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File: 1624127174479.png ( 4.74 MB , 1522x2160 , ee5852620ec40c5ef795ef1686….png )


you ever gonna ban avatarfags or are you scared of having your pph go down a bit?


File: 1624127302638.png ( 874.76 KB , 1280x800 , Screenshot_2020-04-20-18-4….png )

They inhabit the literal trash bin board

Have you ever been to to old b?
Hell the curent one or /trash/


We unironically need to get rid of wojak, pepe and penny.


>old b
How old are we talking? Because avatarfags weren't even really a thing before the 2010s.
Tripfags also only were a pest in the first year when the SA goons were acclimatizing to a new place. Then they disappeared and then moot forced anonymous on the board for a long, long time.


Then m00t made a board for everything and almost all the SOVL and funny OC got sucked into s4s and trash and so and so


The problem with being so unoriginal you call your offtopic board /b/ is that everyone is going to bring up 4chan's history to justify whether something needs to be changed or not.


While I mostly remained on the non-/v/-like hobbyist boards I don't remember those two boards having an avatarfag problem. /trash/ is fairly recent and it was mostly furry porn at the beginning.


If we get rid of avatarfags, do you agree with getting rid of soyjaks? I imagine not.


Tripfaggotry, and it was a problem very early on until the 2010s where they are so few people can name them
Eg. The butterfly attentionwhore

The avatar / name fag / etc problems really came to /b/ once more miscellaneous shitpost boards like qa, trash, s4s and vip appeared and all the secret boards were removed and the OC moved there making the board almost entirely a porn general board


What rules are they breaking?


>Hmm, yes, we need edgy Facebook rejects asking for people to edit their classmate's bikini off.


File: 1624222993895.webm ( 677.61 KB , 360x360 , chen.webm )

Chen is too pure for this world.


We have no plans to ban avatarfags at this time, especially on /b/. Thank you for your concern.


File: 1624549978890.gif ( 1.23 MB , 254x254 , soytard.gif )

>We have no plans to ban avatarfags at this time, especially on /b/. Thank you for your concern.
Tell me how I know you're an avatarfag


A few mods are actually some of the avatarfags but I won't reveal which.

t. non-avatarfag mod

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