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File: 1623477556997.png ( 152.28 KB , 464x277 , snitchin.png )


Why are you cunts always on the feds side? You're a fucking joke. I can't imagine a bigger group of snitches and rats than the team you've assembled. Why are you all so keen to grass on everyone? I would rather die than be a snitching little fucker like you are.
Why are you guys so fixated on handing over information to the fucking government? Like I would just bury it, but you guys are properly insane, demented little cunts. Fuck you for selling out hundreds/thousands of communists, fuck you.


What the fuck are you talking about skitzo?
Is this cope from the fall out of the fall of the bunker?


this could be psyop shit, there was another thread early that tried to scare people


File: 1623480624240.png ( 97.88 KB , 249x260 , ClipboardImage.png )

what information lol
is this the brittard whose mad they cant dox people or instigate violence on a public imageboard?

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