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This thread will only be on /leftypol/ for 72 hours before being moved to /meta/, so answer at first convenience.
Greetings users, we at the mod team are trying to understand user browsing habits. We're hoping to understand who the userbase is and how our actions are affecting them, so we're conducting this questionnaire.
Answer as you please, just include a greentext arrow and the number of the question you are responding to.

Survey Start
1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?

2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?

4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?

7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?


>1. this place feels like a lot of people here just type words for the sake of typing words when they can make their points within two sentences instead of five paragraphs
>2. people post less threads and more people post on generals, the generals kind of hold a monopoly on the site which is kinda shitty i'd rather have more people post their threads here than have everything be secluded to generals
>3. i feel the sites been slowly getting worse and has been cultivating an audience less of people who wanna post and have fun and more of internet tough guys and pseudo intellectuals
>4. i come at random but i post at least once a day
>5. less often the place has become slow and kinda boring
>6. not often i'm no narc (unless its cp or spam bullshit)
>7. i've been coming here since 2015
>8. why are you all faggy control freaks ?


1 improved
2 positively


>>6958 (me)
As in the quality has improved


limits suck ass
there is nowhere else to go


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?

Post quality seems mostly the same. Hard to say for sure but not noticeably worse or better imo.

>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

Pointless, makes no real difference whatsoever. Thread quality is usually determined more by quality of replies than quality of OP anyway.

>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?


>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

too much because i need a fucking job

>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

more than usual because im fucking unemployed

>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?

only when an obviously spam/raid thread has been up for longer than a few minutes

>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

been using the board since it grew out of 4/lit/ onto 8chan. people here are about as terminally stupid and unread as any other leftist medium for discussion on the internet, but the relatively lower level of ego and narcissism that comes from anonymity and lax rules makes it far more bearable and sometimes fun. also thank you to the effortposters, newsanons, and everyone who reads and shares sources

>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?

you're doing fine just stick to the constitution and keep us updated. the antics involved with the redirect and ending the split were funny and ultimately a good thing but i am a little concerned that it may effect the moderator culture in such a way that the mods get bored and unconsciously start more drama at some point to relieve that high


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Here a more serious response.
Kys for doing it
Probably moar
I like to be anonymous
When will you hang yourself?


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?

There seems to be an uptick of name, trip and flag posters, also new users that are kind of ignorant about the new memes that have emerged post split like those about The Cult in /ITG/. Just let Anons bully the namers.

>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

No idea.

>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?

>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

I start posting whenever my shift in Langley begins (I don't have a schedule).

>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

More, due to higher board activity and new currents events. Such as the Gaza conflict for example and the developments in South America.

>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?

Never used it because I haven't bothered to familiarize myself with what actually constitutes report-worthy behavior.

>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

I like chans and I like leftism.

>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?

No comment.


>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?

Also, the shift towards more generals thread activity has been noticable but I think it's fine as long as discussion stays on topic. There only is a problem once generals start being infested by personalities and drama. Most posts in current generals just contribute to new developments.


> How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
Idk some posts are just trash, but some are good atm. I would say the quality has been going down slightly since the redirect but this is just my opinion
> Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?
It's annoying, but nothing too serious. Would probably tend to say to abolish it, because trolls will find a way to make even more retarded baitposts
>Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?
Not really. The usual autism + the slight decline in quality that comes from the whole merger smoke
>How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?
I'm chained to my laptop because uni is via zoom and lockdown still sucks here. So a few times a day
>Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
Lockdown makes life too boring under the week so I tend to post more often. Weekend I try to hang out with friends or some girls I know, so less often in that time period. I still post way too much and it irritates me, since I don't want to admit that it is becoming routine for me
>Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?
Only a handfull of times the last week, when some faggot recommended Bioleninism to me. This uygha deserved it
>Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like
Because I'm bored and I don't want to use reddit anymore. Also the occasional effortposter makes it worth it(shoutout to saboanon, vietanon, CPUSAnon, gdranon etc.) But then again I could just look into booru for screencaps for that
>Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?


1) Slightly decreased.

2)Didn't even notice


4)Often, at random

5)More, cause of the happenings in Palestine

6)Not often but i use it, usually to report radlibs and fascists

7)Memes and non liberal insights on stuff

8) Do your damn job jannies, between pol tards glowies and radlibs there are days this place becomes a cshitshow.


>>6965 (me)
Ok I think I'll be serious on the last question.
I know most of you are bongs and therefore you can go out drinking again, so you obviously only give a fuck when it pleases you, but just do your job IN TIME for once and stop waiting for 2 hours until you delete some polyp thread


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1. the last good threads I've encountered was the JFK thread and generals

2. don't really care that much, though it probably isn't working as intended

3. who hasn't noticed the recent wave of idpol?

4. I mostly just read effort posts, and shitpost in generals :^) and trying to keep the 2008-wave thread on /b/ alive

5. I'm here forever

6. everyday

7. /leftypol/ is dank and different-opinion pilled. A lot of differences in ideologies and interests compared to other political imageboards.
And reactionaries get shit on 24/7, it's refreshing desu



1. I think it's good, but it could always be better, and I think people should actively try to improve it. I haven't noticed a shift in quality since the redirect generally, although there was a huge dip in quality in the days immediately following the redirect, that has now subsided.
2. I think this is generally fine. Nothing worth sparking a discussion about is that short.
3. I don't like the racial cuck porn jokesters. We used to make fun of /pol/ for that stuff.
4. I post every day, multiple times. I'd say maybe around 6 on average. I come here all throughout the day, but not at night since I have a regular sleep schedule and avoid screens before bedtime.
5. Whenever there's a thread that really captures my interest, or a guy has a really bad opinion (like sonicposter), then I might stay in a thread all day to argue my point. I also post a lot in the cyclical threads whenever there's a big happening.
6.Frequently, mostly to /pol/ spammers but occasionally also to just general bad faith reactionaries or liberals. "idpol" is my most common stated reason.
7. It's the only place on the internet which aligns with my politics. I like being able to discuss marxism and have people know what I'm talking about. I also like the anonymity. I've been browsing here since spring of 2019, and I've grown rather attached the board culture.
8. I despised the mods back on 8chan, and I despised the mods back on bunkerchan. I don't despise y'all. Y'all are the only mod team on the whole internet that I actually like instead of hate. Don't let that go to your head but you are leagues above the global standard for mods.


1)How do you feel about the general post quality on the board?
It is as retarded as it has always been, and also there are some gems as well. I would say on the whole it has been improving post split and with growth. I wouldn't say the redirect has impacted things negatively and new blood, even libs or the chinless, effects the dynamic in a positive way. We have had threads recently about fed up fascists asking for reading material and such. This is only positive. If people can't stand reading opinions other than echo chambers of their own, they should go back to reddit or join the haz discord

2) Sometimes you just gotta meme post. What if its 100 characters of quality or lulz?

3) The trend where people try to channel the discourse according to their own personal political opinions, regardless of how this affects the community as a whole, and the utility of leftypol in general for a wide range of internet users.

4) hahahahahhahahahahahhahahah :)

5) currently yeh but that is mostly down to being very busy with other things, I come and go in waves.


