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This stuff has been going crazy lately. What do you think of it?
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This tune rules too




Gothlantastan's diversifying - this one's catchy!




This one's from Athens!


dance music thread
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Elvis is like the Stalin of rock, everybody wants to be him.

Post your favourite Elvis inspired sets or songs.


This came to mind, but it's honestly not that great.




Black Sabbath covering "Blue Suede Shoes" in 1970


This honestly could just as well be a Jerry Lee Lewis pastiche or something.


Dave Sitek has finally managed to disappear after 2 decades of trying.


Progressive Electronic, Berlin School, etc.
Inspired to make this thread by video related from 1977.


File: 1731784641195.jpg ( 25.76 KB , 340x456 , fig2_3_M24o7cR.width-340.jpg )


Is there any good communists making also good music?? I would like to know thank you
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This was sick!


>uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha
>Why you ain't got no job?
>uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha
>Seven dollars an hour won't feed my dog
Das right, brotha






For yr sister


This might be a short thread, I don't care.
This is a bop.


Not bad.


what? Nothing old can possibly be good.




Industrial music thread
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Nah, Hail Amerika rocks dude. That's actually melodic by power electronics standards.


Works for me, who else it work or not work for?


File: 1731657506504.png ( 14.39 KB , 506x383 , ClipboardImage.png )

Might just be me?
Alright I'll give it another take, sorry dudes


OP doesn't work for me either (I'm >>596)



tyler the creator just dropped this album CHROMAKOPIA and to be honest seeing him grow up so much as an artist is crazy yall should check it out


Seems like more basketball music (it's okay) but I'm more interested in what you posted, that's not from the album.

File: 1608526889029.jpg ( 121.33 KB , 1500x1001 , kraftwerk.jpg )


I don't know and don't care if Kraftwerk are comrades. But they helped me a lot to become a ML.






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