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File: 1623516376254.png ( 109.46 KB , 1499x623 , Screenshot from 2021-06-12….png )


So, apparently I got banned, because I stated my opinion on the gender question. But why did I got banned, but not the person to whom I was responding >>314263 to? He started talking about Idpol and he started derailing the thread. Then why did I got banned? I didn't said that I hate trans people or what ever. I'm just not a fan of genderism. Is this really a reason to ban and to suffocate discussion?


The poster you responded to just said no one says this, which is correct. Exceptions to this, that absolutely should not be discussed here, prove the rule.


>which is correct
No, it isn't correct. I've just recently watched a documentary about transsexualism and they make the claim there! Look at 13:46 https://youtu.be/7S7D6xxK6Go?t=826

And no, this video isn't from some right wingers! It is from the german government!!


Literally never heard in all honesty.

Kenn ich nicht, aber sie sollten beim Fußball bleiben.


Unfair! And I hate soccer!


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File: 1623531974895-1.png ( 109.82 KB , 1563x296 , Screenshot from 2021-06-12….png )

Everybody is allowed to talk about idpol in this thread. BUT NOT ME. Why don't you ban them


Man, I hate every single one of you.




>mfw they are touching the guys prosthetic penis as if it were nothing
I realize they are detached, but it still feels like a personal thing, you know?


translate deutsche anon


Sorry about the ban, it's been lifted



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