1. on a quiet day the post quality is no better or worse than usual. certainly there have been a lot more short periods of intensive baiting and spam which skew the mean. bunkerchan and the dollars article are at least partly to blame.
2. hardly much effect one way or the other. spam still gets through, bait still gets through, and so do genuine OPs. it's an arbitrary useless rule but thankfully not much of an intrusive one.
3. i would love to see soyjak spam deleted on sight.
4. i post more in the evenings EST, but also throughout the day.
5. a bit more often since disconnecting from other social media.
6. i use it for spam, but not for all bait. i think some bait OPs can lead to fun threads, but some bait is too noxious to let live.
7. i browse leftypol because it's a unique space on the internet: it's an anonymous imageboard, which makes it superior to social media imo, and it also happens to be slightly smarter than the average imageboard just because some fraction of leftypolers are guaranteed to have read more than one book in their lives. not many, but always some fraction! it's a place where i can talk topics that aren't readily understood anywhere else but actual party and front group meetings, and the difference from those is the casual environment, diversity of viewpoints, and lack of filter. leftypol is pure shit, but somehow it's less shit than almost anywhere else.
8. do your fucking job. we don't pay you $0 to laze and lounge!


>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

This the only place where you can discuss politics and ideology freely, without having to deal with people who unironically believe in "da jooz!". I'm not a communist, but I certainly prefer them over /pol/tards and nazis.


6) no and doing so is fucking lame unless its some polack spamming graphic images

7) Because leftypol is for the children

8) Don't be virgin rose tinters, be Chad chinless converters


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1. It's shit. I did not notice any change recently. /leftypol/ needs less groupthink, we need more anarchists.

2. I did not notice any change.

3. Too many retards parroting the holy scripture to shut discussion down instead of using their brains to think.

4. Bruh you can just check my post history.

5. Idk.

6. I used to but the mods never acted on it so I stopped.

7. I don't know of any other imageboard to talk about anarchism.

8. Stop LARPing about democracy and constitutions, it's cringe.


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Bad, but not as bad as before, at least you can find one or two people that are sensible. Still pretty shit though
yes positively, there were too many dumb threads before, whereas the smart threads died because people rather post in the dumb easy thread instead of actually participate in disscusion


dengeism, regardless of what you think in here it generally works like a cult, where you repeat certain dogmas instead of actually analysing anything, there are talking points which you process and acept, and then repeat almost word by word, instead actually reading about it, and generating your own opinion








i'm kiddapped against my will by the fact that every other website's communists are more shit than the ones here, which is a huge acomplishments


a chan is not and should not be a democracy, the same principle applies here as bordiga describes in his party thesis, the majority of people have a conciousness that is product of their enviroment, which means that outside of revolutionary situations it is pretty usual for people to have unexamined reactionary positions, it is only the class as a whole, and during revolutionary conditions in which these are stripped out of the proles, so if your institution tries to "get closer " to the masses through democratic means, then you will inherently adopt reactionary positions, leading you to the path of oportunism, only to be discarded as redundant as class conciousness grows and discards its previous positions as a whole. The same applies in this board, if you purse every policy people want here through democracy, you will inherently destroy this board, as most people here are red coated thinly veiled reactionaries


I wish ill to the moderation team for turning this place into r/socialism :)


1. Definitely went down since the merger
2. I don't know, its ok i guess
3. Before the merger there was a thread debating hegels ontology and the computational theory of mind in detail at a high level. Now there are shitposts galore. After the flunkerites came here the IQ of the board dropped 10-15 whole points, minimum.
4. its every day bro
5. Same amount
6. Only on obvious spam and /pol/bait
7. Because every other leftist "online space" sucks
8. theres not much to be done


Post quality has been worsening since OldBO left. Obviously the quality should be improved.


I think that the 150 char OP limit wasn't enough. It should go up as to 500 limit. Fuck criers.




I have been posting every day since the very beginning. (Oldfag.)


Less. Because I came to understand that under current circumstances my posts are in competition with 2 seconds respond shite.


I'm pretty sure I have the overall record in terms of overall reports filed in this community. On 8ch I've been one of the most vehement reporters of /pol/-shit, while being a regular reporter of spam & such. Here, I keep going to the matrix server whenever a spam session starts, and I report each and every spam post that are made.


Because I've received a shitton of book recommendations over the years and I've read a big chunk of them, moreover, I influenced IRL comrades to read them too, and I'm forever indebted to our anonymous community for recommending these. TL;DR: leftypol helped me to become from a vague "lefty" into a full blown Marxist, and I will never forger the debt I owe you comrades, moreover, you guys helped me to influence my IRL comrades in the same direction, so I literally think leftypol is helping IRL comrades of all stripes. BTW, I actually tried to bring in comrades into this community and succeeded, so cheers for that as well!


According to our current server owner about 50% of our posters are (((anglo))) [US+UK+AUS+etc.] while up to 80% of our mods are anglo. I take issue with this, because the ethno-cultural (mod) representation of the community does not match the actual poster makeup. I would like to see a mod team that matches in terms of representation the geographical makeup of the posters. Anything else I would consider an ((anglo)) oppression.



Meh, too many shitpost and derail threads. Its mostly a hit or miss but there have been a couple of good threads like the JFK one. I want more Marxist Leninist posting, even if it is already prevalent, I would like more critical analysis.

Retarded, since it won't stop spammers anyway. Nor does it help the quality of threads. Get a better filter and active people ( I know this part is really hard, but it is something to aspire towards)

Any of the debate threads are a waste of time


Bait and debate threads kill motivation since they are always the same arguments and circular logic.

6. I report obvious bait threads and any spammer.

When there is a good thread it keeps me interested for a while. So, I am chasing those thought provoking threads I like. The WEBM thread is also good since I find music and good inspiration from it.

8. Ban ultra left anti communist because they do nothing productive for the board… or really anything for that matter.


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
<implying quality discussions on an imageboard
there's been an influx of fash and clueless liberals lately, but I expect it will settle down in a week or two

>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

I didn't even notice this. seems like a good idea

>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?


>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

I've been posting every day due to being stuck in bumfuck nowhere

>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

more, because of the aforementioned bumfuckery

>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?


>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

because I've lost control of my life

>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?



1 - Post quality has been decreasing, certainly somewhat due to the new influx of people who are not so informed about leftist thinking, but there's been a continuous decrease of post quality that is unrelated to the influx of people.
2 - I haven't spotted any meaningful differences, it may have become worse for people discussing theory and such that requires lots of explanation, but this is rare due to post quality as previously commented
3 - I do not frequent it enough to answer it
4 - Bonafide lurker, I think my last post was a question to either the Peruvian guy or the Africananon in the Africa thread
5 - No more and no less, my nature is that of a lurker
6 - Never used it
7 - I mostly browse it during economic class when they are talking something stupid, otherwise I haven't yet found any site better than this one, I found that some people here frequent Matrix but I don't know the link to it


The mods do not consistently apply literally any of the rules, so the report function is useless and tbh this website would somehow run better if the mods just stopped doing anything because clearly they are incompetent.


1. About one or two worse takes per thread. Nothing that notable. I'd suggest more action against any low-effort replies to serious posts on /leftypol/.
2. Looking at the catalog, I'd say there's a notable improvement in OPs.
3. Lack of unique culture, telling newfags to fuck off instead of posting a simple intro infographic like that tall red three-column one (I'll reply with it later) and considering soyjaks an exception to /leftypol/ rules (on /b/ is one thing, but elsewhere is a violation of the manifesto).
If I can find more beginner infographics, I'd like to make an /edu/ thread for redirecting newfags to.
4. Semi-regularly, somewhat random but near-daily. I also post OC.
5. Nope :D
6. Yes. Usually spam and low-effort idpol which gets deleted.
7. No google/ads, onions, some comfy threads, some educational threads. Also I'm leftist.
8. Stop fighting over useless shit and be more transparent before voting on anything. Make more use of short (15m) bans for low-effort and idpol. Have you ever been banned for an hour? It halts a conversation. A multiple days is egregious and just repells naive users.


