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File: 1625819397008.png ( 301.87 KB , 412x425 , cia.png )


Filter Breadtube to Fedtube and Vaush to Agent Kochinski again


Filter deng to dung


filter dung to deng


Filter Hitler to Shekelgrabber


File: 1733822132719.jpeg ( 303.64 KB , 1800x1647 , french nationalism.jpeg )

Filter fascist to faggot
– ontologically, linguistically, historically & actually accurate.
or maybe shitskin subhuman (as they always relate to the aryan race they love so much), th@ works too.


In chan-lingo "fag" or "faggot" are synonyms for "person". You kno, like "old-fag" or "new-fag" that differentiate on the basis of how long somebody has been posting in a chan.

Maybe "fascist" could be filtered to "national-suicide-gang", because historically that's usually how it turned out.

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