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/music/ - Music

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File: 1728189473640.mp4 ( 21.61 MB , 1280x720 , 244 terminal road.mp4 )


Post your songs.




Nice. You still do stuff?


Also another I did just recently.


Maybe in a few years


This is a thread for originals anon…
unless… are you in Rammstein? =O


I'm DJing for free.
Maybe back in 2-3 years.

Set continues


You gotta make another thread for that


New song about The Claims Adjuster. Written before yesterday, but I'm sticking with the lyrics. Might re-record it though. What do you think, /music/?


I'd say it's not bad, although the guitar is drowning out the singer in the latter half. Fiddle with audio levels or something.


Alright. Gonna re-record the guitar altogether at some point, but been busy.


File: 1734541268560.mp3 ( 6.16 MB , Martial Law.mp3 )

Skipped ahead and recorded a tribute to Yoon Suk Yeol & the South Korean Martial Law shit.


File: 1739069789285-0.jpg ( 80.39 KB , 1200x800 , hezbollah flag.jpg )

File: 1739069789285-1.mp3 ( 2.41 MB , hezrock.mp3 )

Hezbollah rock
Hezbollah rock
Hezbollah rock
Hezbollah rock
Come back hard!

I told my brother and I told my wife
I'm goin' to Lebanon, gonna join the fight
when the occupation force in their Merkava tanks
won't leave the land, well, I'll set 'em all alight

Western leaders on the wrong fuckin' side
I pitch my tent with the party of divine
glory to the God in Heaven high,
Praise be Muhammad and Jesus Christ

They tell you that he's gone, but he never really died,
Nasrallah lives forever in the hearts of all who strive
for justice in a world full of evil and lies
for good and truth, the struggle is a glorious fight

I'm joining up with the Party of God
I'm ready to die for the glorious cause
Get ready to run 'cuz we're takin' back the south
Kickin' every last child-fucking Israeli out

Hezbollah rock
Hezbollah rock
Hezbollah rock
Hezbollah rock
Come back hard!

Unique IPs: 9

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