1. there have been quality increases and decreases in various periods of the board, i think its on average stayed pretty much the same

2. i understand this is a temporary measure and for what its supposed to do its done its job but it is not meant to stay

3. theres been more idpol of not necessarily threads or their ops themselves but which tend to veer towards that and i find that not to be what leftypol is about at all

4. daily with no specific schedule, just when i feel like it

5. more often than usual because i find this to be a great place to discuss things and would like to keep it that way

6. i do, for idpol mostly and obvious pol spam and bait

7. i like leftypol. i think its great and all the posters here are to thank for that. i think we have a great community here who are capable of both intelligent serious discussion as well as severely shitposty shenanigans

8. enforce no idpol and no sectarianism rule. i dont have a problem with you long as these are enforced because these are the core of leftypol


>mods: how can we make this place better?
>10%: jannies are gay reeeeee

Off-topic but can someone give me examples of some really good past threads?
Also hurry up with the fucking beginner reading list or this site will die.


>we need more mod diversity
Sure but how? They can't force people to apply.


>How can we make this place better? Please answer without criticizing us or our actions


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>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
After the split between .org and bunkerchan, I personally don't think it had any effect on the quality of the posts in .org (the legitimate succesor of leftypol as a whole). However the goon, d0llars, has the gall to open up to the liberals and the fascists online via Foreign Policy. It's not that the event deteriorated the quality on .org, but a potential warning from a tsunami of reactionaries.
>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?
I think you ought to bolster your rules by prohibting words that create shock value with the intention of OP not creating any value of discussion and being a fucking village idiot.
>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?
I'm not aware of any trends outside /leftypol/. Although, some trends that might've feel outside would always transition back to leftist politics and discussion.
>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?
My shift is from 8am to 6pm on weekdays. I mostly spend one hour lurking in threads and then being done with it. I post on weekends because it takes time and energy writing posts that have discussion value.
>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
Nothing has changed.
>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?
I report for spam and blatant glowie ops. It's to remind the jannies that they do this for free.
>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.
I browse not just to exercise my frontal lobe, but because i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE PLEBBITORS.
mp4 related


take #7 with a grain of salt. I'm already seeing plebbitors in here


>How do you feel about the general post quality on the board?
would like it to be better, as always
>Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events?
yes it's gotten worse, probably due to increased traffic of certain types (bunkercels and mossadposters)
>Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
shit needs to be more filtered and the users need to post better content

it didn't do shit

wojak script spam is back
do i really need to explain how an automated shitpost bot is low quality content?

>How often do you tend to post?
throughout the day at various times and levels when I have a moment

>Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual?
yes due to happenings

I report content that breaks rules and/or lowers board quality like obvious bait/derail posts.

I learn things and get to engage in dialogue about important topics without having real names or pseudonyms attached.
It's still probably the least shitty left wing community online.

Keep trying. It's a shitty thankless job and you don't have a handbook for how to do it well. I appreciate you even when you fuck up.


1. It has become a bit more chaotic, but nothing too out of the ordinary.
2. I mean, it's always a net positive since it limits the /pol/ one-liners or "what is the materialist explanation for x" threads.
3. I have no idea what this question is asking.
4. I'm just here to get things moving at my own erratic schedule. Mostly evenings and late night.
5. The same.
6. I report sometimes, but only when the post feels too American or it feels like one person shitting up the thread.
7. It's cozy here and feels like a place where older imageboard users actually end up.
8. The soyjak shit on /b/ is starting to get on my nerves, man. Specifically when it takes over half the fucking threads.


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
No changes really
>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?
>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?
>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?
I come at random and engage very rarely
>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
NO change son my end, my ratios must be stable
>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?
only to report chuds, gusanos and SJWs
>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.
I have no other place to be politically open
>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?
You guys are fags yet still don't suck my dick


1/3/4/5. Posting quality seems to have gone a smidge but mostly why I haven't been posting much lately is a lack of interesting threads. There can be many reasons why this is the case.

2. Stupid rule. Every board that has ever implemented a character limit for OPs has betrayed a fundamental misunderstanding of image boards (note: image boards are not text boards). You can and frequently do get interesting discussions generated from one-word OPs.

6. No matter what board I'm on, the only time I ever report posts is for obvious spam and off-topic shit. I'm not a little bitch who needs to be protected from wrongthink, I have a mind of my own and I come here to use it. Anonymous forums help me develop good argumentation skills.

7. To learn things I don't understand and help other anons learn things that only I do.

8. Always remember that a mod is only king of an empty castle without their community.


Question: what the hell ever happened to mods committing to citing a clear rule violation in their ban messages? Does anyone even remember that at this point? That was a great idea, bring it back. Vague, cheeky ban messages can be humorous at times but at the end of the day they always foster an in-culture of reduced mod accountability.


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Im ok with the posts from here. No. I think things will get better on their own.
I didn't like it, if you remove it it would be better.
when I have something that I believe is worth sharing.
No. I like the community, I learned a lot here, I only comment when I know that I will contribute to the discussion of the topic addressed.
spam and racism.
Because I like the community, there is no other site like this.
In my opinion you guys are doing a good job, I have been here since the split and I see that you guys are always open to criticism and help, always listening to the community and its demands, keep up the good work.


I'm saying do critisize.
Calling someone gay and telling them to kys is a meaningless insult, not a critisism.


1. Idk how it's changed after the redirect. Post quality is much better than it was on bunkerchan, though the bar in that case is so low that it's underground, so that's not saying much. Idk how you improve posting quality, aside from somehow implementing political education and getting some discipline in posters. Bear in mind that my comparison is the first few years of /leftypol/ on 8chan, imo that's the peak of posting quality on a chansite.

2. Stay the course. The low effort posters will either find work arounds or with continue to bitch and moan.

3. Heck if I know

4. I post very sporadically, usually to shotpost real quick, so I guess I'm part of the problem. I don't know, most of the time I don't think that the discourse is good enough to spend the effort really engaging people. And as I've gotten old, chan culture has lost it's appeal to me. Not that there isn't a place for shitposting, I just wish it was contained I guess.

5. Much less often compared to the 8chan days. Like I said, having this constant background of shitposting everywhere isn't something that appeals to me anymore. There's IRL stuff that contributes to this as well though. I work a full time job now, I have a partner, and I organize in two IRL orgs. So the days of endlessly scrolling chan sites are pretty much gone at this point.

6. I'm not posting often enough to report people.

7. This is why.
A. Newsanon. News anon is 99.9% why I still visit this site daily.
B. Finding current events in general.
C. Every once in a while, I come on looking for resources in /edu/, or a related board.

