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File: 1627462580040.jpg ( 71.91 KB , 1200x675 , 1625427878904.jpg )


Give me ONE (1) reasonal explanation as to why /GET/ and /ref/ need to be in the lolicon's hands.


why not go ask getchan.net, this is leftypol.org


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then why are they locked saying that >the actual (board) is located at getchan.net
Why are jannies so dismissive of this I don't understand, it's the same 5 people from here that post in there and the rest can't even bother to click on the alt boards, much less on a completely different site.
Then complain why /b/ is so littered, and there's been people asking for an /int/ equivalent.

Literally just give me 1 reason
and they fucking sage this thread what the fuck


Because it is a different website which is older than /leftypol/


This board is for talking about leftypol, and your whole post is based on a false premise. Of course they saged it.
You might as well be complaining about /r/socialism being in the hands of Republicans.


>/r/socialism being in the hands of Republicans.
/r/socialism is based though

yet /get/ still defended and the site is associated with them
just like with bunkerchan



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