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Why is /leftypol/ so censored?

The entire purpose of the “imageboard” website format is to encourage a wide variety of ideas and information by using front-end anonymity and less moderation to spur people to post new ideas. The ability to remain anonymous (on the front end allows people to post different ideas and stops critics from browsing through one’s "post history”. The low-moderation encourages new ideas that would be “revolutionary” or “unsettling”.

This forum (/leftypol/) is heavily moderated which prevents free discussion of ideas. The reason why /pol/ is "avant garde” and “revolutionary” is because it doesn’t censor controversial ideas.

It seems to me that /leftypol/ merely adopts the “aesthetic” of an imageboard instead of its actual purpose.


>The reason why /pol/ is "avant garde” and “revolutionary” is because it doesn’t censor controversial ideas.
Do you really believe this is true?


>The reason why /pol/ is "avant garde” and “revolutionary” is because it doesn’t censor controversial ideas.

Holy fuck, touch grass


But /pol/ censors shit all the time man.


Are you a delusional oldfag or very new and naive ?
There haven't been ANY board that doesn't moderate specific topics.
Text only boards like 2ch are not exempt,and also delete political posts for exemple.
Jannies always curate context and content,and only those who see the posts disappear can tell you if they are censored,and you can't check whether or not they're lying to you (since it's anonymous)
Even off-topic posts also get deleted all the time to curate threads.
Your exemple is one of the worst to choose too as others have already mentioned,any thread made on here would get deleted on /pol/ in less than a day.


I do believe it is moderated too much, at least in some areas. It literally says in our rules that non-leftist topics are allowed. A couple of mods don't realize that, and same with many users.
>The reason why /pol/ is "avant garde” and “revolutionary” is because it doesn’t censor controversial ideas.
They have the same problem of mods deleting stuff that shouldn't be deleted. Also, they aren't avant garde nor revolutionary, unless /mlpol/ and qanon count as avant garde.
>It seems to me that /leftypol/ merely adopts the “aesthetic” of an imageboard instead of its actual purpose.
Who died and made /b/ king? There isn't some inherent purpose of an imageboard. I use them for cybersecurity reasons, convenience and distaste for persistent identity.


commieposting gets regularly deleted on /pol/
post chin, faglord


>avant garde

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