8. Bet you newfags can't triforce


1. Same. Seems more lax though but that's not bad.
2. These rules tend to be counterproductive because it encourages meaningless filler words and spam characters.
3. Idk
4. Random
5. More. I was unable to post at all before because bunkerchan had a screwed up captcha implemented and that was after I was on perma ban in a huge IP range for something I had nothing to do with.
6. Have not done so recently. Usually spam.
7. I have no where else to discuss such matters.
8. Not right now


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
Post quality has always been relatively poor, even since 8chan.
There should be "community events" where improving post quality is the goal. Quality posts come from anons, and anons are people - they should be taught how to post well, and they should be comfortable with doing it.
Encourage people to engage in more thoughtful discussion. Create a reading group sticky thread. Create a sticky to discuss the works of some theorist or revolutionary, or even important critics of left-wing thought (like Popper or Hayek). Create a sticky with general themes, like the TRPF or historical materialism. In all such threads, allow anons to propose and vote on topics for a week. The voted on topic becomes the thread theme for the rest of the month.
There's no need to simply use the banhammer or implement sweeping board rules like character floors. Simply give anons a reason to post more thoughtfully and some of them will do so. Those anons will be posting throughout the board, and others will learn from and imitate them.
>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?
Neither. The nature of the OP is what ultimately matters. It's entirely possible for one well though out question to produce more quality discussion than a blog post.
>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?
I don't know how to describe it as other than "hypermoralization". There is a growing tendency for posters to ignore any sort of critical thinking whatsoever and simply vent their rage and anger about certain people.
>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?
Sometimes very often, sometimes almost never.
>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
Less often, due to the lack of interesting topics to discuss, and quite frankly a lack of interest in left-wing politics. Why bother trying to read Marx and Engels when nobody cares enough to actually talk about what they wrote?
>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?
No, I never report anyone.
>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.
It's the only place I can think of where significant numbers of people can discuss left-wing politics WITHOUT rampant censorship and tone policing. Numerous flaws aside, I love leftypol place for this reason alone and I want to see it grow.
>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?
Remove the ban on discussing identity politics. I equate such a ban to admitting defeat. It's pathetic.


Critical support for jannies. Go on a general strike if the fuck jannies lumpens start fucking up discussions.


That's it, thanks.
Stuff like that is better than a simple "fuck off". In fact, attaching that to your "fuck off" is appropriate.
If I were at my computer I'd attach that "educate yourself/here have some statistics" left vs nazi image. That's what we collectively are and it's counter-praxis. We only have "fuck off" and "read a whole book", very few introduction so-called pills. Even WHITE JUCHE FUCK LIBERAL 1984 CENSORSHIP.mp4 is better than install gentoo "read a book".


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>noticeable decline
>150 minimal move anything less to /b/ that's why it's a thing
>More reactionaries and shitposts
>Lurk mostly and some flag fag posting
>More often mostly due to an active general
>never only would report if it's CP, spam or a constant shit post derail. Some shitposting is expected it's a chan.
>where the fuck am I going to go Reddit? You guys merced the only alt which was a shit call
>Yeah is there ever going to be actual transparency and communication with the community? Or is this just some more "community interaction" that doesn't fucking matter? Like the bunker cluster fuck that the majority of us didn't want.


I don't care about anything else but I want to address that there is a public matrix room dedicated to user input and feed back that the jannoids constantly default to in order to garner opinions.


Yeah and there was also a public sticky that talked about a potential merger where the majority were against. But the jannies ignored the users wishes and here we are.


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Yeah, I mean, you can cherry pick the one or two bad things the jannies have done or you can see the whole picture. It's your choice. Frankly, considering that the split never should have happened in the first place and the actions of D0llars, I can hardly blame the jannies. Imagine putting that much work into something for 3 years only to have everything you have done be taken away from you and then some faggot like d0llars who did nothing that whole time trying to steal your clout. Anyone who supported bunkerchan or supported the split in anyway is being a retard. I can hardly blame the stupid janoids. It was their work to begin with not Space or d0llars.


in fairness, most users were only clearly against a merger on the terms presented - not a merger in principle. the merger that resulted was on completely different terms, involving no concessions on .org's part.
unless, of course, you believe that actually it was all a set up.


Dude I never did support Bunker I left once I seen the news. But that doesn't change the fact they acted AGAINST the majority of the user base that interacted with the only forum available. I can understand why they did it but they shouldn't pretend they are representing the communities best interest when the act against it.

True but in the end of the day there was no say. The jannies had their plan from the start of their own omission the communities reaction didn't matter.


Look man, all I am saying is, outside of 1 maybe 2 events the jannies have, for the most part, respected the community and attempted to always at least bend to sed wishes of sed community and also act, at least some what, transparently which is more than any other staff can say in the history of imageboards ever let alone bunker and king d0llars who is now a memory. Are things kinda fucked up, at this point in time, yeah, sorta, but, things are looking up. Stop being such a doomer!


I'm trying to it's why I made my post. I do think the mods have done good much better than say Space or dollars but that's not much of an accolade. I bring this up and am being a dick about it since I don't want to see more shit like this. I want major decisions to not be called because of a conversation in Matrix the majority don't even see.


Checked. Mods = Gods confirmed. Although I'd say do11ars decided to be the bigger fellow and reached out to merge so in the end he's cool in my book.


>How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
Something shifted though I'm not clear on what. Only concrete quality thing I can mention is something or other should be done about haz shit dominating /ITG/ so hard; rarely is other content paid much attention at all

>Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

negative at the heart of it because i think the OP doesn't necessarily have to be quality to spark good discussion



>How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

daily, no schedule
Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
more but less in the general threads lately tbh cuz they've kinda lost tglowshit


>Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?

mostly for spam . sometimes for glowies posting glowshit

>Why do you browse /leftypol/?

talk to leftwingers with some chan experience + dont need an account


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?

leftypol's has been okay, same old same old

/b/'s development is muddled. It is fairly active but too many people are allowed to make singe post soyjak posts which has made it into a deserted tumbleweed town.

The board appears like we got raided or something. I would suggest limiting the amount of empty soyjak threads that clutter up the catalog and make it look like a ghost town. And if you want proof of all this you'll see a post quoting this on /b/ quite soon.

>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively


>3.Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?

There is no discussion level. This image board certainly has more effort posts than other image boards I come across with minimal shitposts sprinkled here and there.

>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

I post daily. Anytime during the day and sometimes at night.

>5.Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

More since I've started reading and gotten equipment to post more.

>6.Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?

Barely if anytime because the report feature feels very flimsy and captchas are out to get me. The mods are fairly quick at deleting shit, so I don't really sweat it.

>7.Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

This is the only place to talk to other communists anonymously without worrying about my life. It is not that well known, so it's a bit safer than other places. And you can talk about some stuff that would be bannable on other sites.

>8.Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?

Why do you do it for free? LMAO GOT 'EM

Just kidding, providing free labor to your comrades is honorable and appreciated.


phoneposters stay losing
take the PCpill


1. Yeah, impossible to not notice. The Bunkerchan op brought a lot of shitposters and newfags. There was a lot of shitposting the first weeks, but the situation seems to have improved as of now. Some annoying flag posters appeared.
2. It's alright. I don't notice many changes, I remember 8chan's leftypol doing this too and nothing changed much. I also don't think it should be enabled on casual boards like /b/ (if it is)
3. The Israel happening seems to have triggered a lot idpol lately, and some subtle /pol/yps trying to take advantage of this. Other than that I don't see new trends in posts.
4. Generally after work and late at night.
5. I personally try to not browse a lot. I was once sort of addicted to imageboards and I realized they were frying my brain and affecting me psychologically.
6. I use report for extremely low quality bait (generally /pol/yps who keep ban evading and posting the same bullshit) or gore / porn raids
7. I've been here since 2016. This is the only website with leftists I go online, and from what I hear it is the only good place. I was on 4chan for a decade but grew out of it. I've never used reddit or any social media.
8. Yeah: Don't fight each other, don't trust the glowies, remember they want to shut us down, read theory, add a search button on top, and don't ban soyjaks


1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
<I got shittier badly. Personally I think this is because of that article in normie media. Since bunkier redirects here all the normies, radlibs, poljack, etc got redirected here as well. Most likely it will go over, maybe we'll have few good (and many bad) posters left. You can always larp some CR to scare them away

2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?
<I didnt notice it.

