenario but who the fuck knows at this point


Would it be more detrimental to the Anglos or the Africans?


/my guy/ says prepare an evacuation plan, because this time everyone's freaking out
if you live on an island, find a big hill I guess


let's hope bros


Surface continues to deform, uplift reaches 19 cm
>The scenario of new eruptive fissures opening might be not that unlikely at all. The surface continues to inflate, which is a sign that more magma is being stored underground that (can erupt) erupts at the surface - the existing paths are not large enough. The volcano might choose to either enlarge them or create new ones.

We are here for a while


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>bro let's build our wholesome 2nd residences and resorts all the way downhill an active volcano ridge cheap land & shiet
Sad for the actual villagers (and harvests) but this is great for tourism porkies to unfuck themselves


Lava should be reaching the sea soon and the island will grow in size. How would this affect that potential landslide I have no idea but the erosion is there


I wonder how long it will take for accurate volcano predictions and the construction of artificial lava channels.

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