3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?
<I am seeing more reactionary posts and people clearly not knowing even the basics. Not expecting everyone to know Marx by heart, but the shift towards gut feeling is visible

4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?
Usually in the mornings when I commute to work. Sometimes at home if topic is interesting

5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
<The same

6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?
<Not really, only when someone glows as all fuck with polfaggottry

7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.
<Really? Clearly i dont have anything better to do with my life if I sit here

8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?
<nope CIA


1. about as bad as it ever was, I can live with it
2. can't notice the difference
3. /itg/ turning into infrared thread is pretty bad but fuck it
4. I come to post all day where there are big happenings, otherwise I try to avoid the board to spend my time on slightly more meaningful things
5. less, I can't post for shit since cloudflare started tormenting me, I have to do their captcha every 10 minutes, sometimes twice and it doesn't fucking work half the time
6. when I see some shit that's about to derail
7. I like anonymous boards and this is the last bearable one after /pol/ colonized the rest
8. that's a cute cat


>less in the general threads lately tbh cuz they've kinda lost tglowshit
was supposed to say
>less in the general threads lately tbh cuz they've kinda lost their edge
no idea how it copypasted glowshit from the other


Quality of posting fluctuates from time to time. However we are at a pretty low quality right. Quality has dipped since the redirect and then the whole recent Palestine situation. Quality needs to be increased and mods need to be hammering people for short term bans a bit more in my opinion. The admins needs to make a declaration that they find post quality on boards overall too low from time to time. I want to strongly state that a high pph doesn't mean a good state of affairs.

>2. Neutral. It hasn't changed much.

>3. Lots of posts that need to be shifted into threads that are already up and available. They need to be redirected to certain generals. I too am at fault for creating threads that should go into /usapol/ at times. Discussion has gotten way too reactionary. It's hard to have discussion of difficult topics when we aren't even talking from an objective point of view.

>4. I go through spurts of activity. When I'm active, I could post several times within a few hours to once every week, etc. Just depends what is going on.

>5. More due to irl events.

>6. I use it when I find something completely reactionary or something that is just completely ruining the the thread or discussion. These reasons can blend in together too.

>7. I think anonymous imageboard communities are honestly fantastic for discussion. It's a way to really say what we want and not usually worry about the society's standards. You are judged strictly on your thoughts and how you present them via communication. Finding a place where I can talk about politics objectively and confirm that I'm not crazy and ensure that I keep myself from falling for the gaslighting irl is important for me.

>8. You guys get way more shit than you should. It's a very thankless job and extremely heavily scrutinized position. I know y'all are doing your best. Things can always be much better but I definitely wouldn't want to be in your position.


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
There's more fascists, crypto-fascists and libs. I don't know exactly how bad it is on /leftypol/ though, since I use the other boards more often.
>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?
I think it's good for OP quality. I've seen less garbage threads being moved to /b/.
>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?
I can't comment on this.
>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?
I stopped coming to the site for 2 days, but before that I used the other boards very frequently, and only came to /leftypol/ when there's a happening like the Bolivia protests and the Israel thing.
>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
Less, and I hope to quit for a while. Both because of IRL stuff and because I can't stand the way /b/ has been going lately anymore. As for /leftypol/ I just want to take a break from being so involved in political discussion, and I don't have much to contribute right now.
>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?
Sometimes I use it to report a lot, but not usually. Most of the stuff I report is reactionary shit or someone being annoying like a /pol/ or 4chan tourist. (Mostly on /b/ and my reports seem to be ignored most of the time.)
>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.
To read news and participate in interesting threads about big events from a leftist, non-liberal perspective which is rare elsewhere on the internet. I'm too busy right now to do much else like engage in more in-depth theory discussion or create OC. As for the other boards, to talk about different subjects and hobbies from a leftist, non-liberal perspective which is also rare elsewhere.
>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?
In addition to the soyjak shit on /b/ (which could be tolerable if it were contained into a couple of threads), the incel threads, reactionary posts and coomer threads are getting tiring.


I want to add to my last question and say that moderation should probably be less tolerant of right-wingers, liberals and reactionaries than it is now. But otherwise I think you guys are better mods than on other places.


1. Post quality is overall low, though better than typical reddit or fb threads. It seems to have declined over the course of the pandemic. The quality certainly needs to be increased, without tools like on the old forums I am not sure what can be done.

2. The idea was a good one, however I am uncertain as to how much it has helped post quality. At the very least it should help reduce short slogan bots from messing up the board.

3. Honestly, I feel like the b board is a bad influence on the rest of the site. It attracts poor quality users to the site.

4. I use leftypol sparsely, although I have increased use recently. On average over the past year the posts have been a couple of times a week.

5. More often, and its mostly due to social isolation.

6. I am not exactly sure how to use tbh. I have looked around but haven't found out how. Probably just blind hehehe.

7. Mostly to try and make marxist sympathizing friends from not western countries. The west is an ideological cesspool a more advanced stage then most other regions.

8. Some of the website form could use some updating. I don't see why it has to continue to look like a shit posting site from the 2000s.


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done

No, no need for anything.

>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

this is stupid and only serves to make it seem like theres more of a discussion happening, if someone can some up their points in less than 150 characters they shouldn't be forced to bs for more.

>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?

these threads.

>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

who the fuck has a schedule for posting, people post when they post. if there are no good topics to post on then no one will post.

>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

less because of idiots

>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?

you are the jannies, i shouldn't have to report.

>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

because bunkerchan and 8ch is dead

>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?

when will you quit


Post quality is alright, most of the popular threads are pretty good.
Don’t think it’s done much of anything
Semi-often. I post pretty much whenever.
I haven’t posted for the past few days because of irl stuff
Used to on d0llarschan but i don’t anymore
Bored and it’s one of the last good leftist communities online
best nhentai tag?


It's about as good as one could hope for, this place has a higher proportion of effortposts than most others. It's fine.
Counterproductive imo, people will just circumvent it by fluffing up their sentences wasting everyone's time
Just general dogmatism, ideological adherence and inflexibility. "if you're not with my specific narrow ideal of leftism you're with the rightoids" etc. It's to be expected in any political discussion space but it can get frustrating from time to time
completely random. maybe I'll post 6 times in a day and leave for 2 weeks, or anything in between.
I only showed up here about a month or two ago but I've been posting more and more.
Not really, I guess I'd only use it for spammers
This decade so far has been brain-meltingly awful and this is one of the few places to have uncensored discussions about what's really happening. I once scorned leftypol in the glory days of 8ch, but I've come around to this place since discovering it still exists after all these years. It's nice to shoot the shit with likeminded anons in a space that's inherently hostile to bullshit identity politics and neoliberalism - which I formerly conflated with leftist thought at large, as we all know they're so commonly and unfairly grouped.


Forgot to answer #8:
1) This site objectively kind of sucks to browse. Content notwithstanding, it's missing quote previews when mousing over replies within posts, there's no image hover, there's no basic 4ch-'tomorrow' style simple dark theme, it is just a complete fucking mess. which is fine, but those features would certainly make it feel more like home

2) I want to fuck commie cat


>it's missing quote previews when mousing over replies within posts
If I hover my mouse on that link at the top of this post for a second, it shows your post. Do you mean this or something else?
>no basic 4ch-'tomorrow' style simple dark theme
Am I missing something, or is that just this default theme with softer, blue/purple highlight colors? If so I can probably just mock that up for you quickly.


>If I hover my mouse on that link at the top of this post for a second, it shows your post.
haha whoops looks like it only does that hover if the quoted post is off-screen, like this post: >>7037


No action is required
Keep the minimum char limit for OPs, it is beneficial
Overly hysterical attacks on actually existing socialism should be banned. I'll leave it to the mods to decide what overly hysterical means.
Not often.
Same posting frequency
Very often, to report overly hysterical attacks on actually existing socialism.
To keep up with news and discuss with marxists
mods = gods


>If I hover my mouse on that link at the top of this post for a second, it shows your post. Do you mean this or something else?
I was mistaken, it looks like it only fails to show the OP and the rest of the posts are displayed fine when you hover over their post numbers.
As for the theme, it's fine the way it is. Just a nitpick tbh. The lack of image hover is the real killer here


1) huge uptick in libs and reactionaries, a lot more abysmal takes and fucking tripfags. start banning the obviously dishonest slimes derailung threads and spouting straight propaganda
2) positively
3) fucking namefags
4)random, between a few post in a day, and none a whole week
5) less, both because of irl stuff and because theres a lot more retard im not interested in bullying until they read a book and stop spouting literal msm propaganda
6) sometimes. for pol spam, sectarianism, and us propaganda relays
7) chill with fellow comrades discussing the world from a marxist perspective
8) ban dishonest libs


>1) huge uptick in libs and reactionaries, a lot more abysmal takes and fucking tripfags. start banning the obviously dishonest slimes derailung threads and spouting straight propaganda
>implying the mods will ban there m8s.


Faster threads is always better


Dislike it.


Debunk X posts


Every 2/3 days, more when things happen.




Never done it..


Got the habit from 8chan


I miss the B.O che era lmao


I think you've never been to a quality board (no, here isn't one, generally speaking)


<1 post quality is alright. some days better than others. after the redirect there is still less activity than there was on bunkerchan
<2 stupid way of trying to pad posts artificially
<3 less posters makes for less interesting content. increasing traffic is highest priority atm
<4 I end up checking in at least once a day
<5 no
<6 for spammers
<7 the openness allows discussion you won't see anywhere else on the left
<8 will you suck my cock for twenty dollars?


>This site objectively kind of sucks to browse.
This. Please fix it on iOS


1. seems fine
2. positively
3. nah
4. rarely
5. nah
6. almost never
7. only imageboard on the internet with interesting politics discussion
8. seems fine


>1. How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?

It's alright I say. I see an influx of people coming to spam and starts flame wars and a lack of effortposting and more shitposting. But needless to say, it's alright.

>2. Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?

Unnecessary and dumb tbh. Makes OP's posts feel out of context.

>3. Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?

The amount of threads that we have already have a specific thread for it. /pol/ spams and the number of people being baited.

>4. How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?

Twice a week I think. Mostly random.

>5. Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?

More. Due to free time.

>6. Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?


>7. Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.

I have been browsing here since 2017, I found this site more suitable to talk about my political beliefs here than Twitter, Reddit, ..etc

>8. Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?

No more schisms, don't be making the same stupid shit as Space did and the whole 8chan /leftpol/ fisaco.


I think it's gotten worse since the merge. there has been a growing mold of libertarianism in the posts on this board and it's getting on my nerves at this point. if I wanted people telling me that dignity is a spook I could just as well talk to the local police and get the same kinds of responses.
I don't imagine it will make much of an impact
people whining about "Infracels" is getting annoying, especially if you're someone who doesn't buy into egoist garbage
I post once a day on average, it used to be several times a day.
less often. I have IRL stuff but also the aforementioned factors. I'm sick of hearing from libertarian leftists and I don't really care what they have to say.
if it's something that's NSFW I'll report it, that includes Nazi shit.
I have stockholm syndrome and I keep trying to prove myself arguing with couch potato retards that have the understanding of the world of a 14 year old who just became an atheist.
stop trying to be like 4chan.


1. too much sausagefest and too little guidance for newcomers or casual posters. also too much drama. I don't think your community can handle this with so much brainloss from exodus and split dramas

2. neutral. String length itself is not good enough indicator of quality or potential of a post

3. sausagefest

4. once or twice a day during lunch breaks. Used to hang out on /b/ often before the merger

5. less. I'm bit jaded with the internet community stuff and busy IRL

6. never used it. sorry

7. old habit that I made when I was dumb Uni student. I genuinely learned a lot from oldtheoryfags. I don't think I am ML but I certainly respect their views and now I am a proud succdem who will make material difference unlike you losers.

8. I respect mods as a team. Some of you act rather immature when certain posters hurt your feelings. I am not asking you to be benevolent AI devoid of emotions but stop pretending like you are any more transparent or genuine human beings than old mods or space_ on that matter.


1. Surprising improvement since the last time I lurked. Will it last? Who knows.
Long term? Downwards. You don't need a survey to see this place has lost its energy and luster.
2. Pointless as long as the only shitposting board is used as a trash dump, like /b/ is currently.
3. Either take a hard line stance and excise any and all traces of bourgeois consciousness and turn /leftypol/ in an action platform, risking conflict with the userbase and the powers that be, or encourage people to relax and enjoy posting (what imageboards were meant to do, once long ago). All this drab shit and faux activism/digital adventurism only further entrenches the depressed and asocial userbase.
4./5. I've got two jobs. I post when I can.
6. I only report posts that are obviously breaking the rules (spam, off topic, etc). Because of previous, baffling decisions and actions by the moderation, I feel there is little use in reporting anything even vaguely in the grey area.
7. Feeling of commitment to a community I have been a part of since its inception and contributed a lot to. Faint hope we can go back to discussing politics with some levity and camaraderie, and get the OC mill going again as well.
8. Begrudgingly have to admit the gambit from a while ago was admirable. Put that kind of effort into stimulating the users and who knows what you can achieve (power being people, and all that).
Also, I appreciate the effort that has been put into making sure connecting to the site is covert. Particularly appreciate the anonymous mod who has brought that discussion here. I see you.


>3. Either take a hard line stance and excise any and all traces of bourgeois consciousness and turn /leftypol/ in an action platform, risking conflict with the userbase and the powers that be, or encourage people to relax and enjoy posting (what imageboards were meant to do, once long ago). All this drab shit and faux activism/digital adventurism only further entrenches the depressed and asocial userbase.
It would be easier to have two boards. One more traditional chill and fun leftypol. Another for the people that want a cadre.


>One more traditional chill and fun leftypol.
like a /b/+/leftypol/?
>Another for the people that want a cadre.
like a /leftypol/+/edu/?


basically old /leftypol/ and /edu/


>there's no basic 4ch-'tomorrow' style simple dark theme,
Try the "DemainDark" theme.


File: 1623112817602.png ( 484.86 KB , 538x485 , judy hopps desk.png )

Question 1: How do you feel about the general post quality on the board? Have you noticed a shift in quality since the redirect or any other recent events? Does it need increasing, and if so how should it be done?
Cat 3. Users saying post quality has declined recently: 22 (46.8%)
Cat 2. Users who felt there had been no change to post quality and it was okay or good: 14 (29.7%)
Cat 4.Users saying post quality is bad, but didn’t indicate that had changed recently: 7 (14.8%)
Cat 1. Users saying post quality has improved or is improving: 4 (8.5%)
Cat 4.Users saying post quality is bad, but didn’t indicate that had changed recently: 7 (14.8%)
Cat 5. Users whose responses were not clear or ambiguous (not included in total): 2
Users total: 47
Users who think the board is okay or improving (Cat 1+2): (38.2%)
Users who think the board is bad or declining: (Cat 3+4): (61.7%)

Question 2: Recently /leftypol/ implemented a rule requiring OPs to have at minimum 150 characters in order for them to post the OP. Do you believe this has affected new OPs since then positively or negatively?
Cat 1 Users who thought the character limit was good or had a positive effect: 16 (34%)
Cat 2. Users who thought the character limit was bad or had a negative effect: 15 (31.9%)
Cat 3. Users who thought it made no difference: 11 (23.4%)
Cat 4: Users who said they didn’t know or weren’t sure: 4 (8.5%)
Cat 5: User said it was good but should be treated as a temporary measure: 1 (2.1%)
Cat 6. Posts whose meaning was unclear or incoherent (not counted towards total): 1
Total: 47
Users who said the limit made no difference, hadn’t noticed it, or had no opinion (Cat 3+4): (31.9%)

Question 3: Are there any posting trends or other forms of content in /leftypol/ that you have noticed that you feel is outside of the expected level of discussion in /leftypol/, and if so what is it and why do you feel it falls short?
Cat 1: Did not notice any particular trends: 14 (28.5%)
Cat 4: Too much idpol: 7 (14.2%)
Cat 8: Too many dumb threads and shitposts/not enough interesting threads: 5 (10.2%)
Cat 5: Too much gatekeeping and enforcing of similar/orthodox opinions: 4 (8.1%)
Cat 6: Too much soyjack spam: 3 (6.1%)
Cat 3: Too many general threads: 2 (4%)
Cat 10: Too rude to newfags/not accommodating/helping them learn: 2 (4%)
Cat 11: Lack of unique culture or confusion about site identity: 2 (4%)
Cat 13: Too many duplicate topic threads, threads that should be sorted into existing threads: 2 (4%)
Cat 18: Too much discussion of Infrared: 2 (4%)
Cat 2: Too many pseudo-intellectuals: 1 (2%)
Cat 7: Too much Dengism: 1 (2%)
Cat 9: Too accommodating of ‘debate’ threads (with outsiders like /pol/): 1 (2%)
Cat 12: Lack of knowledge of Marxism: 1 (2%)
Cat 14: Too many threads by mods like this survey: 1 (2%)
Cat 15: Too many attacks on AES countries: 1 (2%)
Cat 16: Too many namefags: 1 (2%)
Cat 17: Increasing traffic should be the priority and standards should be relaxed: 1 (2%)
Total Post number: 49
Users that seemed to want more quality control of ‘low effort threads/posts’ (by staff) (Cat 4, 8, 6, 13, 18, 9): 19 (38.7%, or 54.2% if ‘did not notice any trends’ excluded)

Question 4: How often do you tend to post? Do you have a regular schedule of when you come on to post or do you come on more at random?
Cat 2 – Randomly, or with no pattern (not indicating every day): 16 (36.3%)
Cat 1 – I post every day, or, I post too much: 15 (34%)
Cat 3 – I don’t post that much, mostly lurk and read, or I rarely post: 5 (11.3%)
Cat 5 – I post weekly, or only on weekends: 4 (9%)
Cat 4 – I post more in the evenings: 3 (6.8%)
Cat 6 – I post more in the mornings during commute: 1 (2.2%)

Question 5: Have you found yourself posting more or less often than usual? Is it because of something to the board or irl stuff or something else?
Cat 9 – The same, no more or less: 11 (22.9%)
Cat 13 – Less, because I don’t have much to say, or I am engaging in real life more, trying to get off the internet, or I am no longer interested in talking to people online as much: 8 (16.6%)
Cat 5 – More because of lockdown/pandemic/nothing to do: 5 (10.4%)
Cat 2 – More (no reason given), or ‘always here’: 4 (8.3%)
Cat 4 – More because of current events/happenings or higher board activity: 4 (8.3%)
Cat 11 – Less, because of low board quality or too many shitposts: 4 (8.3%)
Cat 1 – Less often, because the board is too slow/boring: 3 (6.2%)
Cat 7 – More, because other sites are bad, or I’m using social media less: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 12 – More, because the site is good and I like it: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 3 – More because of unemployment: 1 (2%)
Cat 6 – It depends, my activity fluctuates: 1 (2%)
Cat 8 – Less (no reason given): 1 (2%)
Cat 10 – Don’t know: 1 (2%)
Cat 14 – Less, because of technical issues and/or not being able to post: 1 (2%)
Total: 48
I use the site less (Cat 13, 11, 1, 14): 17 (35.4% total, 47.2% excluding ‘same’ or ‘don’t know’)
I use the site more (Cat 5, 2, 4, 7, 12, 3): 18 (37.5% total, 50% excluding ‘same’ or ‘don’t know’)

Question 6: Do you often use the report feature? If so, what is the reason why you usually report posts?
Cat 4: I have used the report feature because of a post I didn’t like/thought broke the rules (that wasn’t spam/CP – for example, for idpol, or for being ‘glowposting’, etc): 16 (33.3%)
Cat 3: I don’t use the report feature at all: 13 (27%)
Cat 1: No, except for CP or spam: 11 (22.9%)
Cat 2: I usually report spam: 3 (6.2%)
Cat 5: I use the report feature very often (combination of reasons): 3 (6.2%)
Cat 6: I do not use the report feature anymore because I was not satisfied with the response/that posts were removed: 3 (6.2%)
Cat 7: I do not/rarely use the report feature because of captchas: 1 (2%)
Total: 48
I do use the report function when I feel it is needed: (Cat 4, 1, 2, 5): 33 (68.7%)

Question 7: Why do you browse /leftypol/? This is an open-ended question, answer as you like.
Cat 2: There is nowhere else to go, or all other sites are worse, or “I just hate Reddit”: 13 (27%)
Cat 4: I like to be anonymous, or I like the imageboard format while discussing leftism: 8 (16.6%)
Cat 7: Enjoyable or unique board culture, or “I like the posters and the community”: 8 (16.6%)
Cat 3: Because of effortposters, news posters, and/or people who use/read sources: 5 (10.4%)
Cat 1: I’ve been here a long time, it has become a habit, or I want to see it through: 4 (8.3%)
Cat 6: I enjoy having a diversity of opinions and different takes: 3 (6.2%)
Cat 9: /leftypol/ has helped me to become better read, or had made me a better Marxist: 3 (6.2%)
Cat 8: Joke answer or quip: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 5: Because of funny memes: 1 (2%)
Cat 10: There are just some specific threads that keep me coming back: 1 (2%)
Cat 11: Tor access/onion access, and general pro-security culture: 1 (2%)
Cat 12: To meet leftists from outside the west/outside my country: 1 (2%)
Total: 48
Non-sourpusses who had something nice to say about /leftypol/ in some way or another: (all Cats but 8 and 2): (70.8%)!

Question 8: Any comments for the mod team that is not related to any of the above questions?
Cat 4: Don’t know, or no comment, or nonsense/joke answer: 9 (18.7%)
Cat 7: You are better than other mod teams and/or I like you and you’re doing your best: 6 (12.5%)
Cat 2: Generic channer anti-jannie nonsense (no substantive criticism): 5 (10.4%)
Cat 5: You are not being strict enough, you are lazy, or you are letting board quality decline: 4 (8.3%)
Cat 11: Ban ultraleft anticommunists/liberals because they add nothing: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 13: Be more transparent, there is not enough transparency and user’s wishes are ignored (for example regarding the merger with Bunkerchan): 2 (4.1%)
Cat 14: Too many soyjaks on /b/: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 18: Don’t fight each other and cause another split: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 20: The website is too old-fashioned looking and needs updating, or the site lacks features/functionality: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 9: Stop LARPing about democracy and constitutions, or, don’t be democratic because it will ruin the board: 2 (4.1%)
Cat 1: You are too controlling: 1 (2%)
Cat 3: Mods should avoid unnecessary drama: 1 (2%)
Cat 6: Every thread should be auto-archived: 1 (2%)
Cat 8: You should focus more on converting /pol/acks and not nostalgia: 1 (2%)
Cat 10: There are too many Anglo mods, which doesn’t represent the community: 1 (2%)
Cat 12: The rules are inconsistently applied and the mods suck: 1 (2%)
Cat 15: Be more careful not to alienate the community and keep them in mind: 1 (2%)
Cat 16: Mods agreed to commit to clearly stating rule violations in their ban messages, but do not do this consistently – it reduces mod accountability: 1 (2%)
Cat 17: Remove the ban on identity politics, as it is admitting defeat: 1 (2%)
Cat 19: Don’t ban soyjaks: 1 (2%)
Cat 21: I miss oldBO/Che: 1 (2%)
Cat 22: Stop trying to be like 4chan: 1 (2%)
Cat 23: Some of you act rather immature when certain posters hurt your feelings: 1 (2%)
Cat 24: The gambit of taking Bunkerchan was admirable, put that effort into stimulating the users: 1 (2%)
Cat 25: I appreciate the effort being put into making connecting to the site is covert/TOR access: 1 (2%)

Overall analysis and my conclusions:

It is most clear from these results that /leftypol/ is a land of contrasts. The demands of users often contradict those of other users, which also reflects the divergence of opinions in the moderation team. While this obviously makes plotting a course as a site difficult, I also view it as a positive sign that there is largely speaking, no obvious direction which the moderators need to take – which suggests that we have reached a somewhat happy medium as a site. I believe that any corrections in course which still need to be made should be careful not to upset the existing balance by overcorrecting in one direction or another.

There was some pessimism evident in the responses to question one, which is a worrying sign, but at the same time, pessimism is relatively common on the left and on imageboards in general. In many of the other questions, some users expressed that /leftypol/ was their only option, or lamented that the site was the best out of a bad bunch. This, when coupled with the fact that site activity is stable and has increased since the Bunkerchan merger in both PPH and unique IPs suggest that we have not gone too far wrong in our actions. We the moderators of /leftypol/ cannot be responsible for the wider internet or for the wider social trends. While I’m sure it would be more enjoyable to use /leftypol/ if a wave of revolution was sweeping the world, we must equally do our best to maintain the site even in an apparent age of stagnation and counter-revolution.

In addition, around 15% of users expressed that the board quality was inadequate, yet that it was no worse than it ever had been in the early years of the board. This raises the question of why those users decided to stay so long regardless, and gives more credence to my theory of ‘in-group pessimism’. Cultural factors also go some length towards describing the prevalence of generic anti-moderator rhetoric both in the survey and across the site as a whole. While we should not simply disregard such comments out of hand, we also should not give them too much weight and should focus on responding to substantive criticisms. After all, we cannot simply abolish ourselves, moderators are a necessary part of the operation of the imageboard.

With that said, we should address specific feedback as needed. For example, on the matter of the 150 character limit for /leftypol/ and /edu/, the feedback has been mixed, with a slight lean towards the positive. In addition, many users did not notice the change or had no opinion. Perhaps the next survey, which will take place after the limit has been in effect for several weeks, will be more conclusive one way or the other. A more obvious problem is the perceived decline in posting quality since the merger (or before it), which was highlighted by a decent number of users. By my analysis, 54% of users (who did not give ‘no opinion’) felt that we should make more of an effort in controlling low-effort posting and encouraging ‘higher’ forms of discourse. I believe we should take that feedback on board and should take action - yet while also taking note not to ‘overcorrect’ as I pointed out above.

Moving on, it seems clear that the coronavirus pandemic has influenced posting trends on the board. Many users expressed that they had spent more time on the board because of lack of employment, or lack of access to social and leisure activities outside the home. In addition, a large contingent (around 22%) of users expressed that they had begun to use the board less in order to spend more time offline or engaging in in-person leftist activities.

While this is obviously a negative impact on traffic, it is probably a good thing overall for users to have other outlets than /leftypol/, and it may serve to ‘refresh’ the discourse on the site for users in general to spend more time engaging in leftist activities outside of the board (or engaging in more social/leisure activities in general). These trends lead me to believe that, bearing other developments, we may see a reduction in traffic as coronavirus restrictions are eased and employment figures climb up somewhat, so we should try not to panic if such a thing occurs. After all, /leftypol/ is here for hard times.

To address another point, it seems that the majority of users (nearly 70%) who replied to the survey have used the report function before and continue to use it when they feel it is necessary – though some would only use it in response to blatant spam, this is a fine use of the system and a positive sign that most users feel invested in the quality of the site and of site cleaning. There is of course the point that the respondents to the survey may not represent the average user – the users who felt invested enough to engage in the survey are likely to be ‘power users’ who are among the contingent that use the site the most. This theory is backed up by the fact that most of the respondents expressed that their site activity was very high (relatively speaking) and most of them used the site most days, or every day.

This fact means that we cannot entirely rely on the results of this survey, but we should simply use it as one additional data-point which allows the most invested users to have their say. We should continue to use a variety of methods to build our models of user opinion and our own personal views on what direction the site should take. Our next survey will attempt to use more quantitative questioning methods in order to make analysis of the results easier. Hopefully, this will contribute to a greater understanding for us all and therefore better decisionmaking.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the survey, and to all users for their continued patience! – Caballo


mucho texto


excellent, thank you




I read it


>Cat 21: I miss oldBO/Che: 1

Fucking embarrassing, lawl. Like being the only vote during the class representative election.


Tor gets blocked by CloudFlare on the clearnet domain. I know there's an onion domain but the connection is too slow to watch certain videos that are posted. And frankly its only benefit that I see is having a backup if clearnet domain gets censored.

So if possible unblock Tor in your CloudFlare's settings.


It limits a lot of spam :/ especially "the bad spam".

A read-only mirror of the site could be good. It might also serve as a backup. Idk.

Unique IPs: 62

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